I've wanted to write this for ages so here it is. I have a whole story mapped out but I'll see how this is received first. This is my version of Season 1 Daroline. Thank you to EternalTerror and DomOx for helping me with ideas, you are both amazing! I hope everyone likes it, review and let me know what you think if you want this story to continue.

Warning: This is rated M for a reason!

A horrific scream echoed around the room, vibrating and bouncing off the walls as Caroline sank her head back into the pillow, tears spilling from the corners of her eyes, short, sharp pants escaping her lips as pain riddled her body. Damon glanced over her petite frame, a deathly stare flickering in his eyes as he placed the cold blade between his lips and licked along the serrated edge, his body buzzing as her sweet blood seeped into his mouth and rolled terrifically against his tongue. He watched her, an amused chuckle slipping from his lips as he placed the knife back against her thigh, Caroline peering down at him with pain stricken eyes, pleading silently with him to stop his assault, her body unable to take much more. "If only you would let me play with you" he snarled, twirling the tip of the blade against her most sensitive spot, dancing it up and down the joint between her leg and her core.

Caroline thrashed her head from side to side, her body broken, every fibre in her begging her to just give in.

"I will break you" he sniggered, slicing into her porcelain skin once again, watching sadistically as blood oozed from the small incisions, veins webbing and pulsing under his eyes as the delightful smell of her wafted into his nose. Caroline shrieked painfully, her face overwhelmed with the faintest shade of red, her teeth piercing her lips as she struggled for some sense of control, some respite to the pain being inflicted upon her.

Damon swooped down, his fangs sinking deeply into her delicate skin, sucking harshly on the sore slits, her hips bucking violently in protest, not wanting his touch anywhere near her. He pulled away, flashing her a sinister glare, an evil glint twinkling in his oceanic eyes as she dared to fight with him. He slapped her viciously across the face, the force snapping Caroline's head to the side, a small yelp escaping her cracked lips. He maintained his stare on her as he slowly returned between her legs, his tongue avidly plucking at the wound he had created, tempting more blood from it, relishing in the delicious taste of her.

She sobbed silently, her chest heaving up and down as she clenched her eyes shut, willing herself to be somewhere else, anywhere else but here...with him. Damon shook as she buzzed in his veins, tremors of pleasure rippling through his body as she travelled rapidly through his system, his tongue poking out from his mouth and glazing over his blood coated lips, savouring every drop of her, his body engulfed in pure bliss. He knew there was something about her, he could smell it from afar, she tasted other worldly and possessed a fighting streak that made his cock twitch, he would break her...he thought.

Damon's pupils dilated, sounds slowly beginning to fill his ears, drawing him back to reality. He blinked a few times, watching the blonde across the street, his mind racing with the future memory that had just collided around in his head.