Authors' Note: Hello, this is Xaria and me (Xenos). This is our first FanFic ever. Hopefully, we'll keep our first-timers' mistakes to a minimum. Even though we are co-writers of this story, Xaria broke both of her wrists and has not been able to help me for a while. This, coupled with procrastination, has caused us to be behind on our writing. Anyway, we finally finished it and got it online, so here you go. We hope you enjoy.

Tamaki and Kyoya were sitting in Classroom 2-A, making small-talk and such (such being Tamaki flirting with all of the girls). It was still the first week of school, so everyone was adjusting, meaning everyone was either a super-zombie (like Kyoya) or a minor zombie. The exception to that rule, of course, was Tamaki: the man that never ran out of energy.

Anyway, the chatter stopped when two foreign girls wandered in. One had brownish-blond hair (probably died) and the other had light brown hair. The blonde's eyes were a faded green, and the brunette's eyes were a tad darker. Both girls had a pixie-styled cut: very feathery, short, and layered to form perfectly around their round, pale faces. They were the same height, around five-foot-six with subtly curved bodies, adorned in the school's female uniform.

"Hi!" the blond said. "Sorry we're late. There was a storm in England, so our flight was rescheduled a few days later than we would have liked. We would have been here at the start of the school year, had that not happened."

Tamaki, always the energetic one, got up with a flourish, "Why, my dear, there is no reason to apologize. Someone with beauty such as yours is never at fault." Tamaki gently lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it, causing an eruption of high-pitched fangirl screams from around the room. The brunette could have sworn she saw hearts floating around all of the fangirls' heads. Tamaki continued, "My little cherry blossom, please grace us with the angelic sound of your name."

The blonde seemed uninterested in his demeanor. Something about him just... turns me off? No, that's not the phrase. Wait, I have the perfect description of the situation, she thought. "What the hell?" she blurted. The princely young man was so shocked that he ran behind Kyoya's chair and started to whimper.

"MOMMMMY!" Tamaki whined. "That girl said a mean word at meeeeee!" Kyoya sighed, adjusted his glasses, and walked up to this duo of new students.

"You must be the Kokyuna twins, Remy and Yuki," he gestured to each in turn. "My name is Kyoya Ootori. It is truly a pleasure to meet you." Finally, a guy that has sense and doesn't want to touch our butts like those perverts in the hall from before, the girls thought simultaneously.

"Nice to meet you, too, Ootori-kun," the blonde, now known to everyone as Remy, answered.

"Please, call me Kyoya." As he said this, he smiled his signature fangirl-award-winning "cool-type smile" (He won an Emmy, for your information) and extended his hand, expecting her to return it cordially. Cold silence crept by as she stood still and ignored his gesture. Yuki, meanwhile, was staring off into space. Oblivious to Remy, he pulled his hand back and coughed awkwardly.

Nobody denies anything from Kyoya Ootori, the crowd of onlookers similarly thought, as if they could read each others' minds, and live to tell the tale.

Now understanding the situation perfectly, he smirked to himself, and said, "Well, Remy-san and Yuki-san, I hope you come visit us at the Host Club soon. Tamaki-kun and I are the President and Vice President of the group."

Remy smiled and replied, "Not at the moment, but thank you for asking. We need to spend some time to adjust to school life. Especially since this is our first year of not being homeschooled." Everyone became interested by this statement, and several people began bombarding the twins with endless questions. Wow, they have no life, she thought.

Due to loneliness and boredom, Tamaki sprang back up and joined the conversation. As the twins continued the conversation, they grew more tolerant, little by little, to Tamaki's jacked-up-on-Mountain-Dew behavior.

By the time the sensei came into the classroom, Remy and Yuki were comfortable with Tamaki and Kyoya, so they decided to sit in the row next to newly met host members. The sensei called role and began class.

"Now class, we are going to continue our notes on comparing and contrasting neurological diseases versus mental diseases. Please open your books to page forty two." Remy and Yuki both smiled at the topic for today.

Everyone followed directions except for Remy, which Kyoya and many others noticed, including the sensei.

"Remy Kokyuna, Why do you not have your book open or any paper to write with?" he asked, not noticing or caring about the fact that she had not been in her class before (or her sister, for that matter).

She sighed and replied, "Sensei, I simply do not need them."

The sensei seemed offended by this statement, "Why, pray tell, do you have no need for the book or notes?"

"I have a perfect phonographic memory. I only have to listen."

The sensei got the impression that she was being narcissistic.

"Sir, I am not being a narcissist. It is the only way I learn." Remy said aloud. This, admittedly, freaked out the teacher.

He mumbled something incomprehensible and then spoke up, saying, "Well, then. Let's continue with the lesson."

The teacher carried on with the notes until he noticed Remy staring out the window. He thought she was spacing out. However, in reality, she just had her head turned so she would be able to hear him better.

"Remy, please repeat what I just said." the sensei commanded, with a not-so-subtle tone of triumph.

She stood up and did just that, word for word, without missing a single detail. She even stated information that the teacher had yet to explain due to her vast knowledge of disorders and diseases of the nervous system. Finally, she sat back down, practically teaching the entire lesson to the class. All of those in the class were surprised, with the exemption of her sister, who knew the entire lesson as well.

The bell rang and the students shuffled out of the classroom, following the American version of class changes: the students going from class to class instead of teachers traveling. Remy had a Math class with Tamaki and Yuki next, but Kyoya would be in the classroom next door.

Once they had arrived to their next classroom, Tamaki came over to the twins and asked, "Would you two ladies like to come visit the host club today after school?"

Remy just shrugged. "It's no real use to go over there today. Kyoya will force us to join the Host Club soon, so he can keep close tabs on us because we will have found out about Haruhi being a girl."

You could see Tamaki's ears perk up as this name was uttered. "Who's Haruhi?"

Remy was startled. "Oh crap. I just spoiled the plot line for the upcoming episodes."

Do you realize what you just did?

Remy became more calm. "Don't worry, Narrator. Just watch how easily I can bend the will of this simple-minded fool." Remy went over to Tamaki, pulled out a fog watch, and started chanting, "You will forget everything you just heard."

Tamaki became engrossed by the hypnotizing effects of the watch, and he was soon asleep as Remy ended the chanting.

Remy looked back up at the great, all-powerful Narrator. "See? Everything's better now."

Umm... not for long.

Then Kyoya waltzed in and instantly noticed Tamaki sucking his thumb with his head down on the desk. "Remy, now you know what happens when you pay off the Narrator for spoilers."

"How did you know I paid her off?" Remy responded.

Kyoya was blocked into a corner with that remark.

Well, he paid me to tell him about what you and Yuki were doing whenever he wasn't around. He wants me to be especially detailed when it comes to you two being around his BF.

"Uhh... didn't you leave out an 'F' there?"

Did I, Remy? DID I?

"That's not creepy at all," Remy said sarcastically. "Anyway, why would you accept his bribe?"

Kyoya retorted, "Why would she accept yours, Remy?"


I like money...and I REGRET NOTHING!

"That answers that," Remy answered. "You know what, this story is going way too screwy right now to fix alone. Narrator, I'll pay you twice as much to reset the plot line to before it went crazy."


"Fine. I'll triple it."

Deal. Dammit, I'm gullible.

"Nice doing business with you," Remy thanked.


"Wait a second," Remy interjected. "If you reset the story back to before I told Tamaki about the near future, wouldn't a huge part of this chapter be like to the reade-"

So you have wished it. So it shall be.

You like? READ AND REVIEW! Xaria and I are open to any criticism you guys have to throw at us.