A/N: Well! Looky who hasn't updated in forever. Me! Just to clarify, I'm pretty sure accepting some requests for poems to write isn't making a story interacting, do you think? I mean, there isn't really a way to make poetry… uhh… interactive. Oh well. Here we go!

Connor: Sidekick Extraordinaire


What a funny word, huh?

I mean, is it a kick in the side, or a side that kicks?

That doesn't matter.

I mean,

Don't get me wrong or anything.

I love my brother.

Two peas in a pod!

Without him, who would I be?

But that's just my problem, isn't it?

I'm lost without him,

He reminds me every day.






But does anyone else understand that?

Can anyone else understand me?

I just don't get it!

I guess Leo and I have a lot in common.

Oh, come on.

Don't act so surprised that I know all

About Leo's troubles.

He grumbles louder than he thinks he does.

I mean, not everyone cares to hear.

Not everyone listens.

I'm used to not being heard, trust me.

With a brother like Travis,

Is it such a surprise I hardly have time to talk?

Leo and I have a lot in common.

We both play the part of loyal sidekick.


Don't get me wrong,

I really, really do love my brother.

I mean, in a guy sort of way of course.

I just…

He gets all the attention.

Like, all the attention.

No exaggeration.

He gets the girl,

He gets the glory,

He gets the guts beaten out of him by angry prankees.

Okay, maybe I'm not jealous of the last part.

But still!

I just… I need to make you understand.

I'm not too filled with emotions.

I'm not good at expressing them like this.

I feel flat all the time,


(And I don't mean that creepy boy band.)

I'd just like to break free.

I want to pull up my big boy panties and do it all on my own.

Trust me, if I could,

I would.

I want to


I want to use my

Superstoll powers to go out on my own,

Complete a quest,

Do something great,

Be Connor Stoll.

Be someone great.

Be someone looked up too.

Be a hero.

I want my brother to look at me and say,

"Hey bro. I'm actually pretty proud of you.

You didn't screw it up this time.

There's no one I'd rather be than Connor Stoll's brother."

Of course, that's not going to happen.

So for now I guess I'll have to be content.



I need to go now.

Can't be late for the SideKicks convention.

I mean, I still need to give Leo and Grover rides.

A/N: Don't know how I did with this one. I kept feeling emotions to put in here, but not having the words to express him. I'm afraid I might have made him too… I don't know… not anything. If that makes any since at all? Well, let me know how I did with a review. Thanks!
