Maura paced back and forth, the clicking of her heels echoing in the hallway. She was standing outside of Jane's apartment, pausing every once and a while to raise her hand to the door, only for it to drop back to her side. And once again her pacing would resume.

"Maura Isles get a grip! Just knock! She is your best friend she won't judge you!"

Pausing once again at the door she just couldn't make herself knock. She was surely burning holes in the floor with her shoes tapping again and again back and forth.

As she continued to pace Jane opened the door. "Maura I realize that you are struggling with something right now but please come inside before you wake my neighbors."

Maura jumped, a deep blush covering her face. "Oh umm I'm sorry Jane."

"Don't apologize, just come inside… and take those shoes off." Jane smirked at her, stepping aside to allow Maura in. Striding past her Maura stepped inside, and kicked off her shoes.

"I didn't wake you did I?" Suddenly nervous that she had.

"No. I was watching baseball before your shoes got the better of me."

"You heard me right away?" Maura asked shocked.

"Yeah, but you seemed to need a moment to yourself. I would have let you continue, but your shoes started to echo."

"Right of coarse."

"Want some wine?" Jane asked, moving into the kitchen. Since meeting Maura Jane had been keeping wine in her fridge, some good cheese, and other healthier foods for times when Maura came over. Like now.

Maura walked up silently now that her shoes were off, sliding into one of Jane's kitchen table chairs. "Thanks."

"Welcome." Jane smiled, taking a seat next to her, a beer in her own hand. "So what is it you have to tell me that has you so worried?"

Maura shifted, fidgeting with the rim of her wine glass. "Well umm…"

Jane saw the apprehension in her eyes. Reaching out she placed her hands on top of Maura's. "Hey it's just me. Relax."

Maura sighed, looking from the table up to Jane's eyes. "I'm sorry I'm just nervous I guess."

"How about this. When you are ready to tell me come get me. Until then I'll be in my room letting you think. Okay?"

"You would do that for me?" Maura asked shyly, something not very common for Maura.

"Like I've said before Maura. I would do anything for you." Standing up Jane set her beer in the kitchen, before walking back to Maura. She leaned down and placed a small kiss to the side of her head, before heading into her bedroom.

Maura sighed, dropping her head in her hands as she tried to rationalize and come up with a way to tell Jane what was on her mind.