Kit: Hello everyone!:D Welcome to another chapter of "A Blue Flame"!^o^
Fang: Took you long enough.
Kit: Well...sorry about that readers!D: I started a new story, and you know that damn life of mine got in the way.:c Yes readers, I have a new story!^o^ I think that if you like "A Blue Flame" then you will surely like this one!^w^ So go check it out after you've enjoyed this chapter!:D
Max: Shamelessly advertising your stories, it doesn't even look that good. *reading summery*
Kit: Well you can just go suck it Max!D: I like it and I'm writing it and that's all that matters!xc
Fang: Lies. Get on with it already!
Kit: *sigh* This is what I have to deal with. .-.
Disclaimer: Don't own. Don't sue.
Warning: Meh, same old fluffiness that Kit injects into all her stories.
Kit, you seem to have a fetish for starting and ending chapters with kissing and sleeping...
Kit: So?D: That's how I roll Warning!
Warning: *sigh* This is what I have to deal with. .-.
Kit: ...Well, normal writing looks like this: Sorry for the late update..
Thoughts look like this: Cat pee glows in the dark.
Scene/time change looks like this: (*)..(*)..(*)
This story being beta by Carrie2sky.(Thank you!)
And that's it!:D
Happy reading!
Ciel gasped into the small kiss while Sebastian, always the one to jump on opportunities, took advantage. He plunged his tongue into the small mouth, tasting every inch of the warm cave. Ciel was frozen with his mouth open, lifelessly letting the demon roam in his mouth freely. He watched the man with wide eyes as he continued to kiss him passionately.
Is he going to do it now? Ciel thought closing his eyes tightly, readying himself for whatever the demon had in mind.
Sebastian was deeply kissing the boy, but it was meaningless to him. For the demon it was like sampling a nice food, nothing more and Sebastian loved the way the boy tasted. However, he wondered why the child was suddenly so obedient. He broke away from Ciel, letting him breathe and gave him a curious look.
Ciel panted slightly, the lack of air making him even more flushed. He looked up at Sebastian, a sad looking expression glazing his blue eyes. Sebastian waited for him to blow up, but the boy just looked up at him as though he were expecting something from Sebastian.
A devilish smirk made its way to Sebastian's face and he wondered how far the boy would let him go. He got Ciel's chin between his pointer finger and thumb and leaned close to the boy, their lips only a few centimeters apart. Sebastian leaned even closer so their lips were only a hair apart.
"What are you waiting for Ciel?" He whispered; his warm breath ghosting over Ciel's lips.
Ciel pulled away from the man and turned his head to the side, hair falling over his eyes. He was leaning back on his hands now, eyes down cast in embarrassment. So he didn't want anything, he was just kissing me for the hell of it, ugh.
"I'm not waiting for anything." Ciel was glad that his bright red face could be blamed on his high fever. He suddenly shoved Sebastian's chest. "Get the hell off me, you damn demon!"
This made Sebastian smirk, but he didn't move away from their closeness.
Ciel fed up awkwardly wiggled away from the demon and to his embarrassment fell off the bed. The boy fell to the ground with a small shriek, landing painfully on his arm, as he let out a groan at the pain and humiliation, while Sebastian busted out laughing.
The demon's bed was high up, and from the top of the mattress to the floor was about a yard. The boy thought that air was ground and had lost his footing.
Ciel sat up from the ground, glaring at the laughing man. "Don't laugh at me! It's your fault for having such a god damn high bed!" He huffed, too tired and frustrated to pick himself up from the ground. He closed his eyes and leaned against the huge bed, rubbing the area on his arm were he'd hit the floor.
Sebastian stopped laughing and looked down at the boy; a smirk still present on his face. He got off the bed and leaned down, picking the boy up. Ciel grunted, giving a lame complaint before giving up, too tired to do much of anything. Sebastian then placed Ciel on the bed, sitting in the chair he had sat in before.
Sebastian crossed his legs and put his elbow on the armrest, resting his head on his fist, giving Ciel a lazy, but amused smirk. The boy grew self conscious as the man continued to stare at him. Ciel looked at Sebastian and sighed; all he really wanted at the moment was sleep. He curled his legs closer to himself and pulled a blanket over his body, hiding.
Sebastian noticed the nervous gesture. Amused, he waited to see what the boy would do.
Suddenly, something caught in Ciel's throat that triggered a coughing fit. The sick boy sat up and coughed into his fist, trying to get control of his breathing. Sebastian watched carefully, ready to help the boy if it lasted too long. Ciel's lungs calmed down a few coughs later and he gave Sebastian an anger filled glare.
"Why don't you just use your powers to make this damn cold go away?" He asked, his voice choked and scratchy from the cold.
Sebastian frowned at the boy's question. "I can heal cuts and bruises very easily, but germs are more complex. I have never tried to heal anything that was sick before. I didn't even know you had a cold before Madam Red came."
Ciel sighed and leaned back on a fluffy pillow, closing his eyes in frustration. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"
Sebastian smirked at Ciel and got up. Understanding the hint, he decided that it would be better if the boy rested. Then a thought came to his mind.
"Ciel, do you want your own room?"
Ciel opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Sebastian. He raised his eyebrows and blinked, surprised at the offer.
"Yes, I would." Ciel made a move to get up, but Sebastian beat him to it and picked the boy up bridal style.
Ciel growled but gave up trying to get the demon to let him walk like a normal person. Sebastian carried the boy to one of the many nice guest rooms he had and set the small boy onto the plush bed.
Leaning down he placed a quick kiss on one of Ciel's warm cheeks. "Get well soon, Ciel." Sebastian whispered into Ciel's ear, his tickling breath making the boy shiver. "I'll check on you later, get some rest."
With that he departed, leaving Ciel with his hand on his cheek, where he had been kissed, looking at the door where Sebastian had just passed through. Why would he do that?
Ciel shook his head and got more comfortable in his bed. He sighed and looked around his new room, wondering how his new life would work out. He wasn't sure about how the whole giving his blood to the demon would work, but he guessed he could worry about that later.
Sometime later on, he heard a knock on the door. Ciel jumped at the sound and sat up saying, 'come in' as best he could. Tanaka came in soon after with a cart full of wonderful food. Ciel perked up, feeling a little jolt of happiness at the thought of food.
Tanaka rolled the shiny cart over to the side of the bed Ciel was on and presented it, pouring a cup of Earl Grey when he was done.
Ciel gazed at the food longingly and thanked Tanaka. He bowed with a ho, ho, ho and then left Ciel to the wonderful food. Ciel ate soon after, loving the detail and care that was put into the food. After he ate he settled down. With a full belly and a foggy head he slipped into unconsciousness.
Warning: See! I told you! Kit and her damn fetishes...
Kit: STFU Warning it's a good place to stop!xc
Max: *got done reading Kit's new story* I was right it is a piece of shit!:D
Kit: Yall are so cruel.D': Oh yeah, readers. PLEASE REVIEW! Even though the kind of scare me at times, they help!:D
And those of you who do review, tell me a funny fun fact!:D I want to see what you people come up with!xD