Not all who wander are lost.

Chapter 1: He who wanders.

Written by Jlargent.

Me: I seriously blame L33t Horo for this, seriously. It all started by reading his 'My Little Pony: Friendship is complicated' story and that eventually led to me reading MLP fics and from there watching the series thus far and finally this. I must be losing my mind, in any case typical disclaimers apply I do not own MLP with the exception of any OC's that are here so keep any and all flames down to a minimal.

"Well that was a waste of time." I mutter to myself vapors of my breath showing in the winter chill while walking away from a group of punks that tried to jump me. My name is Jack Evans a fourteen year old from Albany New York a self taught martial artist and a closet Brony, yes that's right I watch MLP so don't judge me alright.

Maybe I should back up and explain a few months ago I was staying at a friend's house helping baby-sit his little sister and she insisted on having me watching MLP with her, thirty minuets later I found myself enjoying it and from there I was hooked on the series, while I may not be a super Brony I know when to curb my passions. Growing up in upstate New York is hard enough trying to avoid the amount of peer pressure to take drugs and join a gang and luckily for me teaching myself martial arts is a godsend, my style is primarily based on Tai Chi so I tend to avoid getting hit.

I hear the familiar ring of my cell and open it "Hello? Oh hey grams…yeah I'm on my way there. I'll see you in a bit." I said hanging up picking up my duffle bag and sling it over my shoulder heading to the bus station. It's a yearly tradition for me to visit my grandma a week before Christmas, she's one of those 'cool grandmas' and the fact she pays me a hundred bucks for shoveling her driveway is worth visiting. I stop for a moment and mentally go over what I packed.

Laptop with solar charger.

Small collection of DVDs.

Books and clothing.

Two flash drives.

MP3 Player and mini speakers.

Pack of playing cards. (Self admitted Solitaire addict.)

Grandma's present.

Grandma's present! I thought in a panic and quickly open my bag and rifle through it and pull out a small package wrapped in green and red wrapping paper with a gold bow, I sigh in relief and place the box back in my bag and head towards the station. Once I arrive a pay for a ticket and head towards the cafeteria to buy a cup of hot chocolate and carefully sip it knowing that it's hot enough to scald my tongue and wait for my bus. My grandma lives three hours from Albany so my parents don't really have time to visit, I finish my hot chocolate just as my bus arrives and I step aboard.

An hour into the ride I start to feel sleepy Maybe I shouldn't had that hot chocolate I thought to myself as it was starting to get harder and harder to stay awake I'll take a short nap and when I wake up I'll be at the bus stop I concluded to myself as the rocking of the bus lulls me to sleep.

*BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BE-* I cut off my watch's alarm noticing that I was warmer than I should be Driver must've cranked up the heater too high I thought to myself as I open my eyes to see that I was outside on a warm sunny day Am I dreaming? I mentally ask myself as I stand up and almost immediately a wave of pain from my head strikes almost making me collapse "What the hell?" I groan to myself placing a hand on the side of my head and then feel something sticky and wet. I pull my hand away to see that it was covered in blood MY blood, seeing my own blood on my hand and the pain I stagger backwards and feel something catch my ankle and I trip and felt something sharp hit my head and once more darkness overtakes me.


Name: Jack Evans.
Age: 15.
Height: 5'7"
Eye color: Brown.
Hair color: Black.
Birthplace: Albany, New York.
Date of birth: July 17th 1998.
Relatives: Mother, Diane Evans, Father, Scott Evans, Older Sister, Amelia Evans.
Hobbies: Listening to music, watching anime and reading.
Likes: Good music, horror movies and quiet places to think.
Dislikes: Heavy metal, parody movies, and noisy people.

Bio: Born in Albany Jack was an fairly normal student prior to going to Equestria, he loves his family very much but sometimes feel that he's meant for something more in life other than the mundane tasks in life. His father Scott was a retired NYPD cop that left the service after a domestic disturbance went wrong leaving him with a permanent limp in his right leg after his knee was shot by a pistol.

His mother, Diane worked for the hospital where she met Scott and they eventually dated and fell in love. They were soon married and gave birth to Amelia a year later and Jack five years later, shortly after graduating Amelia accepted a scholarship into a prestigious dance school in New York City.

When Jack turned twelve Scott decided to send him to his brother in an attempt to be more sociable and for the most part it worked, he became more focused on hard work and respectful to others, there are times when he becomes somewhat socially awkward around others but he's slowly working to improve that.

While not at school Jack likes to listen to music and play videogames, typical of a fifteen year old, one day while hanging out at a friend's house he discovered My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series and reluctantly watched a few episodes but it grew on him and became a Brony.

To be continued.

Me: Sorry for the short chapter but I want to build up enough steam before starting this series. Next time: Jack awakens in a hospital with no memory of how he arrived in the forest and one shock after another threatens to shatter his already fragile mind.

As always Hoody Hoo!