Now listen you guys as much as I love you guys I did not get the amount of reviews I wanted. I wanted at least 50 reviews I only have 43 so go back there and review or just give me at least 15 reviews for this chapter or I will not update chapter 2 as quickly as I usually do. See you guys I hate doing that but the thing is unlike actual booksellers on Fanfiction we can't see how many reads we got so I got base it on the review and from my reviews there is not enough people reading and that makes me want to cry. Oh and so sorry I am late.
Well anyway, love you guys get to reviewing. Even if just to tell me about your day. Lovya.
To da story PART 2222222222222222.
I was riding my new all white Ducatti motorcycle and man was I enjoying myself. Only downside to this was I was forced by my dad, mom, Jake and even Seth and Marcus to wear this damn helmet. In case they had forgotten I am damn near indestructible. I didn't wear most of the time just to be rebellious but since I was heading over to Jake I knew he would be livid if I didn't have it on.
I had on black skinny leg jeans and a plain gray shirt with some black boots that had gray belts on them. I was enjoying the breeze blowing all around me and I loved how it changed once I got closer and closer to La Push, to the love of my life and my fiancée
Me and Jacob had decided that we would get married in early August of next year after graduation. After that decision we didn't have to make too many more because Alice gladly took over and made pretty much all the other decisions. She knew I wanted the wedding to be on the beach so if it was sunny it wouldn't be so sunny for my parents and other vampire family to come.
I finally got to my home, La Push. I parked outside of Billy's house. I don't understand why he still lived there. Jacob would always tell Billy that he would buy him a new house and yet Billy would always decline the offer. Jacob said because he was a stubborn old fart which would only cause me to laugh and laugh even harder when Billy would hear him and hit him with his shoe.
I took off my helmet and shook out my bronze hair and before I could put it down I was pulled into a huge hug by none other than my best friend Seth.
"Oh do you guys have to leave on Friday? I mean really you can stay here forever and never leave" Seth said so seriously that I couldn't help but laugh.
I just hugged him back. "Seth trust me if I could stay I would but I have to go back to school and it's not like I haven't been here for all of Summer. You are so obsessed with me. I don't think Jake will like that" I said joking with Seth.
"Please, aint nobody worried about that big ole fat lump of …" before he could finish that big ole lump hit him upside the head.
"Did you just call me fat? Do you see these abs, and these muscles that I will choke you with if you call me fat, stupid or lump of anything in front of my girl again"
"Damn. I was just gonna say lump of Alpha. You didn't have to hit me."
"Whatever" he turned back around to me and hugged me with a passionate force. God I missed my Jacob, the saddest thing is I just saw him a day ago.
He let go of me only to replace the hug with a kiss and kissed me passionately. The sparks that flew between every part of our body was unbelievable. I still saw those green eyes but now I saw black hair. I had concluded that I was dreaming about my future child with Jacob. You know what they say, you see your children in the eyes of their father and I could think of no one in the world I would want have kids with other than him.
Me and Jacob had been getting more intimate but not sex like Van and Embry. I sometime got jealous how they didn't even know each half as long as me and Jacob and yet they were already on a level that we weren't.
Jacob pulled back and we headed towards the house so we could get some of his things to pack up for our leave on Friday.
We walked inside and I automatically hugged one of my favorite people. Sarah.
"Hi baby!" I hugged baby Sarah. Sarah is Paul and Rachael's 3 going on 4 month old baby girl. She was adorable and a mini version of her mother. Although she looked so much like her mother she had very identifiable parts of her father. She had Paul's attitude, his nose and his ears but everything else was her mothers. She was so fun to be around and every time I got around her I would think of my beautiful green eyed dream child.
She was smiling at me and squeezing my hands when in walked Rachael rolling my soon to be father in law.
"Hi Renesmee. Get away from that weirdo and come give me a hug" Billy said. Although he called her a weirdo it was so obvious to anyone who saw them that he loved his granddaughter with all his heart.
"Hi Billy. Have you spoken to Charlie?" I asked as I hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Yeah but you know he has been scared to come around afraid that he may bump into Alice" Billy said while we both laughed.
Charlie had every right to be scared. See, this Summer him and Sue had grabbed Embry and Seth and were in Seattle when a thought hit them. They were already with the wolves and although Charlie didn't know much he knew that for some reason Alice would never be able to figure weird things about the future when he was with one of the wolves. Him and Sue kidnapped the boys and headed to Vegas and eloped really quickly without Alice's knowledge. When they got back though Edward was around and read Seth's thought and then Alice smuggled it from Edward. Let's just say that Alice was beyond pissed.
"Yeah, he should get it together soon though, you know mom and dad will want to see him before they leave"
Rachael was now on the couch snuggling her baby. She was such a good mother. I couldn't help but admire her and I couldn't help but picture myself one day being in her position with a baby that looked just like Jacob.
I sighed and thought about all the changes that happened over the summer. The new baby wasn't the only new member of the family.
Marcus had found a mate.
The thing is children of the moon, unlike shape- shifters, don't imprint they just feel a very strong attraction to the person that they want to be with. They couldn't mate with someone too much younger than them for they wouldn't have this connection to them.
The connection they have is more primal instead of romantic like shapeshifters. Marcus explained that it is like they and their wolf is to different people. The wolf will know who the mate is and will tell the human side when they find her so they can pursue her.
Marcus' mate is Brenda, a quiet girl who lives on the reservation. She is really nice and not quiet when you get to know her. She kinda treated me like Marcus treats Jacob… like an Alpha. She treats me with so much respect it is kinda scary. As far as Marcus goes he is considered a part of Jacob's pack. The rest of the pack was skeptical at first but got used to it because they understood that wolves have a natural instinct to be in a pack and it is uncomfortable when they aren't. So they decided to except and the elders soon got over their worries when Marcus helped them catch some loose vampires that real close to killing Drew.
"Hey! I know that vamps get distracted easily but for you to space out so easily is scary" said Seth.
Jacob was just looking at me lovingly and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Are you finished packing?"
Yea" I answered Jacob.
"Good, that means you have more time to hang with your favorite person"
He walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my waist and I couldn't help but snuggle into his chest.
"I know right. I have a lot of time to hang out with my favorite person, Seth" I said and ran away into Seth's arms as we both laughed. Jacob was mock glaring at us but I just walked over to him and kissed his lips causing him to smile.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me outside so that we were headed to the red 2012 Mustang that he had gotten from a customer that no longer wanted it. He had worked on the car and loved it and now he used it while we were here during the Summer.
"Where are we going Jakey?"
"When are you going to stop calling me that?" he said. He would complain but I know he didn't really mind.
"Would you prefer Jak- o – rama?"
"Jakey it is" he sighed with a small smile on his face.
"Now, where are we going?"
"To my favorite place on the rez" he said with pride and a smile on his face.
I smiled as well because I already knew where he was taking me and I was damn eager to go.
Hey you guys how is life? I know I ask that question a lot but I like to know what is going on in you guys' lives, I think it is important.
Anyway on a more business note, How was it? Where do you think there are going? I am pretty sure some of you will get it right. I will say this, I expect the reviews. I again apologize for being so late but I have been busy with quitting basketball, (yes I said quitting basketball) looking for a job, ROTC, mathlete, and culture club. Yes I am in high school so I can be busy. DAMN! But I will try to be a lot more focused on this story and my other story 'Once mine always mine', which is almost complete. Well, I am out. DEUX.