Me: SO! This isn't the first fanfic I've written, HOWEVER this is the first one I've done for D. Gray-man, and for this site! So...

Yume: Um, Hanashi-san.

Me: Yume?

Yume: You should probably put a disclaimer on...y'know, so they know?

Me: That's a great idea! You're the main character, have fun!

Yume: But I...! Uh...-clears throat- you're probably aware, Hanashi-san doesn't own D. Gray-man, or any of the characters who were originally apart of the series. Of all things to take credit for, she takes credit for me, Yume Hanazawa!

Me: Please! Enjoy the story!

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the Journey

Scared, and frightened, I didn't want anything to do with them. I had to get back home…my brother…he's waiting for me, damn it!

"Don't let her get away!" One of the men chasing me exclaims, "She has Innocence! We must get it!"

"We mustn't fail our mission!" So says another one.

"Master will be displeased if she gets away…she could have the Heart!" What was going on? How did this happen? I was scared. Why were all these people chasing me? Worse still, there were also these strange creatures that some of those men turned into. What were they? What was Innocence? So many questions were piling up, drowning me.

"*Watashi o tasukete!" I screamed, the terror clear in my voice, "Nii-san! Nii-san!" I was shouting. Why wasn't my brother there to save me? "Nii-san!" Tears kept falling from my eyes. Before I knew it, I'd tripped over something, and pain ripped through my leg. Damn…I must've twisted my ankle pretty bad. But there wasn't any time for this! I had to continue on, and to do so, I started limping as I tried to get away. "*Atchi e ike!" I cried.

"We got you now." Says the first man. His eyes were glowing, and so were the other two. Strange creatures were floating in the sky. The two men on either side of the one holding me change into something like the things in the sky. But they're appearance are different, more evolved. My eyes wide, I found myself praying to what ever god there is.

"We're not going to hurt you." The one holding me coos. He seemed like a normal human…but why was his skin such a color? A dark gray color…he dressed nicely, but all my primal instincts were saying he wasn't a person. "We simply want to take your Innocence." Sadly, I couldn't understand what was being said, at the time but the way his tone sounded almost like…no I wouldn't allow it! Using my good foot, I stamped on the man's foot. He howls in pain, releasing me, and despite the pain still in my left ankle, I ran. I knew this area well. There was a cliff not far from here. When I would get there, I would plummet into the raging waters below.

When I came to, my dark eyes quickly scanned the surroundings. I was cold, wet, and as it turned out, wasn't sure where the hell I was. I move my ankle slightly and I felt pain beyond pain surging through my leg. I figured it must be broken. Where was I exactly? I sure as hell knew for a fact I couldn't possibly be in Japan anymore. Nothing looked familiar to me, the young Japanese girl.

Shock quickly engulfed me as I checked my pockets for any sign of something important. When I finally found it, I sighed with relief. "*Zen o arigatō! Sore wa wanpīsu de wa madadesu." From the inside pocket of my kimono, I'd pulled out a small golden item. It was a family heirloom, given to me by my brother when I was three. It was passed down the generations from father to daughter. Mother to son…and so forth. Why such a pattern, I didn't really know. But I was thankful my brother gave this to me instead of his daughter when he had children of his own. This precious treasure of mine still being in tact. I quickly placed it back into my hidden pocket, and managed to find a large stick I could use as a crutch.

I must've traveled for days, hardly resting. The only form of strength was from my brother's treasure. It gave me strength to go on. I found that I've wandered aimlessly, wishing for a place for which I could stay. By now my ankle had swollen in size, and although I pretty much knew next to nothing on medicine, I did know that there was a high chance my ankle was now infected. But then again, that sickness was a surefire sign of such a guess. "*Īe, watashi wa tomeru koto wa dekinai…" I muttered, the exhaustion getting to me, "Watashi wa baai, watashi wa...korosa reru yo…" However, with that breath, I collapsed, not far off from where a dark, and almost ancient building proudly stood.

"Hmm…looks like she had it rough." A voice I'm unfamiliar with sighs. "What do you think, Lenalee?"

"I don't blame you. It looks like she's barely survived a war. Who brought her in?" The other voice, belonging to this "Lenalee" replies.

"I don't know. She was here when I clocked in." By then I'd opened my eyes to see two women before me. One was older, and seemed strict when it came to her job…she wore a white uniform, making me assume she was a nurse. There was a girl beside her who had dark shoulder-length hair. Her eyes were just as dark, but also seemed bright and cheerful. She wore a uniform herself, but it was black. The jacket she wore had red trimmings on it. The trimmings went around the top of the turtle neck, and down the center where it reached the bottom, moving around the base of the jacket. There was also a design that was right under a crest that, which I later learned was called the Rose Cross. She also sported a red mini-skirt.

"*E eto...anata wa daredesu ka?" Crap…my voice was weak! "Anata wa nihongo o hanasemasu ka?"

"Oh dear…seems she's speaking Japanese…Lenalee, can you get Kanda? Maybe he can help us out." I watched as the one named Lenalee searches for this other person named "Kanda". A couple of hours later she returns with a man with long dark hair, and a scowl that probably suggested he was in the middle of something. I noted that he had the same jacket that she wore, though the rest of the uniform was different. His seemed more like a trench coat, reaching his calves, and I was able to see the boots he wore, suggesting that his pant legs were tucked in them.

"What is it you need me for?" He asked, angered. "I was busy."

"We're sorry for bothering you, Kanda," Lenalee says apologetically, "But this girl only speaks Japanese. You being from Japan as well, perhaps you could help us speak with her? Please?" Kanda looked at Lenalee, the nurse, then to the pathetic girl laying in the cot. He took a deep breath, and agreed…against his better judgment. The two women left, leaving Kanda with me before him.

"*Anata wa daredesu ka?" He asked me. I eagerly answered him, happy there was someone who spoke the same language as me.

"*Watashi wa Hanazawa Yume." I told him. Every question he asked me, I was able to answer. I really felt relieved there was one person I could actually speak with. It made me happy. I didn't realize that I was still clutching something in my hand, until I was asked about it. Hesitant, I clutched it tighter, not knowing if I should tell him about this. After much thought, I gave it to him.

Kanda looked at small golden charm. There was no way it was of Japanese heritage, even I knew that, but it was very old. The golden pendent was shaped like some sort of animal. But the thing was so beat up now, he (nor I at that matter) couldn't tell what it had once been. It shined dimly in the clinic room, but when he was done, he put back into my hands.

Soon after the nurse and Lenalee had come back to the infirmary, Kanda told them what I told him. Word for word.

"I could tell she's had it rough," Lenalee was saying, "but to get attacked by Akuma? And to think, our Generals search the world for Accommodators, and one literally stumbles on our own doorstep…the poor thing." She said, hugging herself.

"Che. My question is how the hell she got from Japan all the way here." Kanda retorts. "Not even that damnable short stack would've made it that far with injuries like hers."

"For now, we should have her rest." The nurse tells them. "We'll need to teach her how to speak English as well…otherwise we'll be lost in translation. We can't have Kanda translating everything she's saying."

"Like hell I would. This was a one time deal." He told them, turning on his heel, and leaving the facility.

"Deep down, I'm sure he cares." Lenalee giggled. "He just doesn't like to show it."

A/N: What's being said? Well let's see!

*Watashi o tasukete! = Help me!

*Atchi e ike! = Go away!

* Zen o arigatō! Sore wa wanpīsu de wa madadesu. = Thank goodness! It's still in one piece.

* Īe, watashi wa tomeru koto wa dekinai… Watashi wa baai, watashi wa...korosa reru yo… = No, I can't stop…I'll be…killed if I do…

* E eto...anata wa daredesu ka? Anata wa nihongo o hanasemasu ka? = Um…who are you? Can you speak Japanese?

* Anata wa daredesu ka? = Who are you?

* Watashi wa Hanazawa Yume. = I am Yume Hanazawa.