Hey guys marystout13 here! Here's the new chapter for date and die hope ya'll like it. And I give a shout out to booklover17 for her awesome comment. It makes this feel awesome.


(Chloe's POV)

I looked in the bag Tori gave me then closes it extremely fast. I got up off the floor (Tori pushed me) and walked over to Derek and we left we walked into the woods and just talked about everything. It was wonderful. I so wanna do it again I loved it so much.

(Derek's POV)

I decided I wanted to take her somewhere funny and more energetic so I asked if she wanted to go to a club and she said yes. We got into my dads truck and drove to the nearest club called the Woozier. Once we got inside I noticed there was someone following us I picked up the scent guess who it was. Yes Chloe's creepy stalker aunt, who followed us to a nightclub. Wow, she's at an all-time low. I took Chloe to the dance floor and mumbled in her ear that her aunt is watching us so we have to be careful. Yeah not the best idea I've ever had.

(Chloe's POV)

He told me that Aunt Lauren had followed us and I was freaked out. My aunt's been stalking us. It feels like I've been betrayed again. First tricking me and deceiving me. Her making jabs at Derek being a werewolf even though he's protected me more than she ever has. Her unwilling nesses on letting me leave the house with him. And now this. I can't believe her. After I finished thinking I looked around and saw her. I must have had a panicky looking expression because she rushed at us and stood right next to us. I told her to go away nothing would happen but she hissed at Derek something I couldn't understand. Then she pressed her sleeve against his chest right over his heart. Derek froze instantly, and his eyes went cloudy with grief when he looked at me. I screamed at her to stop but she put her hand over my mouth and ushered me outside and still had her sleeve over Derek's heart. We got outside and she made Derek back up turn and face the wall spread his legs and put his hands behind his head like a criminal.

(Lauren's POV)

I made him go up against the wall like I had seen cops do on T.V. then I started asking him questions. "What did you do to her when I wasn't looking hmm? Grabbing at her planning on dragging her behind a dumpster and rapping her hmm?" I hissed. Chloe started protesting, and Derek growled at me Chloe tried to charge at me, but when I pulled back me sleeve she stopped instantly. In my hand was the gun I had purchased at wal-mart. I told Chloe to sit. Once she did I bound her hands and gagged her. Derek started growling at me so I pulled the gun out and shot him in the back of the foot. He cried out and tumbled downwards. Chloe dived towards him but I pushed her back. Derek laid on the ground his face contorted with pain and suffering. Then I looked at Chloe who was knelling a few feet away from him crying. I told her not to worry I'd take care of the bad man. What I didn't realize is that Chloe had been carrying a pocket knife and had cut her bonds so In a matter of seconds she had stood up taking the gag from her mouth and warned me that if I did anything else to Derek she would plundge the knife into her own heart. I laughed at her tears streaming down my face that's when I shot her. Not anywhere fatal just in the leg so she couldn't move. I then took the knife from her and smiled at her. She slowly drifted out of consciousness in complete an utter pain. I'll make it up to her later. The mutt of the other hand had seen what had just done to her niece and had to be taken care of. She shot him several times in the back and shoulders and decided her niece has had a hard enough life and shot her under her ribs Lauren then took off.

(Derek's POV)

I waited till Lauren was gone then I grabbed Chloe. She was still alive thank god! I rushed out to the car and drove home. Once we got there I yelled out to the entire house. "HELP! SOMEBODY CHLOES BEEN SHOT!" I cried out. Everyone rushed outside. They cleaned Chloe up and settled her on the couch. I wouldn't let them touch me until Tori yelled at me that I was of more use alive to Chloe then I was dead so I let them clean me up then I fell asleep next to Chloe.


Hey guys do you like storys not over yet but tell me what you wanna see! Bye love y'all marystout13. O-O