Just a short, mindless drabble that popped into my head when I should've been working on other things.

It's split into two parts, and the next one will have smut. Why? Because I wanted to write something that wasn't depressing.

Once clear windows fogged over with milky white as a tomato scented breath washed over the panels, although it was quickly smothered by a toothy grin. A blunt, work-worn finger streaked the mist and its trail slowly connected with the starting point of circle before the digit veered off, creating jagged protrusions off of a single dot near the top of the original drawing; smiling lines were streaked in the center. He grinned at his work but once he focused his attention past the tiny marks he made, a gasp fell from his lips. "Lovi! Lovi! Come look!"

A stifled groan rumbled behind the overly ecstatic nation and slurred grumbles soon followed. "Shamm-p, basht'rd."

Spain twisted around from the small window seat overlooking the cozy Russian town he and his fellow nations were spending the night in after yet another failed meeting, beaming one of his brightest grins to the Italian currently trying to smother himself with the pillows lining his (their) bed. "Come look at what I drew!"

A shoe hissed as it passed the Spaniard, smacking against the window with a sharp crack. "Fuck off, and shut the hell up!" Well, at least Romano was no longer attempting to suffocate himself with fluff but the glare set upon this face was just as bad. Pouting, Spain batted his eyes at his former charge, fighting back the grin that stirred at the corner of his lips when Romano's cheeks flushed a vibrant red. So cute he was, with that gorgeous hair of his tousled and sticking out in strange directions.

"Please, Lovino~?" The younger nation sputtered at the sly purr vibrating in Spain's throat and tossed one of the smaller pillows at the man with puckered lips.

"Bastard! How many times have I told you not to call me that!" He practically screeched, slinging another pillow at the now giggling Spaniard who knew full well that Romano absolutely loved it whenever he called him by his human name, or any other pet name for that matter. The stitched up cloth made an odd puffing noise at it flopped against the window, streaking the misted glass once it slid down the cold surface and succeeded in destroying Spain's "masterpiece".

"Lovi~ that wasn't very nice."

Romano scoffed, flopping down on the plethora of pillows and blankets (all stolen from various rooms hosting other nations) with the back of his shoulders exposed to his roommate. "Tough shit." A soft, forgiving sigh hummed through Antonio's lips and he picked up the pillow, snuggling his nose into the smooth material, his jade eyes never leaving the man on the bed. Although this was typical behavior for his precious Lovi, something about the way he was curled up into a ball threw the Spaniard off; Romano wasn't happy about something, and as usual, he didn't want to talk about it. He spent too many years with the man to know better than to confront him, so Spain returned his attention back to the snow blanketed village outside, clandestinely wishing that his little Lovino would open up to him in moments other than when they made love.

But, even though it tore his heart, he knew that it would never happen. Too many people had disappointed the Italian in the past, shattering his trust with everyone... even his brother on most days. Yet, although Lovino wouldn't admit it, Spain knew that he was beginning to open up to a few people, namely Japan, Poland and surprisingly Russia, although he was still terrified of the hulking man when the Spaniard wasn't sitting beside him and holding his hand.

While the snow stained houses were breathtaking, Spain soon grew bored with the overwhelmingly white area and allowed his eyes to drift across the room, smiling at the cozy, home-like feeling it offered him. Wood lined the walls, accented by old sconces unique to older times rather than the modern ones that frequently spewed light into darkness and the fixtures weren't too bright either. Just the right amount to make someone feel as if they were at their grandmother's home, enjoying some of her cooking, or at least an elderly woman's residence in Spain's case. Romano shifted in the pillow and blanket engulfed bed, turning his head so he could just barely peek over his shoulder and glare at the Spaniard gazing at him with a tender smile. Grumbling under his breath, he rolled himself off of the bed and trudged over to Spain, kicking off his other shoe as his feet dragged against the carpeted floor.

Spain watched him make his way over to the window, that ever persistent scowl present on his lips. He sighed once reached the glass, frowning at the windowpane that held Spain's picture of a tomato only moments before and then he leaned over, huffing warm, moist air onto the glass. A weak pattern materialized under the gentle touch of his heated breath and with a pleased grunt, he traced the shapes, forming a picture identical to the one that existed before. "That's so cute Lovi~ You're drawing pictures for me!" A coo purred from Spain's smiling lips as he rose to his feet, giggling at the furious pink glow that rushed onto Romano's cheeks.

He scowled, sputtering out nonsense before his words forced themselves across his tongue. "S-Shut up, bastard. I did it so you wouldn't whine about your fucking thing being wiped off the damn window."

Spain grinned. "Ah~ Silly Lovi, I didn't want you over here for the tomato~" And Romano often called him the dense one, ha. The Italian scowled, grinding his teeth hard enough so Spain could easily hear them cracking in his ears, even more so when he pecked him on the cheek. "But I still really like it."

Romano slapped at him. "What the fuck, bastard!" He pushed Spain away as he slithered his arms around his waist, the purr vibrating in his throat contrasting against the growl rumbling in the Italian's. "So you called me over here for nothing!"

"No, mi amor~" Spain hummed into Romano's ear, grinning at the shiver that jolted down his spine from the heat of his breath washing across his flesh. He released his love after a quick kiss to his neck and made his way over to the window, latching his fingers around the handles. Romano paled, his eyes widening.

"You bastard!" he shrieked, grabbing at Spain's shoulder before he could do whatever idiotic plan he had in his head. "It's fucking freezing out there! Don't open tha... oh..."

It was... beautiful... only coming into his sight once the windows were opened.

Snow covered everything for miles, glistening and twinkling against the darkening sky, each spark radiating from the glorious hues painted around the setting sun. Gold, magenta, cerulean, each swirling with the other, forming water-like patterns against the horizon and glimmered with each arch and dip. Romano remained breathless as his eyes trailed over the sight, his mouth slightly ajar even as Spain crept up behind him and threw a blanket over the two. "Is this what you wanted...?" His worlds trailed off, dying against his tongue once Spain gently kissed his cheek, wrapping his arms around his waist and pulling him into his chest.

"Yes, my love." Another kiss was pressed against his cheek before he rested his chin upon the smaller man's shoulder. "It's like the sunset on an ocean of snow, isn't it?"

Romano hummed in agreement, closing his hands over the warm fingers stroking his stomach and leaning back into the heat that the other nation emitted, snuggling himself into the blanket that encased the two. "I didn't know this hell hole could be so pretty."

"Do you know what even prettier?"

Romano rolled his eyes, pursing his lips at the voice lapping at his ear, trying so desperately to gain his attention from the beautiful landscape stretching out as far as the eye could see. "Not you, for sure."

Spain pouted, tickling Romano's neck with his breath before he kissed it. "Not nice, Lovi~" Another was placed on his flesh, followed by another as Spain pulled him closer and swayed their hips together in the beat of an inner tempo. "But I still think that you're more beautiful."

Romano turned in his arms, pouting as usual, but despite the slight gleam of anger in his eyes, his arms still wrapped themselves around Spain's body. "Are you calling me a girl, bastard?"

Ah~ how cute little Roma could be. Spain released a chuckle from the deepest recesses of his lungs, pressing his lips against Romano's over, and over and over, earning a tightened hold and a faintly annoyed expression streak such lovely skin. "No, Lovi~" He hummed, steadily pulling the man back as he inched his way closer to the pillow smothered bed, those lips never leaving Romano's. The back of Spain's knees brushed against the mattress and he moaned into the mouth that finally opened up to him after so many minutes of gentle coaxing, taking the opportunity to pull his love closer and snake his hands up the back of his shirt. So, so warm and soft, Romano's skin was, like the finest silk under the callused fingers brushing over it, lovingly tracing the map they had memorized over the years. Roma groaned, scratching at Spain's shoulder blades as blunt fingers trailed up his spine, probing at the spots he knew would drive the Italian over the edge. He was just so perfect; so gorgeous.

And all of it was only for the Iberian country.

Spain fell back, holding onto his precious Italian so he would topple over as well. Oh, how he absolutely adored the squeak Romano made, his face burning a bright red as he glared down at the Spaniard nestled between the overabundance of pillows and his own body. "You ass." He growled out, completely contradicting how he gently allowed his chest to press against Spain's and his arms to cradle the brunet's head. "Don't tell me you made me switch with Switzerland because you were horny."

"Lovi, I would never~"

"Yes you would, bastard."

Well, Romano had him beat there but that wasn't the real reason that he wanted to spend the evening with the Italian. It had been a good three weeks since he last spoke to his beloved Roma, physically at least. During the pointless meetings they were forced to attend, the two would usually text each other on their phones, sometimes dirty things that ended up attracting the attention of at least one other person... and it was always Spain's fault that they almost got caught every time. He couldn't help that Romano had a way with words that send his blood in directions it should never go, not to mention some of the glances the man would give him during those times. Normally, once the meeting was over, the two would find a nice, lockable and quiet place to deal with the frustrations that built up during those dirty conversations but as of late, Spain would have to rush off to a meeting with his boss or some other such event, leaving the other alone.

"I missed you, mi amor." He purred to his sweet little Romanito, gingerly kissing the man on his nose.

"You saw me last week."

"True but I didn't hold you, nor did I kiss you." Spain pecked Romano's mouth again, pulling him down so their noses rubbed against each other and their breath danced across their lips. "Besides, did you really want to share a room with Austria?"

"That aristocratic prick can go die for all I care."

A soft chortle hummed in Spain's throat. "Not cute, Lovi~"

"Shut up..." Romano closed the distance between the two, tenderly placing his lips upon his lover's as he slipped his arms behind his back, pulling him closer as Spain copied his movements. He shifted his weight to the side, rolling over until Romano was under him and sighing into his mouth as their tongues and breath rolled against their lips and teeth alike. Spain smiled into the kiss once he tasted the savory flavor of tomatoes in the Italian's restrained gasps and as his precious lover tugged at the mess of curls nestled on his skull.

Slowly... sensually... their hips began their gentle dance with Spain leading Romano into each grind and snap, feeling the arousal and warmth pool in their spines as they pressed deeper into the other's body. It was so wonderful, how shamelessly and passionately Romano responded, choking back moans as his hands trailed down Spain's shoulders until his nails dug into the flesh lining his spine. The younger nation suddenly shuddered. "You left t-the, a-ah, window open, bastard."

"So I did..." Spain's lips moved down to Romano's neck, gently tugging and caressing his skin with teeth and tongue alike while his hand sneaked up the front of the man's shirt, stroking his stomach as his fingers reached higher and higher. That is, until Romano kicked him off of the bed.

"Go shut the fucking thing! It's too damn cold!"

Spain groaned, trying to crawl back onto the mattress. "But I could keep you warm~"

A growl rumbled in Romano's throat as he kicked Spain in the shoulder, though it wasn't hard enough to harm the man. "I'm not in the mood, fucker."

"But Lovi!"


Sighing, Spain knew that he would have to wait for his special time with his precious love, so he clambered back up onto his feet and crossed the room to close the window. It clicked shut, matching the click of the television as it turned on... great... so Romano really wasn't in the mood anymore. A whine vibrated in Spain's chest which was promptly ignored by the Italian, who huffed and changed the channel. Some Russian lady was speaking on the television as Romano adjusted himself on the pillows resting against the headboard, most likely the ones he stole from Austria, Germany and maybe even America (although he refused to touch the ones in France's and Prussia's room... for understandable reasons).

It was a lost cause for now, that is, the possibility to shower Romano's entire body with adoration, so Spain stood by the side of the bed, staring down at his love for permission to lie beside him. Romano glared back up at the chocolate haired Spaniard, curling up his lip to bear his teeth before he huffed and moved over, earning a small noise of glee from the brunet. He cuddled up to the scowling Italian, utterly ecstatic that his little tomanito was allowing him to wrap his arms around that slim waist and rest his head against his shoulder. So warm... and oh how sweet his scent was. Spain buried his nose into Romano's dress shirt, now crumpled from their previous activities, and took a deep breath. A smile crept onto his face; his precious Roma smelled of the cologne that constantly tempted the Spaniard, luring him into his oh so sexy trap that he often found himself in after certain meetings.

Not that he was complaining.

"Stop smelling me, bastard. It's weird."

He chuckled into Romano's side, snuggling even closer to his lover, who grumbled under his breath but eventually yielded to Spain's touch, leaning into the warmth radiated from the other. Minutes later, Romano had his head tucked in the crook of the Spaniard's shoulder while Spain's arm was hooked around his waist, lazily stroking circles on the Italian's thigh as they watched whatever was on the television. Even after searching, Romano couldn't find any channels in English or Spanish, so they settled on what seemed to be a cartoon, but they still couldn't figure out what it was supposed to be. Spain still giggled whenever something stupid happened, earning a glare from the man in his arms and a pillow shoved into his face.

Eventually, the two grew bored with the show, although Romano refused to show it and kept his attention drawn to the pictures leaping across the screen. Spain, on the other hand, amused himself by trailing his hand higher, and higher across the Italian's thigh, seeing just how far he could go before his roaming touch was swatted away. He was able to hook his fingers around Romano's belt before a hand snatched his wrist from his pants, pinning it down on the mattress. "Bastard, I said no."

"But, Lovi~ I'm bored..."

"Dammit, Spain! No!"

Well, this was a surprise. Romano never denied sex before... Spain frowned as he pried his hand away from his love's grasp and pulled the Italian into his lap, positioning Romano's legs so there would be a knee on either side of his torso. He cupped the smaller male's face. "Lovino, something is wrong. Please, tell me what it is."

"You're imagining things."

Spain sighed as his fingers trailed down to Romano's shoulders. "Please, mi amor." The half-nation's scowl wavered under the pleading of his lover and he chewed on the corner of his lip, thousands of emotions swirling behind his olive eyes. "Lovi..." Spain tried once more, giving Romano a sugary smile while he gently drew spirals on his clavicles with his thumbs. "You know you can always tell me anything." The Italian's eyes flickered down to the floor. "Lovi, I-"

"Why do you rush off so quickly after meetings?"

Oh... was it this that was making is precious Roma so moody? Spain chuckled under his breath, leaning forward to kiss the Italian on his lips despite the glare trying to burn a hole in his skin. "Lovi, don't worry about such small things~"

Romano growled, shoving Spain back with all of his strength. "This isn't a small fucking thing, bastard!" The Spaniard tried to bounce back from Romano's push, but he was only pressed against the bed with all of the Italians weight atop him. Straddling him, the younger nation wrenched him up by his collar. "Every single fucking time you leave before I have a chance to talk to you, and then I come over to your house, you're not there!" Well, it was because his boss kept him busy over the past few weeks and wouldn't let him leave that office building until he got it all done, save for the mandatory meetings he had to go to. "If I'm not worthy of your time, just fucking tell me. Don't go behind my back and fuck some slu-"

Before the words could finish ranting from his lips, Spain forced him into a Kiss, gripping so tightly to his shoulders that he winced into the Spaniard's lips. "Never say that Lovino. I would never cheat on you." Another kiss, this one deeper as Spain's tongue brushed against the Italian's drawing out a small gasp from the sudden intrusion.

"Then where the hell were you?"

Spain smiled, wiping away the tears budding in Romano's eyes. "My boss has been working me to the bone, mi amor." Roma groaned, burying his face into Spain's chest in a mix of embarrassment and relief, all while wrapping his arms around the Spaniard's torso. He mumbled something, but it was so incomprehensible that Spain merely laughed it off, rubbing a soothing hand down his spine.

Now, the only thing bothering him was the suggestive position they were in and how Romano didn't seem to care that he was currently so much of his weight there. Not to mention how he was clinging to the Spaniard, apparently forgetting that he loved it when he did that and how it was almost always a turn-on... especially when he was straddling the skin-kissed man. But he didn't want to ruin how cutely his darling was being, so chose to remain neutral and thought of uninteresting things...

Mostly Englishmen and a certain American.


To be continued~