
Small feet clattered down the wide corridors and into the brilliantly trimmed court yard, to the Manor's pristine and vibrant greenery; four beautiful and ethereal children sprinted through the garden maze. Different plants of all variations, bountiful and fertile plants begin to bloom and prosper. The children, laughing, running, and chasing one another, each carefree of the worries beyond their protective walls. Each face not, exactly, clear but known to be beautiful nonetheless. You knew that these children were of high status and purity by the ancient marks on the underside of their delicate wrists, to disappear with coming of age. These children were sacred and precious to their ancient and dying race. You could look upon these children know what a rarity they were. Only once in a millennia are creatures like these created. Each heir to the most honored and prestigious bloodline. Not many were trusted with the secret of their existence, these sacred children. Of course, there was gossip in esteemed social circles but only that, rumors. These children were to be protected at all times. Each a rapture from Fates wings, her beloveds, a gift from her to the world beyond. All her children created with a purpose, each one fit together to counter balance the other. Each child a purpose of the existence for all. The Children of Salvation, any that dared harm them (fore, she knew of the dangers that lurked to endanger them) they would face Fates acrimony. She was not naïve to believe, that these Sinners would submit to her authority. Fate also knew of suffering and hardships they would face in this world were not at all going to be easy. She bestowed special gifts, superior to all others, upon her beloved children and their Guardians. These Guardians would be their guides, mentors, teachers, confidants, and anything else her children needed they would provide. Now, all Fate could so is watch over and place them in the in the hands of Hope, for there destinies to be fulfilled.

A/N: Hello ^^

My first Fanfic in the VK fandom (YAY!)

I have had this idea rolling around in my head for a while now, and I am not sure where I want to take this story. I can take into three different directions at the moment. Sorry this was a very short opening to the story, but I can promise the next chapter will be much longer.

Hope you enjoyed

Please review I really want to hear your opinions on this.