If I get good reviews on this story, I will finish it. I like how it's coming along so far =)

The dark swallowed her delicate frame up and smothered it. Her dignity was lost under the black floors of depression. Her brain was clouded by a throbbing pain. She swore the pain would never go away and that she deserved it. She deserved to be miserable. Lifeless. Alone. It was her fault that her unborn daughter died. And nothing could ever bring her back.

She had lied to the only person she had ever truly loved. She took the easy route out of the mistake she was so ashamed of. She couldn't even admit to herself that the child growing inside of her was a Bass. Instead, she pathologically lied through each long day. The memory of Louis' shattered, heartbroken face flashed before her eyes. The slamming of the hospital door rang through her ears louder than a bomb exploding. She felt as though she was being smothered by reporters again, even though she was in her room alone. Memories of her and Chuck flashed before her eyes.

"I will stand by you through anything." Blair said, gazing into Chuck's broken eyes.

"Blair, I will always stand by you. Together, we'll stand by each other." Chuck whispered, taking her hand and squeezing it tight. She gazed up into his eyes and knew he meant it.

Her breath quickened and she let out a slight cry. A hot tear slithered down her pale face and onto the floor.

When did her life become so screwed up?

I know it's a tad (cough, very) depressing, but I promise it will be more brighter and fluffy as the sotry progresses. Like? Love? Hate? Let me know by giving a review!

Xoxo, Becca