



Sakura woke up a little lightheaded. She blinked in amazement as she witness how the room wobble. Or perhaps it was her? No, it was the room. It moved as if it were a giant crib, making Sakura feel more woozy than what she already was. Sakura looked around to get a hold of something before she would fall. That was when she noticed that the room she was in wasn't hers. No longer feeling dizzy, she walked to the closest window, which was the one next to the bed and the only one in the room.

Green orbs widened when she saw blue. It was the ocean. They were at sea! She was in a ship at sea! Sakura immediately closed the window with the small wooden doors that were nifty decorated. She stood there petrified at what she had seen. Suddenly all the events of last night flooded her mind.

Pirates invaded the palace.






That black figure.

Crimson eyes…


She was in a pirate ship as a hostage.

Tears started on the corner of her eyes but before they could rain down her face someone entered her room. Impulse made her run to the bed and cover herself with the thin bed sheets, even though they wouldn't help at all protecting her persona.

A tall lean man entered gracefully, his impassive mask never giving away any emotion. His raven hair was tied in a low ponytail while some of the bangs framed his face perfectly. His dark pools with long stunning eyelashes never blinked once since he had entered the room. Two diagonal lines adorned his face making him look older than what he really was. He grabbed a chair from his right that was next to a highly looking expensive auburn colored desk, and placed it in front of him. He then sat on it inappropriately just like other not well mannered guys would do, placing each of his feet with his black leather boots on either side of the chair. He then leaned in front placing his crossed arms over the back rail of the chair, he rested his chin on his forearm.

The man only then directed his intense gaze towards the rosette.

This frightened Sakura of course. Here she was with a pirate alone in a room that had only one bed, and the pirate wasn't sitting all too well for her likes. She gulped when the man finally blinked but never removed his eyes from her.

She knew that he was waiting for her to say something, so she watched for her words before she spoke them, after all, she didn't wish to end up dead just at that moment for using the incorrect words.

"W-Why am I here?" Her dry lips finally spoke. She was frightened to be there, but being afraid never helped anyone.

The man still stared at her, musing over his word choice. "For…power…" His husky voice responded.

Sakura furrowed her pink eyebrows in confusion, gulping in the process once again. Power?

"Why me? I don't have any power. The one that does is Shota. He is the one that has the money and control."

The man was surprised that she had called her own father by his name. Perhaps the black Zetsu was right and maybe the royal family had their own personal problems.

"I know."

"Then why-"

He interrupted her before she could continue. "Orochimaru, he planned on capturing you."

Her thin eyebrows rose in disbelief. She wasn't captured by Orochimaru? Then by who?

Her face showed fright but curiosity took over her the most. "Who…are you?" Her soft voice spoke barely as a whisper.

This time the man didn't mind hiding his emotions because he also was confused. "You have never heard of me?" he inquired smoothly.

Sakura shook her head just a bit, never removing her emerald green eyes off of his onyx ones.

The man quirked an elegant raven eyebrow. How can she not know who he was? He was a notorious pirate that most knew about. Not only other pirates but also citizens from various lands. His face was on every WANTED bulletin board and his family was well known as well. So how come the girl in front of him didn't knew a thing about him?

"Have you heard of the Uchiha name?" he questioned.

Sakura looked up at the ceiling for a moment concentrating on the name. Uchiha… Ah, yes! She has read some stuff about them during her sneaking into the king's library.

"It was a whole household that was assassinated in just a single night, but the weirdest thing was that after they had gathered their corpses the next day they all vanished. They also had some special ability with their eyes that I don't know off…"

A crease was seen between her brows. "Why would you ask…"

The black figure.

Blood colored orbs.


Sakura no longer had enough saliva to speak. She was stunned at what she had deduced. Not only was the man in front of her an infamous pirate, he also was an Uchiha.

"You're an Uchiha!" Disbelief replaced every other emotion on her face.

The Uchiha was surprised at her conclusion. Yes, he is an Uchiha. But how did the young girl get all that confidential information? Not a lot of people knew what had happened after the massacre, and here he has a rosette that knew about it and who knows what else. Perhaps the real truth? No, that couldn't be. Only him and…others know the truth.

Sakura still couldn't believe it. Here she was in front of an Uchiha! It all harmonized together. The raven hair, onyx eyes, their good looking features, the way they never gave any emotion. Yes! It was definitely an Uchiha!

"Correct," the Uchiha finally spoke, an amused glint appearing on his dark eyes. He stood up from the chair, making Sakura jump slightly. Even though he hadn't tried anything bad, she still had to keep her guard.

He seemed to notice her sudden fright. He stopped on his heels not wanting to scare her further. "What is your name, milady?

Sakura blinked. "Sakura."

Itachi inwardly chuckled. The name fitted her perfectly. "Cherry blossom…Hn."

He walked towards the door in long graceful steps. "Well cherry blossom, you must be hungry. I'll bring you some food."

Sakura glower up at him not liking her pet name. "My name's Sakura, and I'm not hungry thank you very much-"

A sudden intense growl was heard, resembling that of a famished beast.

Itachi's perfect eyebrow rose while the pinkette blushed in embarrassment. "Your stomach begs to differ, my dear cherry blossom," he huskily said smugly.

Sakura's glare darkened while the Uchiha smirked in amusement.

"My name is Sakura! And I'm not yours!" The rosette girl yelled while slamming her fist into her lap.

She perfectly knew she was acting childish, but those are matters she'll have to place her mind into later.

"Whatever milady says then."

With that last said he exited the door to her room leaving an angered Sakura.

"Search the castle once more!" A manly voice yelled as he order yet another group of the palace's staff. He stood there staring and the retrieving group until they no longer were at sight. He sighed and continued walking towards Sakura's room, where not a day long ago she had stood.

Ocean blue sapphires saddened as he looked at the rosette's room. If he had only been by her side the whole time probably nothing of this catastrophe would of happened.

He heard light footsteps approach him. He didn't have to look up to see who it was.

"Kakashi," his voice resembled a whisper. "Do you think she's ok?"

Kakashi looked down at him with a sorrowful stare. "She's a strong girl, Deidara. Let's not forget."

Deidara took hold of his hair with both his hands balled up into fists. "She's a mere woman to them, Kakashi! They are pirates! To them she's just a prize or a piece of flesh meat! They will not hesitate on hurting her!" His voice held anger and misery. "They will with no doubt do whatever they want with her and then probably kill her!" The blond man no longer tried to hide his tears of rage.

Kakashi stared at him stoically even though in the inside he was painfully hurt at what had happened. "Deidara, I too was a pirate. Let me tell you that not all pirates are as bad as you infer."

Deidara stood merely few centimeters away from Kakashi's face. "We're talking about Orochimaru here! The bastard doesn't work nice. The only thing he seeks is for power! His own power! Don't you understand!" The frustrated blond yelled at a rather too calm silver-haired man.

"I do understand, Deidara. Perhaps even more."

Deidara looked at him warily. "Explain."

Kakashi began to stride back and forth around the room pensively. "You mentioned," he pointed an inquiring forefinger towards Deidara. "That after you heard the first series of explosives you heard yet another explosive, correct?"

Deidara nodded.

"You were there to witness it. You also said that more pirates invaded the palace. What were they wearing?"

Deidara blinked not comprehending a thing. "Do you actually think I will remember?! And what does this have to do with Mistress Saku-" He was cut off as Kakashi held his hand and motioned him to stop.

"Just answer me, were they wearing the same outfit as Orochimaru's crew?"

Deidara was about to ask him if he were mocking him, but as he stared intensely at Kakashi's only visible eye he no longer saw the Haruno's butler. He saw the Copy Nin Pirate, Kakashi Hatake, without a single hint of playfulness on his features.

Deidara closed his blue eyes and relaxed his muscles. He mused the events of last night, replaying them in his head. Bingo. He shot his eyes open. "No."

Kakashi nodded as he gained this new piece of information. "What did they do after they invaded the palace?"

"One of them, he threatened Orochimaru's crew who were after me. They ran away as if they had seen a ghost! They perfectly knew each other, though the raven-haired man didn't let them go far, he instantly in a flash killed them. After that, he continued walking further into the palace." He finished as he tried remembering something about the raven guy. There was something particular he had seen last night about him that surprised him. At the moment his mind was clouded with worried for the young Lady Sakura. He decided to place the thought at the back of his head.

Kakashi kept nodding while he grabbed his chin thinking about the information he had received. His eyes seemed to gain a glint of hope.

"Deidara, what if Orochimaru doesn't have Sakura, but instead the other group of pirates?"

The blond man looked at him bewildered. "Other pirates?" He questioned not sure of what the man in front of him meant.

"Think about it, why would Orochimaru's own men want to kill their comrades? Also the newcomers weren't wearing the same outfit as Orochimaru's men."

Deidara thought about it as he looked up at the green leafs decorations that adorned the white ceiling; Sakura had chosen them herself. Then it dawned on him.

"Mistress Sakura can be with the other pirates!" He gleefully bellowed. Even though their dear Sakura was still in deep danger, she at least wasn't with the snake-like man, Orochimaru. The yellow blond man perfectly knew that they could negotiate with the other pirates. Just give them few golden coins and they will be satisfied. But he still remained worried, after all, these were pirates they were talking about. At least there was some hope.

"If it wasn't Orochimaru the one that abducted her, then who was it?" The question ran through the whole silent room. Both men stood there petrified. It was as if they were starting from zero all over again.

A feminine voice interrupted their deadly silence. "Um, Milord Kakashi, Deidara, the young Master Sasori wishes to speak to you both," a young maid from the Haruno palace spoke. She bowed her head low to show her respects to her superiors before she left.

"Sasori?" Kakashi questioned. He had never once talked to the young man before, so why now of all times? Perhaps he had information about Sakura? With that thought in mind, he gracefully walked out of Sakura's room with Deidara on tow.

"Twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twen-" Sakura was suddenly interrupted by the sudden sound of her door opening. She stood there petrified not knowing what to do. The Uchiha was a total ass but he had treated her well. Now, she didn't know who stood just behind that wooden door. Friend or foe?

To her surprise it was the same man that first had entered her room that day. She let out a sigh of relief not noticing that she had kept her breath. The man uninterested placed a plate full of food on the empty desk which was to his right. He proceeded to walk towards Sakura only to stop before her bed.

"Eat," he ordered passively.

Sakura was the type of child that didn't like to be told what to do since little. Instantly, she stood from the bed to stand face to face with the raven man, or more likely face to chest. She still held her ground even though the man was basically towering over her petite body.

"You interrupted me," she said with a tint of annoyance on her voice.

"From talking to yourself?" The tall man inquired with humor.

Sakura scolded. "I don't talk to myself! Besides, for your information I was counting the flower decorations that are up in the ceiling." She pointed upward with her long and thin finger to emphasize her point. The room reminded her of her own.

"Ah, it's not like you went that far. I heard you were on your twenties."

"That's where you're wrong, Milord Uchiha!" Said man narrowed his onyx eyes as she called him by his last name in a sardonic manner. "I was in one-hundred-and-twenty-four!" She crossed her arms in front of her not so developed chest and turned to the side.

This one's feisty…

"I simply came to bring you food. Now, eat," he stated in a demanding manner.

Sakura looked at him curiously from the corner of her eye before lifting her chin back up and turning once again away from him. "I think not!"

The Uchiha ran his hand through his black silks of hair irritated. He had a short temper. Anytime now he was going to burst, and this girl wasn't helping in the sightless bit.

He walked up to the desk, picked up the plate occupied by food and walked once again back to the pinkette. He held the plate in front of her, his eyes piercing through her green pools.

"Eat. Now."

She still wouldn't budge. Angry red eyes bored onto her being.

The man placed the plate on the bed and hurried out the room before he would do something he would regret. "I want to see the plate empty when I come back," he spat.

"Wait! What's your-"

He slammed the door shut not even caring to hear her, as his mind was clouded with anger.

"-name…" she finished even though no one was there to hear her.

Sasori looked up from the documents he held to receive a very not so pleased Kakashi and a very curious Deidara. He waved his hand to the two seats in front of him. "Please take a seat."

"I don't think that it's the best moment to have a nice little tea party and chat about old times." Kakashi's velvety voice spoke before Deidara sat where he was instructed.

Sasori merely blinked not amused at all. He held his bored look as he spoke. "I think that what I'm about to speak to you is about important matters. It's best if you sit down." He once again waved towards the chair.

"I rather stand," Kakashi deadpanned.

Sasori shrugged it off. "Do as you pleased," he paused. "As we all now pirates invaded the palace yesterday-"

"No shit, Sherlock. If you may excuse me I have better things to do." Kakashi interrupted as he stormed out his way out of the room not caring who he spoke to. Why did he think Sasori would be any help? He didn't know himself.

"I can help to find Sakura." Those words held him in place.

The silver-haired man slightly turned to the side. "What makes you think that a pretty boy like you can be any help? You know nothing."

Sasori stood up from his chair and walked next to the table, pacing back and forth. "Well Kakashi, this pretty boy here," he pointed at himself for emphasis. "Studied in other lands and holds more power than oneself." He gestured at Kakashi.

Said man narrowed his eyes. "I think I'm more capable in finding her than you, Sasori. I've experienced life a different way than you have."

Sasori smugly cocked his head to the side. "I know who you are."

Kakashi stiffened.

Sasori knew he had won this round. "Why hide your face, eh? Is it perhaps that you don't want people to recognize you?" The redhead snorted. "You match every physical feature that of the well know Copy Nin, Hatake." He looked up to see that his concerns were proven true. "You are a pirate. You know the dangers of the seas. Here I am to ask for your help in finding Sakura."

"I think I'm capable of working alone." Kakashi turned to face him fully.

"With what ship if I may ask?"

Kakashi cursed himself. He still didn't have anything ready for the plan he had in mind. He looked at Sasori's face with anger. "Do you?"

Sasori seemed pleased. "In fact, I do," he pause to see the reaction of the men before him. "The ship is on the Easter part of Konoha's waters. That's where the White Snake was seen last night. Hiruko is the fastest ship I own. It can withstand hazardous storms and waves. As well as sea creatures if I may add."

"What if I don't agree to go with you?" Kakashi questioned already knowing the answer.

"You will receive the death penalty," he simply stated. "If you do go, all your past records will be erased."

Kakashi stared down at the floor. He couldn't just let this offer go. This could also help to find Sakura.

Sasori received his silence as an agreement. He turned to face Deidara. "Prepare the best men you know of. Bring them to me and tell the maids and servants to prepare goods for our ship."

Deidara nodded and left the room before giving a worried glance towards Kakashi.

Sasori walked to the nearest window and stared off to the blue sea. "You should go prepare, Hatake. We don't want this mission to go wrong." His back faced the Copy Nin Pirate.

"Yesterday," Kakashi started. This surprised Sasori as he turned to face him once again.

"I figured out that another group of pirates invaded the palace as well."

Sasori's eyes narrowed a fraction of a centimeter. "This will make it the more difficult to find Sakura."

Kakashi nodded in agreement.

"Thanks for the information and for your trust, as well as for your help."

Kakashi snorted. "Did I have any other choice?"

Sasori chuckled in agreement. "I guess you're right."

Once again the door to her room was brusquely opened by none other than the Uchiha, though this time holding a glass of water. She didn't seemed surprised as she already knew that it would be him.

Sakura sat up from the bed to glare up at him. She was still mad that he hadn't even waited for her to finish talking.

"Where's your plate?" The man inquired as he scanned the whole room.

"Over there." Sakura motioned lazily with her hand towards the direction of the desk.

Yes. Indeed, the plate was empty but with Itachi's keen eyesight he managed to see hidden food under the desk, which he might add, really bad hidden.

He glared down at her, eyes narrowing to ominous slits. "What did I told you?" His voice held sinister waves.

Sakura would have been frightened if she wasn't as mad as she was at the moment. "That you wanted to see my plate empty," she paused. "And that's how it is."

The raven man's eyes seemed to get narrower. "Don't mock me girl. You perfectly know what I meant."

Sakura stood, once again only centimeters apart from the tall man. "As you said I'm a girl, I still need for people to explain more accurately," She retorted sardonically.

The Uchiha's glare darkened. He wasn't enjoying her sarcasm in the sightless. Recalling what he held, he motioned the glass of water towards the pinkette. "Here, drink," he commanded.

Sakura rolled her eyes. Couldn't he ask nicely? She then remembered that he never answered her first question. "Who are you?"

The Uchiha rose his perfect eyebrow. "You already know of me," he stated. "You know I'm an Uchiha."

Sakura shook her head. "I mean as in your name."

"Drink." He once again offered the glass of water. She stared at him blankly waiting for him to answer.

"Not until you tell me who you are first."

The man in front of her was getting frustrated by the minute! He no longer cared if she had eaten. He drank from the glass of water, reached out for the young woman caging her being with his own. He gripped the back of her head with one hand as the other one tightened around her small waist holding her tight so she wouldn't back away. Suddenly, he crushed his lips with hers, forcing her mouth to open with his tongue, pushing the water into her mouth.

To his surprise she didn't resist. Of course she wouldn't, she was too stunned to struggle!

Pulling away. He inspected his work, still holding her in place.

Dark onyx collided with leaf green.

"I'm a well known notorious pirate throughout all the lands. My face covers every Wanted bulletin board that exists. My head is worth more money than what you can imagine. My crew and I are considered one of the most powerful pirates to ever walked on Earth." He smirked as he saw fright in her wide eyes.

He then leaned closer once again, his rough lips barely brushing against her soft ones.

"I am a criminal. Uchiha Itachi," he finished.

He let go of her frail body and strode out of her room with a satisfied smirk.

Sakura stood there as everything dawned on her. Furiously she punched the bed behind her in fury as she noticed what he had done.

He was a criminal, indeed, because he had just stolen her first kiss.

Not much to edit. Really loved the ending. :D
