I don't own Harry Potter or Devil May Cry. Harry Potter belong's to J.K. Rowing and Devil May Cry belongs to CAPCOM. The only thing that I own is this story. I do not make any profit in it.

Harry Potter/Devil May Cry – Hang ém High

AU: Harry disappears from the wizarding world. To live a life that the magical world has forbidden. Surprises inside, Manipulative/Bashing!Dumbledore/Ron/Hermione, pairings unsure of at the moment.

Chapter 1

"Silence" Dumbledore all but yelled, his wand pointed at his throat to enhance his voice over the chaos in the room. As everyone calmed down, he continued. "Now, just yesterday. I had received information from Mrs Figg-"

"The squib? Why should we listen to someone who is nothing more than a useless muggle" Ron said cutting through the headmaster.

"Be quiet Ronald" Hermione glared elbowing him in the waist, ignoring the look he gave her as he rubbed his side.

"As I was saying, from what I could gather from Mrs Figg. Mr Potter was seen being dragged from his relatives home by unknown person(s)" Dumbledore interrupted before Ron could retort.

"Kidnappers? Were they Death Eaters?" Molly asked shocked, her husband trying to comfort her.

"Yes my dear Molly, kidnapped. His relatives raised the alarm after the kidnappers left. It was strange though, I don't believe it was any of Voldermort's followers, it's not the way Voldermort works." Dumbledore finished giving them a look that made him feel his age.

"A third party? Are you sure it isn't something the twit didn't just coop up with some muggles he's friends with" Snape sneered ignoring the glares he was getting, especially from Sirius, it also made him realise just how little trust he had inside the order. It was bad enough that he was going to have to explain this to Voldermort later, he knew he would be crucio'd for good.

"I doubt it. Harry didn't make friends with the other kids in his neighbourhood. He didn't say why, he properly thought he was to good for them" Ron said as though it was something that everyone should know, gaining a hit on the head from his mother.

"Ronald Weasley, behave"

"Yes mum" he answered rolling his eyes. 'Stupid hag...'

"But he may have, either that or use magic" the dark coloured wizard said, aka Kingsley.

"Harry isn't that smart. Bad luck with magic, he gets lucky that's all. Besides he knows he can't do magic outside school, it's illegal" Hermione said being obvious.

'But your using magic in my home...the wards prove that and it's shown at the ministry. How is it that these two teens aren't being caught yet?' Sirius thought looking at the two teens who were Harry's friends.

"Let's say Harry did plan this. Where would he go, he can't use his name as he is well known in our world. Plus he can't show his face because of that scar he has for the same reason" Remus asked looking at everyone in the room.

"I don't know..." Hermione asked stumped, for being the smartest witch of her age, she was clueless.

While they were discussing all of this, a teenager possibly fifteen, or sixteen years old drove down the highway. Anyone in the magical world would know who he was instantly if they could see inside the dark blue helmet, covering his face and scar. He had raven black unruly hair, pale skin and green eyes that could be mistaken for emeralds.

Not only did his helmet protect him and hide him from passers by, but also had a visor protecting his eyes. Looking closely you would have thought that the kid was a racer. But you wouldn't have noticed one of his hands leaving the handles moving up his thigh, once he saw his target, he speeded up.

Pulling his weapon out of its designated space, he road up along side the truck. The driver didn't hear or see anything due to listening to the Jeremy Kyle show nor could he see anything happening on the left side of his truck and his eyes were planted on the road in front of him.

The only thing he did notice was the odd shake he felt vibrate through the truck as a someone drove past him. He merely mumbled about kids and crazy drivers who shouldn't have a license until there thirties. So he didn't notice the ash falling off his vehicle that had once been a lizard type demon having been killed.

'This is getting to be fun, wonder where the next party will be?' Harry wondered as he continued on his way to the ferry port. Hoisting his weapon back into place his last thought was on how he was going to...

Okay, I have added another HO/DMC to my collection. What do you guys think, review and tell me what you think?