Thanks for all those who read chapter 10, especially those that took the time to review:
icarusLSU; Rya3SaberVltar and 2 guests

And now, on with the chapter!

Lord of Dragons and Riders
Chapter 11

The tomb of Ashkanar was an impressive sight consisting of a stone tower protruding above the surrounding forest and high into the sky above; so high that from the base they had to squint to see the top.

Merlin had travelled to the ancient Dragon Lord's resting place upon the back of Kilgharrah accompanied, after much debate, by Lancelot.

They had had to fly against some strong head winds along the way leaving them a fair bit behind the time they had estimated. However if the winds did not change they should be able to get back on schedule with the airstream behind them, thus helping them on their way for the return flight and catching up with the others who continued on their journey west.

"The tomb will be riddled with traps to not only deter but stop with increasingly lethal force the closer you get to the egg." Kilgharrah warned as the warlock and future knight slipped from his back, down his scaled side and to the moss infested ground beside the entrance. "Do be careful."

"I will take good care of him." Lancelot promised, his arm wrapped around his friends waist and Merlin's arm around his shoulder to support his weakened form.

Under the dragon's watchful eyes they made their way to the edge of the rocky foundation the tower was set on. Lancelot climbed up swiftly and then turned to pull Merlin up behind him. They then entered the first of many passages to come, and were out of the great beast's sight.


It was after having navigating the maze of passages for some time that Merlin and Lancelot came across a door with a strange symbol marked out on the front. The indent of three swirls was an unusual design and immediately drew the eye.

"This is obviously of some importance." Lancelot stated.

"Yes. I am sure it is some form of lock, however we have no key."

Lancelot looked around for some inspiration before noticing some strange carvings on one of the walls.

"Hey Merlin, have a look at this." He said and turned whilst continuing to support the warlock so they were facing said wall.

Merlin considered the markings as he studied them carefully.

"It is a riddle in the runes of old." He explained, eyebrows furrowed.

"Well what does it say?"

"He who breathes the noble tongue,
May he enter as a welcomed son,
But even kin must be aware,
They be tested if proceed they dare.

"Wow, real welcoming of this Ashkanar fellow."

"I presume this means Dragon Lords are free to enter and no key is required."

"That still does not answer how we are to get in... Repeat it for me?" Merlin did so and Lancelot considered the lines again carefully. "It says we will be tested so I presume the traps will still be active; if we get in that is."

"There's a dragon." Merlin said pointing out another tiny carving this tine set above the entrance. The figure was indeed an intricate design depicting a vigilant dragon whose sightless eyes felt like they bore into their own.

"It looks so realistic." Lancelot murmured.

Merlin took a wobbly step toward it and his friend hastened to help him.

"Dracan, έχω την εντολή σας. Ανοίξτε το μπλοκ που μου διαδρομή." (Dragon, I command you. Open that which blocks my path.)

"It... blinked..." Lancelot said in a daze as, indeed, the carving had blinked. The dragon became animated and turned its head downward letting out a roar of carved flames that writhed across the stone to consume the entrance. Once the whole surface was nothing but a mass of squiggling lines it slid to the side to reveal a set of winding stairs that twisted out of sight.

Warily Lancelot entered first and paused briefly, eyeing the scene for any sign of traps. Seeing nothing obvious he began to turn back to help Merlin when he heard a hiss from above. Looking up sharply he was quickly smothered by a cloud of gas. The last this he knew of was Merlin's startled cry of his name.


Merlin was snapped out of his horror when the cloud of gas continued to spread toward his self. Instinctively his hand rose and his magic pushed the substance away at dizzying speeds and out of sight.

He then practically fell forwards to his knees at his friend's side, turning Lancelot's head towards him and checking him over swiftly. He also got a lingering whiff of the gas and he was relieved to find he recognised it to be a substance commonly used to knock people out for surgery, something Gaius has used on occasion. He confirmed that that was all that was wrong with Lancelot before, with much effort, he pushed himself back to his feet. With a last glance back he began his slow assent leading him further into the tower of the tomb.

It was a long half hour later that Merlin finally reached the top and looking out a slim window in the landing space he estimated he was probably at the very top of the tower. Ahead of him was an archway and stumbling forward the warlock found it to be the entrance to a grand chamber.

And at the centre, raised upon a platform, was a pearly white egg.

He made his way across the stone floor and held out shaky hands to grasp the object of his desire.

Slowly, with a smile gracing his lips, he lifted the egg.

Followed by a near silent click...


Lancelot came round with his head pounding. The first thought was that of Merlin and he called out for his friend only to hear nothing but the echo of his own voice in reply.

The future knight struggled to his feet and quickly regained his bearing. He then swept the area for any sign of the warlock and came to the conclusion that Merlin must have gone on ahead and so made quickly for the stairs.

It took him a few minutes to make his way up the winding staircase but he soon came across the young warlock lifting what he presumed to be the dragon's egg from a stand. Merlin's smile was enough to bring one to his own lips.

It was soon wiped from his face, however, when he heard a rumbling from above them.

Reluctantly looking up he was dismayed to see the ceiling above them cracking before a large piece broke away from the rest and began its descent to the chamber below.

Right to where Merlin stood also gazing up, frozen in horror.

"MERLIN!" Lancelot shouted out and it seemed to snap him out of it.

His bony hand reached upward as though the fragile appendage were to hold the rock in place. And indeed the rock did freeze in place leaving Lancelot briefly shocked before he shook it off and called out once more.

"MERLIN! WE HAVE TO GO! THIS WHOLE PLACE IS COLAPSING!" They could both feel the ground shaking beneath their feet and more and more chunks of stone began to rain down on them. Merlin managed to keep a few more from falling far but by the sixth and largest chunk yet he was sweating and fell to his knees.

Lancelot rushed forward and lifted his friend, wrapping an arm around his waist and practically dragging him toward the stairs until part of the caving ceiling fell, fell past Merlin's defence, and blocked their path with them only narrowly dodging.

Another fell and this time one of the outer walls crumbled behind its weight and the whole tower seemed to lurch to the side.

"Come on Merlin, think of something!" Lancelot knew it was unfair to put all the pressure on the Dragon Lord but he himself was preoccupied dodging the few but deadly rocks that managed to make it past the magic shield above them.

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't-"
