AN: So here's the sequel to my story "Just One Night" if you haven't read that I suggest that you do, this probably wont make much sense if you don't. This story is what happens in the two years between the twins being born and Kate and Rick's wedding in the epilogue, which I'm sure left many questions to be answered, which is what this story is for.

Thanks to the many people who followed me through the epic adventure that was my writing of "Just One Night", this one should have slightly more frequent updates, as I don't have school anymore (just have to go in and hand in one last assignment tomorrow and return my library stuff), but I still have a pretty hectic work life, and a few other stories that are in the works; my profile page details those a little.

I have this story pretty much mapped out but any ideas are more than welcomed, or just let me know some events that you want to see happen.

So without further ado, enjoy the story. :D

Disclaimer: Checks papers littering desk… nope, still not mine.

Chapter One: Two Weeks

It had been two weeks since Kate had given birth to her twins and she was exhausted. In theory she knew that raising children would be hard work, but never had she imagined that she would have two small babies at the same time. Sure when she was younger she had always imagined having a family, but once she became an officer all thoughts of a family had been erased from her mind, that was until pregnancy had been thrust upon her. Now she wasn't even three weeks in and she wanted to give up. If it weren't for Rick she wouldn't have been able to survive.

While she had been in the hospital it had been fine, there was always a nurse, or a midwife, to tell her what she was supposed to be doing. But since she'd been back home it was like the world was ganging up on her. The twins never seemed to be asleep at the same time; one of them always seemed to be crying for some reason or another. She was so glad she had relented on the cloth nappy front; she would have never survived that much laundry. Yet in the rare moments of silence she chose to sit in the rocking chair in the nursery and watch her babies sleep.

It was in one of these rare moments, when Kate had just finished feeding Alexander, put him down, sat back in her rocking chair and promptly fell asleep, that Rick found her that day. He stood at the door of the nursery looking in on his family. His fiancé looked exhausted, yet peaceful, in her slumbered state and he stared at her face to memorise her features again. Sure he saw her everyday, but he had pushed back the deadline on the draft of his next book since before the babies were born, and in the last couple of weeks Gina had been on his arse. So for the past two days he had been holed up in his office writing, and he was almost done.

As Rick watched his sleeping fiancé Joanna started to stir. He gently made his way to her crib and scooped her up. Holding her against his chest he started to sway slightly. After then changing her nappy he realised that she was hungry. Rick really didn't want to wake Kate, but it was the only way. She may have relented on some things, but breast-feeding wasn't one of them.

Rick slowly knelt, Joanna still held to his chest with one arm, and gently started stroking Kate's arm. "Kate." He whispered, hoping to wake her gently. "Kate, you need to wake up sweetie." When all the response he got was a mumble, he tried the only thing that never ceased to work.

Rick gently placed his lips on hers and felt her start to stir. He knew she was waking when she started to respond, moving her lips under his. He felt her tongue start to probe at his lips and eagerly granted her access. It was a slow and almost lazy kiss that was just starting to get slightly heated when Rick was reminded why he was kissing her in the first place.

Joanna had started to wail, there was no other word for it. Rick pulled back at looked at Kate as he handed the infant over to her. He noticed how tired she looked as she opened her shirt and started to feed the little girl.

"Shouldn't you be writing?" Kate asked, her brain only just registering that Rick was actually in the room with her.

"Yeah." He answered. "But there's really only one chapter left, Nikki just arrested the bad guy, and besides, I wanted to see my muse." He finished coyly.

"Surely I can be that fascinating." Kate said to him.

"You are more fascinating now," Rick replied. "Than I have ever seen you. There is nothing better than seeing the mother of my children with one such child." He looked and saw Kate's screwed up face. "Too mushy?" He asked.

"Just a little bit." Kate said, rolling her eyes. She was part creeped out, part aroused by Rick just standing there watching her.

After Joanna had finished feeding, and fallen asleep Kate looked wordlessly up at Rick. He went over to her and took the sleeping infant out of Kate's arms and placed her in her crib. He then turned back to Kate to find her almost asleep again.

"Oh no you don't." He told her.

"But Riiiick." Kate whined. "I just wanna got to sleep."

"That may be so." Rick told her. "But you're not sleeping here, it's bad for your back."

"Fine." She mumbled and let Rick help her out of the rocking chair, out of the nursery and down the hall to their room. Kate complied as Rick sat her on the small chair on her side of the bed and pulled back the covers, then helped her to he bed and tucked her in tight.

Her eyes her half closed as he places a soft kiss on her forehead and left the room, although he wasn't gone long. When he returned Kate saw that he was carrying two devices. They were the walkie-talkies that Rick had rigged up as baby monitors, the third being in the nursery.

"Now get some sleep." Rick told her, placing one of the devices on her bedside table.

"'Night." Kate slurred as she drifted into the land of nod.


It was several hours later when Kate was startled awake, by what she wasn't even sure. There wasn't any sound coming out of the 'baby monitor' at her bedside, but she did catch a glimpse of the clock while she was looking around. She was shocked to see that she had been asleep for almost four hours. So shocked was she that neither of the twins had woken, that she jumped out of bed and almost sprinted to the nursery.

Once in the doorway she stopped dead. The sight in front of he was amazing. Rick was sitting in her rocking chair; laptop upon his lap, head back, eyes closed and mouth slightly agape.

As if noticing her presence, his eyelids started to flutter and as soon as they opened she got lost in his large orbs. All to soon the moment was again ruined by the wail of a small child. But that was to be the way of life for Kate Beckett and she needed to get used to it real quick.

AN: I know it's a little bit short, but I really wanted to set the scene for the story.