Wow I can't believe I haven't updated this for two years! So much for updating in 3 or 4 weeks…Ooops. I apologise to all of those who have been waiting (You've probably all given up on this now!) If you haven't given up thanks for waiting. If you are a new reader hello and thanks for reading! Here comes the next chapter…

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters etc etc etc but I do own the plot.

Spike had been wondering through the thick forest for what felt like hours. He was getting colder by the minute or as cold as a vampire could get. He seemed to be getting nowhere but he was reluctant to change direction in case he found something. Anything. He just wanted out of this forest. The soles of his bare feet where covered with small cuts and splinters from all the small twigs and tree roots that he walked over. "I must remember to thank Giles for sending me on this sodding journey," he thought to himself, "He better be paying me a lot of money for this."

Another hour passed and Spike decided that he wasn't getting anywhere. He stood pondering which direction to head in next. "Its at times like these I could do with a fag." He strained his ears for any tell tale signs of life. Sighing he sank to the floor. Seeing no way out of his current situation and needing a rest Spike began humming to himself. He then slowly started to tap his foot along with his humming. "I´ve lived a life that´s full," he sang aloud, "And each and every highway." He stopped suddenly when he heard a rustling sound behind him. He sat as still as he could as he listened for any more noises. "Must have been the wind," he told himself. Happy that there was nothing there Spike continued singing to himself. "And yet, much more than this," he closed his eyes and rested his head against the tree behind him, "I did it… my… way." Spike let himself drift into a light sleep. Hoping that when he awoke he would suddenly have new inspiration to set off again.

The noise they had heard had been coming from ahead of them. It had stopped suddenly and they had remained still waiting for the noise to start again so they could approach undetected. When it did they began following it again. Just as they thought they had found the source of the noise it had stopped again though this time whatever was making it had not suspected anything it had just quietened into silence. They signalled at each other, nodded their heads and set off in different directions. They would take this creature, whatever it was, by surprise. They rounded the trees that stood between them and the creature quickly. When they saw what had been making the noise they stopped suddenly. They stood puzzled. Glancing at each other they both seemed to be thinking the same thing. This creature looked like them.

Spike awoke with a start. He had felt like someone was watching him and when he looked up he found he was right. "Well its about bloody time," he thought to himself. "Hello," he said aloud, "I wonder if you could help me. I'm lost you see," he paused looking at the two men who were gaping at him. He waited to see if there was any kind of recognition but there seemed to be none. "What a pair of ninnies. I'm trying to find a place called Rivendell," he continued standing up as he did so. The two men gasped when he stood up and moved closer together. They started muttering to each other so fast that all Spike managed to pick up was one word, "Thranduil?" He asked. The two men stopped muttering and looked at Spike.

"Please," one said stepping towards him, "tell us what happened to you,"

"Who did this to you my friend?"

"Did what to me?" Spike looked at them and then remembered that he was left not wearing any clothes after arriving in this world, "Oh my situation," he said, "well it was probably some sort of side effect caused by the spell which meant that I was left with no clothes. If it had been anyone else I would have found it bloody hysterical."

"You had a spell cast on you?" One said looking shocked,

"We must take you to Thranduil" the other said,

"I'm sorry but I just need to find Rivendell."

"Rivendell? But you are from here."

"Don't you recognise your home?"

"My what?" Spike asked, "I knew something was amiss."

"Your home, Mirkwood," one said looking at the other, "this is worse then either of us had imagined we must hurry."

"I agree."

"Look I don't mean to bust your bubble but this is not my home," Spike said leaning back on the tree, "for one," he added pointing at the man nearest to him, "I don't have your poncy long hair and," he overstated, "I don't have pointy ears."

"That is because you have suffered some kind of torture,"

"Don't be a poof. I am trying to tell you that I am not…"

"It is obvious you are an elf. You must come with us now so we may sort this out."

They both turned from Spike and spoke to each other. "Tell me what is poncy?"

"I think he is talking about how shiny our hair is. And what is this poof that he talks of? Some form or orc?"

"I am not sure. Perhaps it is a food he was forced to eat."

"Yes perhaps you are right. Come we must take him now." They turned and gestured for Spike to follow. Spike rolled his eyes but knowing he had no other choice followed them. "Thank you SO much Giles. I knew I hated you for a reason."

Coming up next Aragorn goes to the cinema (I'm trying to keep a little humour in this story!)