I am so sorry it has taken so long to update, I won't give you a load of excuses. I will say I have limited access to the internet at the moment so updates may not be very regular. I will also promise that it doesn't matter how long it takes the story will be finished, because I hate it when someone abandons a story I like halfway through.

Anyway, this is a short chapter to tide you over. Hopefully it's ok as I wrote it quite quickly. Thankyou to everyone who reviewed the previous chapter :)


I was talking to Ella about our course when my little brother came running up to me

"Fang, Fang!" he said, tugging at my clothes.

I caught his hand, untangling his fingers from my shirt "In a minute Gaz, I'm talking."

He just started tugging at my hand instead "But Fang!..."

"I said wait Zach." I snapped. Usually I had close to unlimited patience when it came to my younger brother and sister, but I had had a lousy night and the couple of hours since I had woken hadn't gone much better.

At the sound of his rarely used real name, Gazzy pulled back. He frowned but looked defiantly at me.

"Fang I can't find Angel!" he said, his high voice cutting across mine. He got my attention.

"What?" My eyes whipped round to his face, and I noticed he looked scared and upset.

"I can't find her. She wasn't in her bed when I woke up and I haven't been able to find her."

My eyes automatically scanned the deck. He was right, no sign of Angel and, come to think of it, I hadn't seen or heard her at all since I had been up, which was definitely unusual.

I crouched down in front of Gaz, seeing he was worried.

"Don't worry Gazzy, she's probably hiding somewhere with Total."

The eight year old shook his head, his bottom lip trembling slightly "Totals still in the cabin." He whispered.

I frowned at that, Angel never went anywhere without her dog. Worst case scenarios started trooping through my mind as I glanced up at Ella who was looking at me with concern. My worry ramped up another level but I pulled my brother in to a quick hug "Don't worry Gaz, we'll find her." I muttered before jumping to my feet and ruffling his blond hair.

I exchanged a look with Ella who took Gazzys' hand "Come on, you and me will look together." She said "We'll go get Total, he'll soon sniff her out."

I gave Gazzy a reassuring smile as Ella pulled him away. I glanced round the deck once more then put two fingers in my mouth and gave a piercing whistle, my way of getting the crews attention.

The general hustle and bustle stopped as eyes turned to look at me.

"Angel is missing." I said quietly, "I want her found. Divide in to groups and search the ship." For a moment nobody moved "Now!" I snapped, the volume of my voice rising slightly.

My crew sprang in to life, all hurrying to follow my orders. I heard Iggy's voice rise above the noise as he started to divide people in to groups and tell them where to start looking.

My mind went back to the conversation I'd had with her yesterday and I once more wondered if she had been keeping more than one secret.

The last time she'd had a secret was when she had found a puppy and smuggled him on board. For a week Iggy had been complaining about how food kept disappearing and how he was sure he could hear a massive rat scampering about.

Then one morning he had been given a fright when the pup had escaped from his hiding place and found it's way in to Iggys cabin.

The result had been hilarious and the two girls still teased him about it at times. Angel had given me her big, doe eyed look and I had let her keep the dog.

Now I was wondering if she had picked up some other stray.

A shout sounded across deck "Captain, I've found her." One of the crew was standing by the boat we used sometimes to take us to shore. He was staring down in to it frowning.

Ari stood next to him. He glanced over his shoulder at me "Fang, you should see this." He said, looking faintly amused.

I was already moving towards them but my step quickened at his words.

I was expecting to see Angel maybe sitting there with a guilty look and an animal of some kind in her arms.

What I didn't expect to see was her fast asleep and snuggled up against a young woman.

I stared at the pair in astonishment as I felt people moving closer, wanting to see in to the boat.

"Well that's a different type of stray." Ari said beside me, just as the girl opened her eyes and looked directly in to mine.

As before, if you see any errors let me know and i'll do my best to correct them. Let me know what you think as I love to read your reviews. I will do my best to update at the next oppotunity I get, but it may not be for a while. Hopefully it will be a longer chapter too.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter :)