New story again. It's so addicting to just keep writing a new one as soon as an idea comes. Clare is slightly OOC.


"Wow, you really hate me, don't you?"

"Clare, this can help you and your dad reconnect." Helen defended.

"I don't want to reconnect with him, I hate him."

"Well you have no choice."

Clare's jaw clenched as she walked out of the house, "You're such a bitch." She muttered before slamming the door.


Clare was up at her dad's house in Toronto for the summer. Her house was on the ocean front, her backyard was the beach. She rested on the swing on the porch reading one of her many Palahniuk books. She was curled up comfortably until her dad walked out.

"Hey Clare."

She didn't reply and got up from the bench to walk back into the house.

"Clare, wait." Her dad stopped her as her hand was on the doorknob, "What?" She turned back to him.

"I'm sorry."

"If you were sorry, you wouldn't have left." She spat before walking back in the house to her room.


Clare was out walking around the city, finding something rto eat. It was hot out so she opted in dressing in her black ripped jean shorts and a simple oversized Simple Plan t shirt with her sandals. She arrived in front of mini restaurant and walked inside. She stood online and ordered some food that was fit for her vegetarianism. She paid and sat down at a table. She ate her food as she continued to read her book. She heard someone sit down at her table and looked up from her book. In front of her, sat a dark haired boy, dressed in all black, "Do I know you?"


"Hi." She replied bluntly focusing back on her reading.

"I haven't seen you around here and Palahniuk huh? He's a genius."

"Yeah-he is and I'm down here with my dad, can you go?"

"Can I least know your name?" He tempted.

Clare sighed as she gathered her food and closed her book, picking up her bag, "It's Clare."

"See you around, Clare." He smirked winking at her as she walked out of the restaurant.


Clare was heading out to the book store since she finished her Palahniuk one and wanted to catch up on some of her favorite writer's latest writings. She grabbed two Hughes books off the shelf and walked to the cash register to find no one behind it, "Hello? Can someone help me?" She called out. There was no other than the black haired guy coming up to her with a red vest.

"You work here?" Clare questioned.

"I do, you're a big reader." Eli pointed out.

"I am, can I pay for my stuff now?"

"You're feisty." He said scanning her books. "Is that all?"

"Do I have anything else?"

"Touche." He responded putting her books in a bag, "Here you go."

"Thank you." And just as she was about to turn on her heels he stopped her.

"Clare, um I get off work at 4, do you want to hang out."

She contemplated the offer, "Okay as long as you don't hit on me every 5 seconds."

"I'll try not to." He smirked. "I'm Eli by the way." She nodded as she turned around and exited the store.


Clare opted on not going back home after she left the bookstore since she was hanging with Eli anyway. She glanced down at her combat boots, white high waisted shorts and her floral strapless floral halter top with her jean jacket on top. It was about 3:30 as she made her way back to the bookstore.

"Hey." Eli smirked when he noticed her walking through the door as she arranged some books on a shelf.

"Hey." She smiled.

"You're early."

"Yeah well, I had nothing better to do. What are we doing later?" She asked.

"Whatever you want."

She nodded and followed Eli as he went behind the counter to service a customer. She paid for her books and was on her way. Eli hopped on the counter, "Where are you from?"

"New York."

"Ahh Big Apple, why are you and your dad up for the summer?"

"He lives here and my mom forced me to spend time with him so I didn't have a choice." She responded hopping on the counter to vsit next to him.

"How old are you?" She asked looking down at her swinging legs.

"18, what about you?"

"Turning 17 in a month."

"Good, not a huge gap." He smirked.

"And why would it matter?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"Just saying." He played it off. They continued to converse until Eli's shift was over. He took off his vest and hung it up in the back, "Ready?"

She nodded as Eli locked up to the store. "Where are we going exactly?" He asked.

"You tell me, I don't know this neighborhood."

"Well we'll just walk around the city."

"Fine by me."


Clare and Eli walked for hours, talking to surprisingly find they had a lot in common than expected.

"Are you thirsty? I'm gonna grab a smoothie."

"Yeah sure." She smiled following him into the smoothie shop.

She ordered herself a strawberry smoothie and Eli took her drink. Before she can question him he asked the cashier, "How much is this?"

"For both, 9.25." Eli gave the waiter a 10 telling her to keep the change and gave Clare her smoothie.

"You didn't have to pay for me, I have money."

"I figured I'd pay since we're on a date."

"Whoa." She interrupted quickly. "Where did you get the idea that this was a date? We're just friends."

"So we are friends."

"Potential." She replied as she sipped her drink and they started walking again.

Eli smirked, "Next time we hang out, I'm calling it a date."

"Whatever you want Eli."


They had finally arrived at Clare's place. "Your house is amazing." He commented realizing the beach in the back.

"You mean my dad's house."

"Well yeah. So I'll see you later?"

Clare nodded, "We should do this again. You're not annoying as I predicted you'll be."

"Ouch lady." Clare laughed, "Just text me when you want to hang again."

"Can I get a hug?" He asked. Clare's eyebrows formed together in a questioning look considering she knew he was attracted to her but gave him a hug anyway.

"I'll see you later."

Eli nodded as she departed in her house. Eli smirked as he turned and walked off her porch heading home with his knowing smirk on his face the whole time.
