A/N: Sorry you guys! I was in a French immersion program for 5 weeks lol English was strictly off limits! But I'm back now :)

Kazuma sat nursing a hot cup of tea, enjoying the quiet morning. It was one of the rare weekends he had not scheduled extra classes for the younger students. The boys were doing very well and Kazuma hadn't been surprised to see the youngest Sohma generation all in attendance. Hatsuharu and his older cousin, Yuki, had recently joined along with a reluctant Momiji. Although Kazuma had his doubts about the rabbit-cursed, it wasn't in him to refuse experimenting students. Kazuma smiled to himself. Perhaps if nothing else, the boys would learn to be more open and sociable under his care. Undoubtedly, there was great potential in the young Sohmas and they could grow into great men one day, were Akito ever to allow it. It hadn't escaped the wise master's attention, however, that Kyo remained absent from his registrations for the season. He worried for the boy and the guardianship he was subject to under his father's care.

Sighing, Kazuma shook his head to set aside all thoughts of the cat-cursed; it had always proved to be a rather futile, depressing subject. Katsuhiro's unfair treatment of his son was depriving the boy of a childhood and it aggravated Kazuma that he could do nothing about it. Despite knowing that the Sohmas were being unfair in their treatment of the child, Kazuma knew old traditions and habits were hard to change. His own behavior towards his grandfather had been the perfect example.

At long last, downing the last remnants of his cooling tea, Kazuma busied his hands with the long list of chores that he had been neglecting. He had only just begun when there was an impatient knock on the door. The martial artist paused in his sweeping and wondered if he had forgotten that he would be having guests over today. The knocking became more persistent morphing into what sounded like obnoxiously loud banging for the early hour. Kazuma abandoned his cleaning supplies and rushed towards the door.

"I'm coming!" Kazuma called, swiftly unlatching the sliding doors to admit entry to his irascible guests. Of all the people he could've seen at his doorstep on a Saturday morning, Kazuma had not expected the two that stood there now.

"Katsuhiro-san," Kazuma said in the way of greeting, quickly recovering from his shock as he bowed lightly, "what brings you here?"

"Kazuma," Katsuhiro grunted, bowing as well. "I've had enough; I'm dropping the monster off," the man said, shoving Kyo forward roughly. The boy barely caught himself as he tripped over the threshold of the master's doorstep. The humiliation caused a dark blush to flush Kyo's otherwise sickly pale cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand," Kazuma said politely, unsure what Katsuhiro meant by his behavior. Did he want to enroll Kyo in martial arts lessons? If so, he'd be delighted to have the boy as his newest disciple.

"You wanted him, so take him," Katsuhiro clipped furiously, by way of clarifying. Kazuma was startled by the cold indifference and sickened by the impartiality that Katsuhiro showed.

"But-" Kazuma began, wanting to argue that this was not the way children were supposed to abandoned, as he tightened his grip ever so slightly on Kyo's tiny shoulders.

"I will have nothing to do with the freak; he's too much trouble and draws unwanted attention!" Katsuhiro said acerbically—yet, Kazuma thought—almost pleadingly. The abhorrent man thrust Kyo's small knapsack at the boy while the dojo master processed the situation. "Here's your shit. I'll be glad to be rid of it and you, you hideous excuse for a boy," his father muttered not looking at the martial arts master. Not expecting the sudden move, Kyo fumbled the pack even as he grabbed desperately for it. A whimper emanated from the boy as Katsuhiro made to slap the insolent, clumsy child. But then, thinking better of it given their company, Katsuhiro reluctantly abandoned his reprimand.

Straightening, Kyo hoisted the pack upon his shoulders. Noting that Kazuma was looking uncertain now and less calm, Kyo put some distance between him and the dojo master. Although the change had been slight, Kyo was used to silent observation and picked up on changes in emotion almost instantly. It was obvious from the lack of agreement on Kazuma's side that the man no longer wanted Kyo. Maybe the master's financial situation had changed or something to that effect and he was no longer able to support a child. No, Kyo thought bitterly, not a child, but a cursed monster! Slowly, the boy moved to limp over the threshold and back towards his father. The infernal blush of embarrassment glowing on his cheeks: he really was unwanted everywhere. Before he could take so much as a step in his father's direction though, Katsuhiro roared.

"No, you stupid piece of shit! Don't you get it? I don't want you back in my house again! I don't care if he takes you but you will NOT come back with me!" he yelled furiously. Kyo flinched back as his heart hammered in fear, wishing he could die on the spot for the billionth time in his short life. Seeing the look of complete and utter hopelessness and betrayal on the child's face, Kazuma gently guided the boy into the house behind him. Katsuhiro was an unpredictable, crazy man and Kyo didn't deserve this. Kyo didn't deserve him. With his mind decided on the matter, Kazuma realized it was time to act.

"I will not have you threatening my new ward," Kazuma said, speaking calmly yet firmly as though he were trying to tame a wild pet.

"Do you have the adoption papers?" he pressed when Katsuhiro had backed off.

Reaching into a folder he held, Katsuhiro fished out a few papers and promptly thrust them at the master. In the matter of a mere few seconds, Kyo's guardianship lay in Kazuma's hands. And just as abruptly as the man had come, Katsuhiro was leaving.

The dojo master's hand paused on the shoji door as he took in Kyo's stance on his threshold. With small hands clutching the straps of his knapsack so tightly that his knuckles had turned white, Kyo's eyes searched frantically for any sign of a final goodbye from his biological father. But the man disappeared into the morning mist without a single glance. And still, Kyo stood at the door in wait. Only when there was no sign of the man in sight, did the childlike, innocent ruby eyes began to water. He had expected this, he thought vaguely as he steeled his heart, he just hadn't known it would hurt so much.

R&R S.v.P ;)