Disclaimer: All credit goes to the show and its creators.

It's been a few years since I've actually written any sort of fanfiction, so please bare with me as I get back into the swing of things. Reviews are always helpful, but only constructive criticism please.

Sheldon sat in his spot. All he could do was sit there, lost in his thoughts, wondering why Amy would accept a date with another man. More importantly, he wondered why he cared about it as much as he did. He had always been a man of science and logic, so why couldn't be make sense of his own feelings?

He had always prided himself on the fact that he found his equal Homonovus and that he could share a relationship of the mind with her without all the politics of regular relationships getting in the way. He had always thought that Amy was just as happy with the relationship as he was. He wondered if maybe be had been wrong all this time. Perhaps that's why she accepted the date with the other man. Maybe he could offer her what he had failed to for the duration of their relationship.

"Hey Sheldon," Leonard said as he walked in the door.

Sheldon quickly snapped out of his trans.

"Well, hello, Leonard. How was your day?" Sheldon said, trying not to sound suspicious.

"Good, I guess. Are you okay?" Leonard knew something was up. After living with Sheldon for several years, he had learned to pick up on the not so subtle clues that something was defiantly up with Sheldon.

"Of course, Leonard. Why wouldn't they be?" Sheldon said , trying to cavalier.

"Oh, I don't know. You're acting weirder than normal and the fact that Amy is out on a date with another man. Stop me at any time here," Leonard said matter-of-factly.

"I don't own Amy. We are not involved in any sort of romantic relationship. I have no reason to be upset about her going out with someone who is clearly below her intellect," Sheldon said hoping to throw Leonard off.

"Right, that's what you said when I went with her to the wedding and then you karate chopped me when I got home and screamed, 'She's not for you!' I don't buy it," Leonard said with a sense of sarcasm.

"Say what you will, Leonard, but I am perfectly okay with the fact that she is out on a date with someone else," Sheldon said as he got up and headed towards to door.

"Where are you going then?" Leonard asked, already knowing the answer.

"To go talk to Penny," Sheldon replied.

"About Amy?" Leonard asked.

"I don't see how that's any of your concern," Sheldon said as he hastily walked out the door.

The truth was, he was going to talk to Penny about Amy. For once, maybe Penny knew something that he didn't. Maybe Penny could offer some insight into what he might be feeling for Amy and why he is so bothered by the fact that she was out with someone else.

Knock, knock, knock, "Penny."

Knock, knock, knock, "Penny."

Knock, knock, knock, "Penny."

"You know, Sheldon, that really isn't necessary," Penny said as she opened the door.

"Honestly, Penny. I don't see why I should have to explain this to you every time," Sheldon said, aggravated.

"You know what? I shouldn't have said anything. What do you need?" Penny asked.

"Well, I was hoping that I could perhaps talk to you about Amy," Sheldon said, in hopes that Penny would not start judging him.

"Aww, you're totally jealous right now, aren't you?" Penny squealed.

"I most certainly am not. I am perfectly happy for Amy." Sheldon said, taken off guard by Penny's statement.

"Really?" Penny asked, seeing straight through Sheldon's lie.

"No," Sheldon said, feeling defeated in his attempts to hid his true feelings.

"Come in, we can talk," Penny said as she moved so that Sheldon could come in and sit in his spot that he had in her apartment.

"I just don't see what he could possibly offer Amy. He's not of the same superior intellect as I am and has remedial job that has no real potential," Sheldon said, exasperated.

"Did you ever stop to think that maybe Amy wants more than your genius, relationship of the mind thing that you have going on?" Penny asked, already knowing the answer.

"No, I haven't," Sheldon said, clearly lying to both himself and Penny. He had, in fact, thought about that, he just wasn't willing to admit that it was, in part, why Amy would accept a date with another man.

"Don't you think that perhaps you should start considering taking your relationship with Amy to the next level?" Penny asked.

"Whatever do you mean?" Sheldon asked.

"How about telling her how you feel?" Penny said, annoyed that she should have to explain this to such a intelligent man.

"She already knows that I value our friendship a great deal and consider her to be my intellectual equal. What other 'feelings' do I need to express?" Sheldon asked, quizzically.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe that you love her?" Penny asked sarcastically.

"Honestly, Penny. Love is such an overrated emotion," Sheldon said condescendingly.

"Sheldon, you can say what you want about it, but you love her and at the end of the day, even the most brilliant mind can't control what his heart feels. So, either you tell Amy that you love her or risk her ending up with some other man that was willing to put logic aside and embrace what he felt for her." Penny said. She was trying her damnedest to get through to Sheldon, but she knew that she was never going to convince him to tell Amy how he really felt.

"Well, I must say Penny, you make a valid argument," Sheldon said, getting up from his spot to leave.

"Say what?" Penny was shocked that he was actually taking into consideration what she was telling him.

"I really don't see what you didn't understand about my previous statement. It seemed pretty straightforward and understandable, even for someone with your IQ," Sheldon said walking out the door, closing it behind him before Penny could respond.

Sheldon couldn't stand to thought of Amy ending up with someone else. As he stood in the hallway, contemplating his next move, he asked himself, "Am I really in love with Amy?" He wasn't quite sure how to answer that question just yet, but he knew he had to figure it out and quick.