Hi guys!
Here's my Naley fic, my first one ever. I was pretty nervous about posting this, but someone told me I should do it, and gave me enough confidence to go through with it (you know who you are) - so thank you girls!
Anyway, hope you'll enjoy!

Disclaimer; Unfortunately, I don't own anything, even though I wish I did.

Chapter one

Haley closed the door with her foot as she entered her apartment.
Thank GOD this day is over!
It was almost 9 pm and she was exhausted. This was without question one of her longest days at work since she finished her internship almost a year ago. She let out a loud sigh as she slowly walked into the bathroom suite and turned the shower on while undressing, not caring that her clothes were thrown all over the floor, she was simply too tired to care. She quickly got into the shower when the temperature of the water felt just right. Haley closed her eyes and let the hot, running water wash over her. She raked her hands through her dark locks when the water hit her head as she moved under it. She stood there for a while and just let the water run over her body while her mind wandered…

Earlier that day

She had been at work since 4 that morning, thinking that she could maybe get off at a reasonable hour if she got an early start, but this day had planned something entirely different for her. First of all she got the pit, so she got all the trauma cases she could handle. Not that she minded though, because she loved the fact that in the pit you had to make fast and effective decisions, there was usually no time for hesitation about the cases that came rolling in. You had to be consistent and effective, and that was what Haley loved about this job. And that was the way she'd always been. At the top of her game every step of the way. Especially since the day that changed everything in her life. The day that turned her entire life around and the day when she became the person she is today. The day the world around her almost didn't exist, except for the people that had always been in her life and would always be there for her.

Around 2 pm, she finally got to take a breather. She sank down in one of the chairs in the lounge, rubbing her temples, trying to get rid of the throbbing pain that was shooting through her head. Why on earth did I take this extra shift today? I never learn! She let out a low sigh before she quickly swallowed a couple of aspirin with a sip of water, and leaned back again while putting her feet up on the tiny coffee table in front of her.
Her stomach then made a sound that made her realize she hadn't eaten anything since the energy bar she grabbed on her way to work this morning, and made a conclusion that she should get something to eat. She finished the bottle of water and noticed a couple of other residents talking and laughing at each other in the opposite end of the room, she smiled at them, before she decided that she would go down to the cafeteria to grab something to eat. She was about to pull her feet off of the table, when her beeper suddenly went off. Great just what I need right now! Perfect timing as always.
She closed her eyes for a moment before she got up and went down to the pit again. At least I got to sit for about fifteen minutes, and that's actually not bad for today. She thought as she walked fast to get there in time.

"What do we have?" Haley asked while the paramedic approached her with the stretcher.
"3 year old girl, foreign object stuck in the back of her throat". The blonde man said while Haley pointed them into a vacant examination room.
"How long has she been without air?" She asked while checking her oral cavity with her naked eyes. She used her tiny flashlight to see better and pushed her tongue down with a spatula.
"We lost her about 2 minutes before we arrived here." She heard the guy say.
"Okay, I need you to go get me a small tracheotomy tube, ASAP." She directed to the nurse standing next to the paramedic guy.
Haley nodded to the paramedic to let him know it was ok for him to leave and that she had everything under control after he gave her the rest of the little girl's current vitals. At least it seemed like she had everything under control, but inside she was stressing. She kept repeating the so called 'rule of 4 minutes' in her head. Which meant in theory she only had about 2 minutes left before her patient was in high danger of becoming brain damaged or worse; dead.
She couldn't let that happen to this little girl lying in front of her.
This was not the time to hesitate and think about solutions, and as far as she concerned, she only had one option.
She put on a pair of gloves, just as the nurse came back into the room with the tube. She had already wiped the little girl's neck with disinfection liquid to sterilize the area she was about to cut open.
"Now, Sarah, sweetie, this may hurt but I promise it will be over in a second." Haley said to the tiny, raven haired girl. Even though she was unconscious, and probably couldn't hear what she was saying, Haley always liked to talk to the patients. Trying to comfort them as much as possible and make the best out of the situation. It didn't matter if they didn't hear her or if they did. She would still let the patients know what was going on and what they were doing.
"Give me the scalpel." She said while holding out her hand. The nurse handed her the scalpel and Haley carefully made the small incision of the skin, exposed the windpipe, and then made the last cut through the cartilage so she could insert the tube.
After a few seconds the little girl started to re-gain some color in her face, which was a good sign. Haley let out a small breath as she saw that she had made the right decision. At least for now, they couldn't be completely sure about her mental status before she woke up, but at least she got her to breathe again, which is always good, and of course, first priority. In Haley's mind she didn't use that many seconds to insert the tube, which hopefully saved her life and allowed that little girl to have a normal life. She prayed to God that it wasn't too late.
As she was removing the small plastic piece from her throat, another nurse came into the room.
"Dr. James? Sarah's family is in the waiting room."
"Yes, thank you Jen. I'll be right out." She said while removing the offended object completely, which turned out to be a small plastic soldier. Why does kids always have to put things into their mouths? She thought and slowly walked out to the nurses station to give them information and instructions concerning the girl's current condition.

As Haley walked through the glass doors leading into the waiting area, almost all heads turned towards her with a hopeful and questionable look. She quickly scanned the room to see if she could recognize the little girl's family. She then saw a raven haired man sitting in the right corner with a young boy in his arms, the boy's head safely in the crook of the grown man's neck.
"Mr. Scott?" Haley asked. He had his back towards her.
The man got up quickly and turned around to face the soft voice that cut through the uneasy silence that was held in the room.
As he turned around and raised his head to look at her, Haley froze for a short moment as she met the clearest, bluest eyes she had ever seen, behind a pool of tears that was threatening to spill any minute. She could see how scared and worried this man was.
She quickly shook herself from her frozen state. "Can you please come with me, Mr. Scott?" She said with an easy voice while giving a small smile and extending her hand toward the man rubbing the young boys back as he approached her.
"I'm Dr. Haley James." She said as he took her hand.
"Nathan Scott." They both let the shake linger before Haley retracted her hand and slowly turned around.
What the hell was that? She felt a weird tickling sensation going through her arm. She shook it off and turned her head again and met his worried, yet beautiful eyes, filled with tears.
"I managed to get the little soldier out from the back of her throat." She said, while walking through the hall, leading to the examination room where Sarah was lying.
When her hand was on the handle of the door, she stopped and faced him. "However, in order for her to get air supply to her lungs as soon as possible, I had to go into her windpipe through her neck, so she will have a small tube sticking out from her neck." She saw his eyes widen, and a whirlpool of emotions going through his eyes, as she told him about cutting into the little girl's neck. She thought about the risks for her becoming brain dead or damaged if she was without air supply for too long, she didn't want to scare the man unnecessary, and decided to withhold the word brain damage until she could be surer about the girl's condition herself.
She then put her other hand on his arm and looked into his eyes, smiling carefully. "Now, the tube is only temporarily. As soon as we know she's strong enough and her breathing is stable, we'll remove the tube, and stitch it right up. Which should be any minute now."
She entered the room and led him over to the little girl on the table.
"Sarah..." Nathan whispered in a low, broken voice and went over to her side while still holding the little boy. A single tear escaping, running slowly down his marked cheek bone at this point. "I don't know what I would've done if you...or if something had…" He choked on his words as a small sob escaped his throat.
Haley felt her own eyes start to water, but quickly blinked it away. This was always the hardest part, to watch the emotional exchange between the patients and their families.
"I'll give you a minute, Mr. Scott." She said before turning around to leave.
"Is she going to be okay?" Nathan asked before she reached the door.
She closed her eyes for a brief moment. She then took a deep breath before turning around to face the worried parent in front of her. "As of right now, we really don't know. We won't be completely sure until she wakes up. It all depends on how long her brain was without oxygen." She tried to sound calm and comforting. "However, if the estimated time I got from the paramedics, that brought her in, is correct, and my own calculations added, I truly believe that she will be fine." She smiled.
"Thank you, Dr. James." His soft, broken voice giving her trembles down her spine.
"Please, just call me Haley."
"Thank you. Haley." A tiny, but fragile smile formed at the corner of his mouth.
Haley felt her temperature rise in an instant as her name left his mouth. She returned the small gesture with a comforting nod and turned around before he could see her face starting to blush.
What the hell is wrong with me! I'm probably just tired. And my blood sugar level is low, so… She tried to reason herself for acting weird just now. After all, she had been here since four this morning, and she hadn't been able to eat anything. Yeah that's definitely it. She gave herself a nod, while walking over to the nurse's station to complete Sarah's chart.

"Where can I find Sarah Scott? Is she here? I need to see her!" A terrified voice suddenly broke through Haley's thoughts as she worked on the chart.
She turned around to find a dark haired, beautiful woman standing by the glass doors that led from the waiting area. She gave the chart to the nurse sitting behind the desk, and walked over to the young woman, who looked like she was around her own age.
"Hi, Mrs. Scott? I'm Dr. Haley James. I've been taking care of your daughter." She smiled.
"Is she okay? Where is she? Has my husband arrived yet?" The scared woman looked around and was unable to meet Haley's eyes. Her breathing was rapid, and she was clearly stressed.
"Mrs. Scott." Haley said a bit firmer and raised her voice slightly, to get her attention.
The brunette stopped pacing and faced the slightly shorter woman in the white coat.
"Dr. James, was it? I'm sorry, I'm Brooke Davis Scott." She shook Haley's hand. "I just got a message about my baby girl being in the hospital, and I totally panicked!" Her voice was still trembling, but she seemed to have calmed down a little.
"Well, your beautiful daughter is doing just fine. Here, let me take you to see her and your husband." She motioned her hand towards the room her family was sustained. "And please call me Haley." She smiled, and received a confirming nod in return from the brunette.

"Oh, my God! Nathan…" Brooke said in a shaky voice as she saw the scene in front of her. She ran over to Sarah's bedside and carefully touched her face and stroked her hair. She kissed her softly on her forehead. "Aw, baby. Mommy's here now, everything is going to be fine." Brooke turned around and threw her arms around Nathan, letting her emotions go completely as she sobbed loudly against his chest. "What happened, Nathan?" She asked while pulling away a little to look into his face.

Haley was still standing in the doorway, observing this adorable family with a smile on her face. They were still pretty shocked, but happy at the same time now that they knew their little girl was going to be fine. They had removed the tube and stitched her up minutes before Brooke came, and when Sarah had woken up again, they quickly figured out that she was going to be okay. Their son was sitting in the chair on the other side of his sister's bed. Haley figured he'd be no more than 4 or 5 years old. It didn't really seem like he understood what was going on or the extent of the situation as he was fiddling with his toy car in his lap.
"I just turned around for a second, to help Daniel down from the stool by the kitchen counter. By then, Sarah had already grabbed and swallowed one of Daniel's plastic soldiers." Nathan's face fell and he looked over at Sarah. "It was only a split of a second Brooke!" Tears fell from the edge of his eye.
Her hand came up and palmed his cheek, as she brushed away the tear with her thumb.
"Nathan. This is not your fault. Okay? You know how quick they can be at that age." She said, trying to give him a smile. "And besides, she is going to be fine. The doctor just told me, and I'm sure she told you too." Brooke turned her head and looked at her little angel. Nathan's arms were still encircling her.

"I'm really sorry to interrupt, but could one of you please come with me to take care of Sarah's paperwork? I just need a couple of signatures and then you'll be able to take her home." Haley said in a soft voice to the couple standing next to their daughter's bed.
Nathan dropped his hands along his side as he turned around to look at Haley. His blue pools piercing her own brown, emitting a mix of emotions she'd never seen before. His smile could almost reach his eyes, which was filled with gratitude, happiness and something else she couldn't really pinpoint.
Haley swallowed sharply as she felt a sting in her chest. He held her gaze for, what seemed to be forever in Haley's mind, and she too, was unable to let it go. Her stomach started to flutter, and the uncontrollable blush once again swept over her face. Shit, pull yourself together! First of all you're at work and should be able to act in a professional way. Second, he's married to a gorgeous woman and he just got the good news about his little girl. Don't even go there! Unprofessional Haley!
"We'll be right out." He said, his eyes never leaving Haley's.

A few minutes later, Brooke came out to join Haley.
"Brooke!" A sandy blonde, blue eyed man called, as he came running towards them. She looked up from the form she was signing, let out a sigh and smiled at the man.
He embraced her in a hug and held her for a while before pulling back. He looked into her eyes with worry.
"I just got your message. I was with a client that wouldn't stop talking." He said with a slightly annoyed tone. "How is she?"
"She's fine. Nathan's with her now." Her eyes narrowed as she was smiling.
"Thank God." The blonde man breathed out and a big smile formed on his face. He then leaned down and kissed her tenderly. His hands cupped her face.
Haley's eyes widened, and she quickly looked away. What the hell?

"Mommy! Daddy!" They all turned around.
Nathan now walked out of the room carrying both of the children. My God he's good looking with his faded grey jeans and black short sleeved t-shirt, and yes, the kids also look good on him.
The little blue eyed girl was squealing in his arms as they got closer.
Nathan put Daniel down and he ran over to the blonde man, throwing his tiny arms around the taller mans legs.
"Hey there little man!" He lifted the boy into his arms, and popped a kiss on his forehead.
Brooke turned around to face Haley, Sarah was now in her arms.
"I'm sorry Dr. James, um, I mean Haley." The brunette smiled.
"This is my husband, Lucas Scott." She said, directing her gaze at the blonde man holding the little boy.
"Hi. I'm Lucas." The handsome blonde held out his hand.
"I'm Haley James." She said accepting his gesture. "And your daughter is going to be just fine. All you have to do is make sure the band aid on her neck doesn't get wet. If it does, then change it." She smiled while looking at the little girl in her mothers arms. "And then come back after 10 days to remove the stitches."
"That's it? So she won't have any problems eating or swallowing after this?" He asked, raising his eyebrow a little.
"She will probably be a little sore and tender at first. Just be careful and make her eat small pieces of food until the scratches in the back of her throat heals properly. Of course fluids are to prefer, at least for the first couple of days. And if her pain gets worse, then I'll give you a few painkillers for her to take. But only if she expresses any pain or that you feel she's having problems eating and swallowing."
"Wow, I cannot believe this. Thank you so much, not only for saving her life, but also mine." Nathan said in a playful tone, and then moved his gaze over to Lucas. At first Lucas gave him a death glare, but it soon changed into a small laughter.
"Dude, you can forget about babysitting anytime soon after this." Lucas said, giving Nathan a playful smile as he bumped his shoulder.
"Are you absolutely sure that she will be fine?" Nathan asked again with an underlying worry in his voice, all joke aside.
"Yes, I'm sure that she will be perfectly fine in a few days or so. You have nothing to worry about." Haley smiled at the beautiful man, but looked quickly away to avoid his intense gaze.
"You have to forgive my brother for being an oversensitive pansy." Lucas joked.
Aha, brothers. That explains a lot.
"Hey! I'm not a pansy!" Nathan said, acting hurt as his hand covered his chest.
"Okay, you two funny guys. That's enough, I'm sure that the sweet lady doctor here has more important things to do than listen to you two idiots arguing about who's more macho than the other." Brooke's dimples forming as she smiled at her.

Haley started to feel a little uncomfortable as the light bantering kept on going between them for another minute, yet somehow she also felt like these people were easy to be around. They weren't as uptight and formal as most other people she met while being at work. And she loved the fact that, even though they'd just been going through a pretty disturbing and terrifying event, they could still smile, laugh and see all the good things they gained from this situation.
She suddenly felt a pair of eyes staring at her.
Okay, don't turn your head now! Damn! A small shiver ran through her, as she did. She let herself drown in those piercing blue eyes, just for a second, before she snapped back to reality. Fuck! Now get your shit together and act like you always have and usually do! She took a deep breath and swallowed to control herself.
"Well, I'm glad to see that you're all going to be fine." She forced her eyes back at Brooke and the little girl. "And if something was to happen or you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. You all know where to find me." She gave them all a smile and shook their hands.
"Thank you very much, again. We cannot thank you enough." Brooke and Lucas expressed with great gratitude.
Behind them she saw Nathan giving her a tiny smile and a small nod before he turned his attention to Sarah and tickled the little girl until she was laughing hysterically on their way out.
Her insides were flipping, and again her face became flushed.
Stop embarrassing yourself!
She turned back around to get the next file in the stack, there was no time to waste, and she also needed to get a certain person out of her mind. Still, those blue eyes kept haunting the back of her mind throughout the rest of the day.

AN: Well, there you go. The first one is out, and I think I survived, at least I hope so. Please review, if you want, I would love to hear what you think! Both the good and the bad.
I don't think it will be long until the next chapter is up, if this is something you will continue to read?