So guys, how long has it been? A month? Yer, I failed. But here is a chapter for you. I hope you like!



DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything. At all. :(

I crept up the corridor that led to my room, when I saw a light on in one of the empty rooms. I snuck up to the door and put my ear against it. Admittedly, not a very professional spy technique, but a very helpful girl eavesdropping teqnique. In there I heard two voices which sounded all too familiar. I couldn't pin point where I had heard them before.

"We need to wait until they are out, then we attack." I heard one guy say.

"But we want them, what is the point of waiting until they are gone?" another guy asked.

"Duh, they will come and get the others, due to too many," the first guy paused, "Feelings."

"You are brilliant!" the second guy whispered.

"Feelings!" the first guy hissed.

By this time I was beginning to feel a tad weird so I stopped eavesdropping and carried on to my room. When I walked in I saw Macey and Bex doing chemistry homework and Liz on her laptop.

"Cam," Macey began, "You are leaving tomorrow for Gallagher, so me being as fabulous as I am, packed a small bag for you."

"A small bag?" I questioned. Bex laughed.

"Cam, for once Miss Fashion Queen over here was reasonable with her case sizes." Bex said shooting Macey a look. Macey got up and walked over to our closet, she pulled out an overnight case and I sighed in relief.


PRO: She's Macey.

CON: She's Macey.

PRO: She has loads of nice clothes and lets you borrow them.

CON: If you don't wear those clothes you are forced to. (Very painfully.)

PRO: She doesn't mind packing for you when you need to pack things.

CON: Those 'things' are model worthy and usually not yours.

"See, its fine." She insisted.

"Macey. Thank you so much. If I had to pack it wouldn't be done by next Thursday." I laughed.

"Cam, you might want to get an early night because you have 10 hours of car journey tomorrow." Liz said. "With Grant." She added. I nodded in agreement and headed over to bed. I changed into my pyjamas and clambered into bed.

I woke up and suddenly felt an unnerving feeling in the bottom of my stomach. Like I knew something was going to go wrong. Maybe I will just forget to take something to Gallagher. I dressed quickly and me, Liz, Macey and Bex all walked down to breakfast together. We were sitting alone when Grant plopped down beside me and slung his arm around my shoulder in a friendly way.

"Hey, Camsteroo!" he said animatedly.

"Hey Granty-boy!" I snickered.

"What's with the cheesy nicknames today?" Zach asked sitting down across from me, he smirked at me and winked. I poked my tongue out at him. He grinned.

"Wow!" Jonas exclaimed sitting down next to Zach. "The world is falling, Zachary Goode smiled!" he gasped in mock horror.

"Shut up." Zach growled punching Jonas in the arm, hard. Grant looked up as James sat down near Jonas. Our table fell silent as James sucked in a breath and turned to Macey.

"Macey, I know when we first met I blew you off completely, but please, please go on a date with me?" he said. Macey smiled standing up.

"Of course, I completely forgive you." She said.

"Really?" James asked.

"No!" Macey snapped. "Do I seem that easy to please? James, what you did hurt me and I'm not going to let that go over a few nice words." She said storming off.

We all looked at each other in shock; James seemed to register what she said and got up and started running after her. He was almost out the hall when Dr Steve called him over.

"Heeney, detention." He said. James rolled his eyes and continued on to find Macey.

"Cam," Grant said my name, "We had better be going."

"OK, just give me a minute to say goodbye." I replied.

Cam, you're only going for a day." Bex pointed out.

"And?" I asked jokingly. She rolled her eyes. I walked around the table and sat next to Zach. He pulled me in for a hug and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm going to miss you." He whispered against my hair. I smiled and looked up at him. I pecked him on the lips and smiled at him.

"Not as much as I'm going to miss you." I replied. He kissed me and we were interrupted by none other than Bex shouting at Grant.

"Why can't you be romantic like that?" she shouted. He smirked and pulled her into a long kiss. When they finally pulled away he smiled ad looked her in the eyes for a while.

"Because, you wouldn't like me like that." He grinned. She returned the smile and kissed his nose. I heard Liz aah and I saw Macey roll her eyes.

"Right, lovebirds break it up because Cammie and Granty need to leave. Now." Macey said.

I hugged Zach once more and stood up. I left the table and went up to my room to get my case. I had that unnerving feeling in my stomach again, but then I heard a noise. I slowly crept to the other side of my room and stopped.

I listened.

I waited.


I must be imaging things. I walked back over to my case and flew out the room and to the entrance where I was meeting Grant and Dr Steve. I ran down and saw that Macey, Bex and Liz were there and Grant and the guys weren't there. Or so I thought. Jonas came running round the corner being chased by Zach, followed by Grant.

"Hey Gallagher Girl, ready to go see your mom?" Zach asked.

"Definitely." I smiled. He smirked.

"Cameron, Grant, Please follow me." A voice said behind me.

"Mr Solomon?" Grant asked. Since when was Mr Solomon at Blackthorne?

"I will be escorting you two to Gallagher." Mr Solomon said opening the door for us to head out.

"Bye." I called out.

"Bye Gallagher Girl, don't worry we won't have too much fun without you." Zach smirked.

"Oh, you won't," I said. "You still have that detention with Macey and Bex." He threw his head back and made an annoyed sound at the back of his throat.

"Don't remind me." He said. Mr Solomon cleared his throat. Zach pecked me on the cheek and Macey, Bex and Liz waved before I stepped out the door and into the Gallagher limousine.

We had been driving for about three hours and I was well and truly bored. I was stretched over the back seats of the limo and Grant was doing the same down the seats on the side.

"Cam," Grant's voice snapped me out of my daydream. "Cam, how long 'till we are at Gallagher?" he asked.

"A while." I replied, not really bothering to check my internal clock.

"Oh." We sat in silence for about an hour, which let me tell you it's more awkward than it sounds. I lay back down and drifted off to sleep.

A while later I was woken up by Grant shaking my shoulder.

"Cam, we're at Gallagher." He whispered. I shot up and bolted out the limo door eager to be out of a limo and in an actual building. I grabbed my case and flew up the steps and into the main entrance. I pulled Grant behind me. We passed a class heading out for P and got a few stares mainly because of Grant but carried on none the less. We arrived at my mom's office and I knocked. She called for me to come in and I opened the door and lead the way in.

"Hey Cam, how's Blackthorne? Welcoming I hope." She said as I sat down on the couch in front of her desk. Grant closed the door behind him and sat down next to me.

"Cam, Grant, I'm afraid the reason you were called here is not pleasant. I do not wish to be the one to tell you any bad news but I must. Grant I'm afraid your older sister Grace has been compromised by the Circle of Cavan and is being held captive." My mom said, Grant made a chocking sound. My mom looked at me and her face softened.

"Cam, your dad was found," My hopes rose. "Dead." And they crashed and burned.

I decided that was a good place to stop.

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Pretty, Pretty Please!