I know you guys are going to curse me for taking SO FRIGGIN' LONG to update-but I needed to walk away from writing in general for awhile. NOW I'M BACK! Hope you like

Twenty four hours have already gone by since Spencer left. I feel so empty. I haven't said a word since he walked out our hotel door. I want to be completely angry at him, but on the other hand-I question why he left me in the first place? What's wrong with me? Is he embarrassed to show me off to his mom? Wait-show me off? What am I thinking? It's not like we actually have a relationship going on! He's just my guardian! My protector. My escort. And the best friend I have right now.

Sigh. This sucks. This hotel room sucks. This situation sucks. Spencer not being here sucks.

"AHHHH!" I scream. I am just beyond frustrated with everything. I can't call anyone. I can't go anywhere. I can't even use any sort of social networking site. Room service and Doctor Who on Netflix have been the only thing keeping me from absolutely losing it.

When will Spencer be back? Is he gonna let me know he's okay?

I sit down on the couch and place my head in my hands. I really need to calm down. Things could be a lot worse.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door. The sound sends chills through my spine and causes me to jump up quickly while knocking my knee tremendously hard against the abnormally high coffee table.

What am I supposed to do?

Then there's another knock.

Oh God, what if it's him? He found me!

"Get a grip, Lucy. Stop acting so stupid," I whisper to myself while I quietly tip-toe, well attempt to tip-toe to the front door. I peak through the peep hole and realize it's a hotel worker.

I reach for the door handle and pull it open.

"Oh well hi there miss. Sorry to bother you. Hope I didn't wake you or anything." Said the older gentlemen in his spiffy bell hop uniform.

"Not at all! I was on the, uh phone, yeah and didn't hear you. Sorry 'bout that." Don't I sound rather confident?

"No problem at all miss, just wanted to drop this letter off for you. Arrived at the front desk just this morning." He hands me a royal blue envelope with silver writing. What a weird looking letter.

"Thank you so much. You have a great day, alright?"

"No problem. You enjoy the rest of your day as well, ma'am." He smiles as he quickly turns and walks away.

I close the door and limp over to my space back on the couch. This packaging looks oddly familiar. There's no return address. This in itself makes me nervous.

I just keep staring at the bright blue envelope, almost terrified on what kind of horrors could await for me on the inside.

No one is supposed to know I am here. He couldn't have found me, its impossible-right? I've done everything I Spencer told me to do and I haven't done anything he told me not to do.

I keep thinking about the envelope. Who the heck uses a royal blue envelope to send a letter? Maybe a child, or…

"The Doctor." I hit myself on my forehead. It really makes sense now! "It's a Doctor Who reference!" Suddenly my insides begin to flutter because I know exactly who this letter is from. I quickly rip it open and begin to read-


I am hoping by now that you got my clever reference with the blue envelope. I thought it would be a perfect way for you to know WHO this was coming from. Hope you enjoyed. If you didn't get it, please turn in your bowtie and sonic screwdriver.

On another note, please stop being upset with me. I know that you are. You are probably sulking around planning on how you are going to get me back once I return. I know that you feel like I just abandoned you-but I promise I didn't. This was just something I needed to do on my own. It has not a thing to do with you.

To be honest, it hasn't been very long and I feel pretty lost without you around. You're kind of like my right hand man woman. It's been a crazy journey, but I can't picture doing all of this with anyone but you. I hope you're smiling and are re-thinking the hell you are going to put me through when I get back.

By the way, you are probably getting this around lunch time-I'll be back around six p.m. My visit didn't exactly go the way that I planned.

See you soon,

The Doctor

"The Doctor?" I burst out laughing. He really signed it that way? Genius kid. He really does make me smile. I'll give him that.

And he misses me? He actually wants me around? I am sure we can both agree that these circumstances are horrible-but would he have looked at me twice otherwise?

I begin to walk into the kitchen when I pass in front of a mirror.

"Oh em gee, Lucy! You look horrid!"

My hair was a complete mess and it looked like I had dried ketchup on the side of my mouth. I was also still in my pajamas from the night before.

"I've turned into a man!" I try and press the flyaways to my head. Not working. "And he's gonna be here in about four hours! He can't see me like this!"

I grab my cane and walk through the kitchen, down the hallway into our bedroom. I hoist my suitcase on the bed to see what kind of outfit I can put on.

My choices were pretty…uh, exciting? Lingerie or a minidress? Was she serious? Why on earth could Penelope not have a bit more class?

I grab the cream and black dress and press it to my body. It was a simple, strapless dress that landed half-way up my thighs. Solid cream with a thick black band around the waist. "Not half bad."

With no help to get ready, taking a shower and getting dressed was a bit of a challenge. I was trying very hard not to use my cane, but it turned out to be a horrible idea. While trying to get out of the shower I slipped and caught myself on the handle of the shower door. Immediately I could see the black and blue coloration showing up on my hip. It took everything in my power not to scream in pure agony-but I had to press on.

I didn't want to look like I was trying TOO too hard, so I just left my hair down and kept my makeup to a minimal. I also wasn't going to attempt to even try to wear that black lacy hooker heels Garcia placed in my shoe bag. That girl must have an awesome sex life.

Before I knew it, it was six p.m. Then it was six fifteen. Six thirty. Six thirty seven. My heart began to race uncontrollably. Why is he not here? Then all of a sudden I can hear the door handle jiggle. Within seconds, he walks in.

My heart skips a beat. He wasn't even gone long but it felt like time just slowed down. We have been in together day in and day out for so long. I can't help but put on a big grin, one so big that my jaw begins to hurt-but I don't care.

He grins back and places his bags on the floor. "So you're not mad at me, are you?"

"Who can be mad at The Doctor?" I reply. This makes him blush as he runs his hands through his hair and grabs the back of his neck.

"Wow Lucy, that dress," he swallows, "that dress looks really pretty on you."

I look down and push some remaining wrinkles out. "Thanks, Spence. Just something I was loungin' in." I laugh.

Before I knew it his face got a bit serious, which caused me to worry a bit. My palms start getting sweaty as I cannot read him. He shoves his hands in his pockets and walks towards me. He stops just a foot or less away from me. He lifts his head and opens his mouth as if to say something, but then closes it again.

"Spencer? Is something wrong?" I whisper to him. He looks confused, almost angry. I don't understand what just switched.

He lowers his head and says, "I don't think I can be without you again." Spencer raises his head to look me straight in the eye. The lines around his eyes begin to soften and a sense of relief is written on his face. It must have been hard for him to say. I smile as big as I can to let him know that I understand.

Then I begin to play with his tie. I don't know how much longer I can take of this. He's been there for me. He's seen me at my worst, and is helping me be better. He needs to know how I feel and I can't keep beating around the bush all the time.

I grab his tie even harder and pull him in for a deep kiss. Not sure what the consequences of this may be, but I don't care.

Without warning, Spencer grants me access to an even deeper kiss. And before I know it, it's his hands that begin to explore. This moment is amazing. This moment is better than any anti-depressant they could give me.

Within seconds I already feel like I am about to go over the edge.