Glee Club were in the auditorium, waiting for Mr Schuester to come and watch them perform "Born This Way.". They were all laughing, when Santana came in, her tanned brown vest with animal fur around the hood covering up her white t-shirt. Brittany gave Santana a curious look, while her eyes flickered to Santana's stomach. Brittany raised an eyebrow, as if to say Which shirt are you wearing?

Santana didn't walk over and reply, nor did she even mouth 'Lebanese' or 'bitch' to Brittany. She just walked over, and stood away from everyone.

'Okay, guys!' Mr Schue said. 'Since none of us has seen each other's shirts, before we perform our number, how about we show each other?'

Everyone instantly nodded and ripped open their jackets. Santana, slightly nervous, started to unbutton hers.

Brittany looked at her with pleasure.

When the club saw Santana's, they were very confused.

'Lebanese?' said Tina. 'I thought you were Hispanic?'

'It wasn't meant to say Lebanese,' Santana looked at Brittany. 'It was a spelling error.'

Finn looked confused. 'Then what was it meant to say...?'

Brittany ran forward and hugged Santana. Before Santana could say that the shirt was actually meant to say "lesbian", they all guessed.

'Holy crap,' said Puck, looking into the distance. 'I've been making out with a lesbian for 2 years!'

Sam's eyes widened. 'You think that's bad? I'm going to be known as the last person to date the lesbian Santana Lopez!'

Santana pretended to ignore them, although their words still hurt.

Kurt was thrilled. 'Oh, you've come out of your closet!' he ran forward and hugged them too.

'Wait, does this mean Brittany is a...?' Artie said slowly.

'No, I think I'm bicurious. But I do love Santana.' Brittany said, still hugging Santana and Kurt.

Rachel said nothing.

Mr Schuester clapped. 'Well, Santana, I think you established the whole point of this week's homework assignment. Acceptance. How long have you known?'

'Since Miss Holliday sand "Landslide" with me and Britt.' Santana wiped a small tear from her eye as she Brittany and Kurt stopped hugging her, and Brittany took her hand.

'I knew it,' said Quinn quietly.

Lauren laughed. 'Well there goes your reputation.'

'Shut up Zizes. Lesbian or not, I'm still going to have a better reputation than you because a. I could get guys even though I weren't into them and b. because I actually don't look like a mother of a baby hippopotamus.' Santana snapped.

Brittany gasped.

'Tana, don't insult her about her looks!' she muttered, although dumbfounded glee club members and Mr Schue could hear her.

'This is exactly what I was afraid of!' said Santana, her voice quavering. 'Critism and judgement. I'm not singing the number anymore,' she walked off the stage and left the auditorium.

'Nice one, Lauren!' said Kurt angrily. 'She felt free for about 10 seconds before you ruined her fun. You too, Puckerman and Sam! Do you know how hard it is? It's not like baking a cake. One mess up and you can start again, but when something like that happens and people mess it up for you, there's no turning back. We're the first teens that she has confided her secret in and all you do is make her feel bad. I'll still perform, but I am NOT happy with you three.'

And at that, Mr Schuester announced that it was probably time to start the number.