Disclaimer:No. I don't own Gakuen Alice because if I do, Natsume-kun and I should be kissing by now. LOL. I only own the plot. (:

Summary: Boredom was the reason why Mikan Sakura visited Alice Chatroom where she met a very hot guy with the name of Natsume. One day, he told her that he wants to meet her but the problem is, she's not the girl Natsume thought she is. What will Natsume do if he finds out that Mikan fooled him by sending her cousin's photo to him instead of her own photo?

Author's note: Hi there, guys! Chapter 2 is up. Kindly read and review. Happy Birthday, Natsume! :D

Chapter 2:

"LUNA-CHAAAAAAAAAAAN!" I shouted as I bang the door hard. I heard footsteps coming inside the room. The door opened and it revealed a very tired and grumpy looking blonde. I immediately walked inside her apartment as I continue my ranting. "Luna-chan! You gotta help me! Natsume-kun wants to meet me, I mean YO-"

I stopped by rambling and froze on my spot.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" I screamed bloody murder. "Pervert!"

I immediately cover my virgin eyes and continue cursing. There in front of me, is a naked boy who just came out of the bathroom. The boy immediately grabbed the nearest cloth and covered his 'thing' with it.

"Shit!" I heard the boy cursed under his breathe.

With my flushed face, I glared at the guy. "You pervert! What the heck did you do to my cousin? I'm gonna sue yooooou!"

Luna twitched. "What are you doing here, Mikan? Barging into my apartment and shouting like crazy. What do you need?"

I quickly turned to Luna-chan, completely forgetting about the naked boy inside her apartment. "Luna-chan! I need your help! Natsume-kun wants to meet me, I mean you!"

I saw Luna-chan raised a perfect eyebrow. "And why would I meet him? Isn't he your boy?"

"True, but I sent your picture instead of mine!" I yelled.

"You did what?" Luna-chan asked irritably. "Why would you that?"

"Because I know that he'll be disappointed if I sent my picture to him!" I protested.

"Just fucking tell him the truth. If he really loves you, he'll accept you. Now, out. Can't you see that you're disturbing me?" I know what Luna-chan means when she said that I'm disturbing him. I'm not that stupid! I know that the guy and her is making babies!

"But he'll surely get angry with me!" I cried, my hands up on the air. "Just this once! The moment we see him, I'll tell him the truth. I just want to see him personally!" I begged, my hands clasped together and my eyes crying waterfall.

Luna-chan cringed. I know that Luna-chan won't be able to resist. We were like best friends and I know that sooner or later she'll agree with me. She wouldn't want to make her best friend cum cousin to be sad right?

"Mikan, don't involve me with this. This is your problem so leave me out of this!" Luna-chan half-shouted, clearly irritated at me.

"Pleaseeeeeeee! I'm begging you," I begged. "Please, please! I'll do anything you want!"

With that retort, Luna-chan smirk and placed her forefinger and thumb on her chin. "Anything?"

"Y-yes, anything," I stuttered.

"Well then," Luna-chan placed her hands on my shoulders as she smiled at me. "Work with my term paper and you just put yourself on a deal, dear cousin."

After that talked with her dear cousin, she immediately jumped on her bed and opened her laptop. She signed in and found Natsume online. She giggled and excitedly IMed Natsume.

FluffPuffs_Lover: Natsume! (:

He quickly replied.

Crimsoneyes_027: Hey. What's up?
FluffPuffs_Lover: Guess what?
Crimsoneyes_027: What is it? I have no time with your guessing games.
Mou, so grumpy! Anyways, remember what you said the last time?
Crimsoneyes_027: What about it?

I wonder if Natsume is as excited as me? I started typing.

Fluffpuffs_Lover: Are you still up for it?

It seems that Natsume is thinking because it took him a while before he replied. I became nervous, scared that he had changed his mind. I hope not, I really want to see him in person. Though there's still a part of me that says that I shouldn't agree because I wouldn't want to see his reaction when he finds out the truth that I actually lied to him. But for now, I don't care for that. Because all I want to happen is to finally meet him. Meet the boy that I had learn to love. That will be the best thing that I will ever receive this Christmas. I was deep in my thoughts when he replied.

Crimsoneyes_027: Yes, very. Are you agreeing?

I smiled. He's still up for it. Putting all my worries to the back of mind, I happily typed.

Fluffpuffs_Lover: Yes.

Again, he took a while to reply. I'm getting really nervous right now. What if he's just playing with me? What if he's just playing around and just fooling me but in reality he doesn't really want to meet me?

But as soon as I read his reply, my heart started pounding fast and I couldn't stop the sweet smile that formed in face.

Crimsoneyes_027: You made me smile, idiot. :D

This is the first time that Natsume actually put a smiley face on his replies. I became very happy because I know for the fact that Natsume is really sincere in meeting me. But my smile slowly faded as I remember that he's not expecting me as Mikan Sakura but rather as Luna Koizumi.

I sighed.

Fluffpuffs_Lover: Really? (:
Crimsoneyes_027: Yeah. And you just gave me the best birthday gift I ever received.

OH MY GOD! It's Natsume's birthday? Damn, I didn't know.

Fluffpuffs_Lover: It's your birthday? Why didn't you tell me?
Crimsoneyes_027: Just wanted to keep it a secret so that when we meet you'll be very guilty for not greeting me and you'll end up doing what I want for compensation.

I pouted.

Fluffpuffs_Lover: Meanie. :\
Crimsoneyes_027: Hn. You better bring me a gift, okay?

I smiled.

Fluffpuffs_Lover: Of course! And Natsume?
Crimsoneyes_027: What is it?
Fluffpuffs_Lover: Happy Birthday. (:

And it was a long night for the two us.

As Luna-chan and I walk towards the meeting place, I can't help but to be conscious with the stares that we are receiving. No, let me rephrase that. The stares that Luna-chan is receiving. She looks extremely gorgeous with her clothes today. She's wearing a black mid-thigh shorts and a sleeveless blouse for her top which she partnered with a cute black blazer. And to top it all, red high heels for her feet while me, I only wore a simple miniskirt and simple button up blouse.

I sighed. I realized I looked like a maid beside my cousin. She's so gorgeous while I'm so simple. I'm sure that Natsume won't even notice me.

We arrived at the meeting place and I saw a raven-haired boy sitting in one of the chairs of the restaurant. He was wearing a black button up shirt and jeans. He's tapping his fingers on the table, a bouquet on the chair in front of him.

He looked back to our direction and my heart skipped a beat when I noticed his crimson eyes. It's so alluring and captivating. I gulped, nervousness enveloping my whole being as I saw his eyes sparkled when he saw us. He quickly stood up, grabbed the bouquet and slowly walked towards our direction.

I elbowed Luna-chan. "That's him. The guy with a bouquet."

Luna-chan's eyes widened as soon as she realized how gorgeous Natsume is. "Damn Mikan, he's fucking gorgeous!"

I can't help but agree with her.

When Natsume stopped in front of us, he smiled. Oh God. I think I just dropped my panties to the floor! Natsume is so handsome!

"Hi," he cooly said showing his hand for a handshake.

I gazed at Luna and saw her mouth forming into that flirtatious smile of hers. I felt a lump on my throat because of that. Because I know that when Luna-chan gives that smile to guys, it means that she's interested.

She smiled wider. "Hello."

She took his hand and squeeze it.

With that simple gesture, I realized that I just lost Natsume to my cousin.

Author's note: I personally don't like this chapter. I think it's boring. LOL. Anyway, as I promised, I posted Chapter two for Natsume-kun's birthday! Gyaaa! Happy Birthday, Natsume Baby! We love you! :*

I hope all of you liked this chapter even if it's boring. It's kinda rush and not yet proofread. So yeah, how about a review? For dear Natsume-kun? LOL. This story won't be that long. Maybe it will range from 4-5 chapters only. Goodbye for now. :D

Kindly read Two Hearts Apart? Thank you! :D

' Cute-chan. (: