11-12-11 I re-edited to include some thoughts on Eragon and Nasuada that should have been there.

This is another "Inheritance" fix-fic. I want to show my appreciation to all of you who have strived to repair the depressing ending of the Inheritance Cycle's long awaited Book Four. And I recognize the loss of the E&A fans, but let's face it. They are immortal and have plenty of time to smarten up and create a happy ending. But Nasuada doesn't have that luxury, and I find CP's handling of Murtagh's fate to be a dismal failure. Apart from a half hearted offer of a job by his brother, little attempt is made to make M&T feel welcome to stay. They are almost shunted off with a wave and a 'Good riddance.' I was inconsolable. More than anything else, I wanted to see the breach between the brothers mended. So this is my goal. However, I didn't want to make Nasuada wait... let's face facts, we mortals only live so long...

Well, anyhow... This is the first installment of what I hope is a believable resolution to correct Book Four.

Chapter One: The True Meaning of Freedom

The pleasant hum of his dragon vibrated beneath him, and wind cool and refreshing washed over his form as they glided ever northward. Serenity surrounded him, inspired by the sunlight playing on the top of the clouds. Wild tendrils of adventure and freedom gently wrapped themselves around him. And the rider gripped tightly to them like a lifeline.

In reality it was a lifeline, and the rider had to cling to it. It was keeping his mind on the good things. It was keeping him from sinking into the depth of despair that he knew existed just below the surface. He would hang on to this thread in hope, and bury everything else beneath the mask that encased his heart, protecting both himself and his dragon from the misery lurking at his inner core. The churning ugly untouchable darkness was kept imprisoned, so it would not taint his innocent partner. He locked it away, refusing to look at it, or feel it, lest Thorn have to suffer for his rider's vandr-wyrda. So instead, Murtagh drank in the feel of freedom, reveling in his dragon's happiness, and he tried to ignore the distant painful throbbing concealed within him. This was how he would survive. This was how he would stay sane... for Thorn...

Aside from his ruby companion, this newfound ability to flee and explore was the only positive thing in his life, the only thing he had left to hold on to. It was the door to his future, the opportunity for excitement and discovery, a reprieve from the certain doom, heartache, and the very likely execution that he would have faced had he stayed. Two faces flashed before his eyes, his half brother looking dejected, and a beautiful, sad Nasuada. He had wanted to stay, ached to stay. And they had wanted him to stay... but they had been the only ones, and staying would have only hurt them in the end. No... This was his only available path, and he forced his focus on that end. This was going to be their time... his and Thorn's.

A break in the blanketing clouds, allowed them a glimpse of the lush terrain that rolled beneath them. Intrigued, the pair silently descended to better survey the new territory. Rocky patches began to show, breaking through the forested mounds, and highlighting their progression deeper into the Spine Mountains. At the impressive sight, Murtagh drew a breath, and enjoyed a brief moment of contentment. It was stunningly beautiful, but that wasn't the reason they had chosen this route. They needed to bypass the elven lands, and this was the best direction for that purpose.

A ribbon of a river wound beneath them and a gentle nudge of curiosity pressed against the rider's mind in an unspoken question.

I think that is the Anora, Murtagh replied mentally. Only then did he realize just how close he was to the former village of Carvahall, his brother's childhood home.

A quick wave of desperate longing swept over him as he swallowed the bitter knowledge that his mother had sacrificed her elder son to preserve the life of the younger. What had that little boy done wrong to be so easily cast aside?... But no. She had returned to him. And he knew she had loved him no matter what lies the cursed king had woven around the event. She hadn't meant to die upon her return, and leave him alone in the world. It was just ill-fate. Vandr-wyrda, there was that word again. And once more he forced off all these negative images, casting them into the dark vault where he kept all the things he was not yet prepared to deal with. The brief emotional struggle had happened, and was over in a breath, for Murtagh was determined not to let his darkness overcome him... for Thorn's sake. He would be strong for him...

When the edge of the bay appeared on the northern horizon, it provided a welcome distraction from the previous reflection. Murtagh let himself smile, mentally suggesting to Thorn that he find a nice spot to rest for the night on the shoreline. The growl that the rider received in return was a clear indication of the dragon's growing hunger. There would definitely be some fishing tonight.

By the time they reached the banks, the sun had dipped down far enough that its rays struck below the clouds in a dazzling display of pinks, reds, oranges and yellows on a background of indigo. The body of water was huge, and the tidal motion created a rippled mirror reflection of the sky. What an incredible sight it was.

Murtagh... I like this freedom.

The rider tried to laugh but the overwhelming emotion rather choked him.

I knew you would, my friend... I knew you would.

Full stomachs certainly enhanced the pleasure of the campsite. Night sounds caressed the air with an unplanned lullaby, and it was all the rider could do to keep his eyes open. Drowsiness felt good to the rider and his mind drifted to the possible sights and adventures that the pair might encounter in the unexplored northern lands.

After all, who else had ever been so far north?... Galbatorix. That thought shook Murtagh awake with a scowl...

Galbatorix had lost his dragon in the north and then gone mad, wandering those wastelands for - what was it - years? And a voice in the back of his head whispered...

'And you are following in his footsteps like a good little student...'

A shiver coursed through the rider at the chilling thought, and he might have given the thought more consideration, if his dragon hadn't chosen that moment to ask him an unexpected question.

Murtagh... are you happy?

As happy as I have any right to be...

What kind of answer is that?

An honest one...

Silence stretched on as the gentle sounds played in the breeze, making him drowsy again. Once again the faces appeared, and memories surfaced briefly... camping, laughing, sparing with his brother... the feel of his arms enfolding her trembling form... the hiss and smell of burning flesh... It was almost a physical blow. And in a swift mental motion, learned from months of practiced attempts of evading the king's mental assaults, Murtagh shoved those memories in the vault within, praying they would stay there, and stop haunting his moments of peace. He was trying to banish them, he realized with a stab of regret that twisted deep. And he truly hoped Thorn wouldn't notice, but of course he did.

Murtagh... where are we going?

North... somewhere where we can be safe... where no one will hate us...


The rider frowned. What choice did they have? If they wanted to remain free, they had to run. That was one of the truths of his existence. The dragon sighed, well aware of his chosen one's thoughts.

How funny it is... that the freedom we so eagerly sought would force us to leave the things that we care so dearly about.


Thorn blinked at his rider's excitable reaction to his mental pondering. He really hadn't expected that, and hurried to further explain his observations.

It is just strange that even this freedom finds us still bound, only in another way.

At least it's a better way... better than it was before.

Very true.

For some reason now Murtagh's restless thoughts plagued him sufficiently that he didn't think he would be able to sleep at all now. He wasn't even sure if it was his own emotions struggling to grasp the irony of their situation, or if he was feeling the effects of his dragon's confusion.

Just why was he running?... Wasn't that what you had to do when you broke free from captivity?... Wasn't that what he did before?... What possible other option could there be?... Run... Escape... Find safety... and then what?

For some reason the answer eluded his tired, groping mind. Safety wasn't a goal or a prize. But with the never ending threat of the king's punishments, fear had made the notion of safety utterly prevalent in the rider's psyche. But the king was no longer a threat... Perhaps it was time to re-evaluate his fears.

Once again the images appeared. They defied his attempts to drive them back... but this time he swallowed his sorrow, and let them remain for a bit. There was a sort of comfort in their imagined presence, and it slowly dawned on him just what it was that he feared most... losing them, their friendship... and he had chosen this path. He had chosen to run, and in doing so, his greatest fears were being realized. He could almost see Nasuada smile at his revelation.

In his mind there was a stifling silence, and it stretched out so long that Murtagh started to suspect that his dragon had fallen asleep.

If safety isn't the objective of our freedom... then what is? he thought to himself, and he felt rather than saw Thorn eye turn to gaze at him.

"Thorn," came the whispered words of the rider. "What do you want to do?"

And the dragon smiled as he considered the question.

The following morning, the ruby pair glided high above the mountains, hidden in the clouds. The warmer air lifted beneath the dragon's sturdy wings, and their southerly direction lifted their spirits.

Following the edge of the Spine Mountains would keep their presence hidden, for few ventured into that range. And would have to do most of their traveling at night. But what mattered most was that they were no longer running. Instead their new path was leading them home, and both dragon and rider were filled with a sense of peace that they had not previously known...

Suddenly freedom had taken on a whole new meaning.

Posted: 11-11-11 {hmm... that is interesting.}

Extra bits added: 11-12-11

Of course they will finish their travels at night mostly, so as not to be seen... but that will all be explained in a future chapter... And I know there are a TON of errors, but I couldn't wait to post it... I'll polish it up in a day or two. In the mean time I hope you all enjoy. Review if you think this worthy...