Blood On my Hands
"I use to not believe in such myths as vampires, werewolves, fairies, or other common myths. I use to think parents told their children these things to cover up the real truths. But on that night ten years ago, a painful truth was revealed. Vampires were real and they only wanted one thing, blood. They didn't leave a single drop left in your body. They sucked you dry until they saw the light from your eyes fade away. Books like Twilight only make vampires look like bitchy ass wimps that'll let you live if you ask. Vampires don't love humans…they don't, and can't, love anything. They fear nothing and will kill you…I learned that the hard way…"
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The glow from the blaze of the fire shone brightly in the night. The small town of Linval was ablaze and showed no sign of ever burning out. Smoke rose miles into the sky and was quickly captured by the gray clouds of the night sky. The cries of the townspeople rang out but fell on deaf ears, for the reason for their suffering was something they all insisted didn't exist.
It all happened so quickly, they didn't see it coming, they couldn't have.
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As everyone fell into a deep sleep, they emerged, the creatures that rule the night and take what lies in darkness, vampires. The infinite number of vampires emerged from the dark forest that bordered Linval. All of them covered by a pitch black cloak that hid them in the darkness. Only their crimson eyes were visible. They headed toward Linval in a mass group leaving nothing but the dust from the roads behind them. As Linval became clearer their leader halted them just before the boarder of the dark forest. He turned toward them and spoke,
"We've waited 50 years for this night. Alameda's reincarnation is in the town. When you find him, don't harm him in anyway. We have this night and this night only to plant the seed. If we screw this up, who knows how long it'll be before his reincarnation will appear again. We leave no survivors. Is that clear?" They all nodded in agreement. "Leave only the vessel alive. Drink as much blood as you can. As soon as we find him, we'll be heading back to Romania to complete the ceremony. Once you've had your fill of blood burn this place to the ground. I only want to see the flickering of the burning embers of this town left. Let's try to make this look like a freak accident if at all possible." He turned around looking at the sleeping town and breathed out slowly. "50 years…since I've tasted Alameda's blood…" He put his hand to his lips and tried to remember the taste of that intoxicating blood. "Alameda…I'll be with you soon..." One of the leader's subordinates whispered in his ear that the moon was rising into position. He nodded and gave the signal for the group to head towards Linval.
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Izaya Orihara tossed and turned in his bed. Sleep was avoiding him like the plague and it was killing him. He's had a bad case of insomnia for about a week and whenever he tried to sleep he'd have the same dream. He's was in an old castle like the kind in Cinderella only more Dracula style. Huge chandeliers filled with candles covered the ceiling. Paintings, of what looked like royalty, covered the walls. As Izaya walked further into the castle he'd find a man facing this painting of a very handsome ruler. He turned towards Izaya and calls his name in a seductive tone that makes him weak in the knees. The man holds out his hand and beckons Izaya to come to him. As Izaya walks up the stairs the man and the castle becomes blurry and dissipates before Izaya can reach him. And every time he'd wake up Izaya would feel weak and emotional drained. But he wanted to go back to the castle and talk to that mysterious man.
Izaya eventually had enough and got out of bed and headed down stairs. His parents were obviously still asleep, since it was just a little past three in the morning. Izaya went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. It suddenly hit him that he was thirsty, strange how it just hits you. He walked out onto the patio and sat on the deck watching the night sky. The stars twinkled brightly and the moon was at its peak in the night sky. The moonlight gave him chills; something bad was going to happen, he could feel it. If only Izaya knew how right he was.