Hello everyone! And now for something completely different…

The idea for this story was given to me by a wonderful reader who gave me all of the information and asked me if I was interested in making a story out of it. I absolutely loved the idea, and the fact that it took the characters I write and completely change their history, no Death Note, but yet they still come together at Wammy's and some of them as the couples we're used to.

I just went through all of my messages and cannot find the one from the person who gave me this idea; but I know she's been waiting for me to post this so I'm sure she'll get back to me as soon as she sees it, and I will then be able to tell exactly who this person is because I cannot remember what her screen name was, and I need more information from her to complete it.

Please let me know what you think of this, and rest assured this won't get in the way of my other stories that are working right now, but I had to get this up too.



Mello closed his eyes as he felt the coolness of his niece's little hand on his face. She was the only person who didn't look at him with pity; she didn't know he'd ever looked any different, why would she? He opened them again when he heard her giggle suddenly.

"What's so funny?" he asked and she giggled some more, her feet kicking wildly in his brother's arms, "It's good she looks more like her mother instead of you, Dieter." He said to his brother who ignored his statement but instead looked at his watch.

"We better get going," he told the blond teen who nodded and kissed the little girl in his brother's arms.

"Now you be good until I see you again, at least don't get caught!" he said and reached for his bag taking a good look around; he knew he wouldn't be seeing her or this house again.

"Let's go or your gonna miss your train," Dieter urged him again and Mello nodded. They walked outside where his brother's wife was waiting by the car and Dieter handed their daughter to her.

"You take care of yourself," she said to him as he opened the trunk and dropped his bag inside, "Please don't hate me Mello, I just.."

"I don't hate you Gretchen, I'm just sorry you feel the way you do," he said with a small smile.

"You don't have to do this, you don't have to leave," she told him and he sighed.

"Yes I do. If someone had told you that you couldn't be with Dieter what would you have done?"

"It's not the same thing Mello!" she defended and he shook his head.

"And because you feel that way is why I have to leave. Take good care of my niece," he said and climbed into the car. Dieter got into the car on the driver's side, started it up and drove out into the street. He glanced at Mello quickly and sighed.

"Look, she loves you she just doesn't understand," he started and Mello looked at him.

"Do you understand?" he asked and Dieter nodded.

"I understand Mello and I don't have a problem with it, but she's my wife and…"

"And I'm your brother. I expected you to stick up for me a little more," Mello interrupted, the hurt obvious in his voice.

"I tried to reason with her, I really did but the bottom line is she worried for Lisa," he tried to explain and Mello turned on him.

"What does my being gay have to do with Lisa? What would my having Matt here have to do with her at all?"

"I'm not really sure, but she went on and on about the atmosphere would be different," he answered and Mello laughed harshly.

"Oh yea, she might breathe in gay germs," he said and Dieter laughed as well.

"I know it's ridiculous but Gretchen doesn't really..she's never known…she's never met…"

"She knows me, she's known me for a while now," Mello nearly spat.

"That's different. She never really believed it until now," Dieter said quietly and Mello turned from him and looked out of the window.

"Doesn't matter anymore as I'm never coming back," he finally said and his brother hit the steering wheel.

"Don't say that! This is your home!"

"Until now, until she made it clear that the only way I'm welcome in HER home is if I deny what I am. It's her home now Dieter and everything has changed." Dieter didn't answer, he didn't know exactly what he could say because his brother was right.

Mello sat back in the seat and closed his eyes against the tears he could feel burning behind them, willing them to stay hidden.

"Hey, did you fall asleep?" Mello's eyes snapped open as he heard the voice from beside him and realized he'd been dreaming. He'd just laid back on the bed after packing his things for the trip back to Wammy's, he hadn't meant to fall asleep. He opened his eyes to see a pair of emerald green ones staring deeply into his. He reached up and ruffled the bright red hair above the eyes and smiled,

"Sorry, I was dreaming about when I left home to come here. I guess all this packing just reminded me of it." The redhead leaned down and gently kissed his forehead.

"Don't apologize, I'm sorry I caused you to leave your home," he said and Mello shook his head.

"I told you before it wasn't your fault, it was theirs. I don't regret being here with you this summer, do you Matt?" he asked and Matt shook his head as well.

"What a stupid question," he said laughing and got up from the bed, "I'm going to double check on what time the train leaves and make sure Gregor knows what time to leave."

"Okay, I'll finish up in here and meet you downstairs," Mello told him, then grabbed him and pulled him against him, kissing him deeply. Matt grinned when he was released then turned and ran out of the door.

Lawliet sighed watching the countryside rush past the window as his train moved along the tracks. This would be his final year at Wammy's, and he couldn't deny the idea saddened him. The only time he felt complete was when he was at Wammy's, the only place he felt welcomed him, and the only people he felt truly cared about him were there, Quillish Wammy and Light Yagami. Quillish Wammy had made millions as an inventor, and had turned his ancestral home into a boarding school for gifted students. He spent his time overseeing the children that came to Wammy's, making sure they met all the entrance curriculums and keeping up with them during the school year. From the first day Lawliet and his twin brother BB, had arrived for their first year at the age of 10, Wammy had taken to him immediately, as if he'd understood just how alone the young boy with the huge eyes and wild black hair had been.

Now, seven years later it would all come to an end and he had no idea where he would go or what he would do afterwards. He looked at his brother who was sleeping in the seat across from him. They were alike in facial features only; in temperament, beliefs and even eye color they differed. No one really understood why the pigmentation in B's eyes gave it a red color, they only knew it was unnerving to look at; and he knew it and used it to his advantage often.

Lawliet loved his brother, but he didn't always understand him, or like him very much. What relationship they did have deteriorated once their parents had divorced when they were six, and they were separated. B had gone with their father, Lawliet with their mother, only seeing each other on holidays and once they started Wammy's. Luckily both parents had agreed to the suggestion that they be sent there, a decision that Lawliet was eternally grateful for. He believed both parents agreed to it because it meant they didn't have to deal with either of the boys for ten months of the year and could travel or party to their heart's content.

At least during the school year he had a father figure he could look up to and feel cared for by, who understood his constant thirst for knowledge and the desire to understand the world around him and not be looked at as if he were some kind of freak. Even BB, who was brilliant in his own right, felt Lawliet was a bit over zealous and no fun.

Lawliet sighed again, unwrapping a lollipop and sticking it into his mouth. He would have to have a long talk with Wammy about his future, he was one of only two people who cared about him enough to help him; he'd know what he could do.

Then there was Light Yagami. They had been friends since they first met during their first years at Wammy's. As a matter of fact, he was one of the few he could truly call a friend as most students shunned him. But recently he had begun to feel more than friendship for the attractive Japanese teen; but he had been afraid to approach it. He had a feeling that Light was gay, but he wasn't sure and he was afraid of ruining the friendship if he let him know and it wasn't the case.

They had always kept in contact outside the school year via email, but he didn't think that was something he could discuss that way, it had to be face to face when he did it. Now this year there was also the annoying Misa Amane Light had told him about. This was the girl his parents were trying to marry him off to that he had no feelings for; and now according to Light's last email she was coming to Wammy's for the final year.

With her here, it would be imperative that he talked to Light about his feelings before the year was up; he was afraid that if he didn't he would lose him to Misa through parental pressure. Light was brilliant and capable, but he had to know there was another way for him to go, or he would succumb to their pressure. He closed his own eyes in an attempt to nap himself; his mind was made up on both accounts and he looked forward to seeing them both through.

"Liiiiiiiiiiight! Slow down!" that screech only made him move faster, wishing he could move at the speed of light and just completely lose that sound and especially the person from whom it came from.

"Liiight!" he sighed and finally stopped, breathing hard from the exertion of moving quickly with the weight of the suitcases and the anger he was feeling. If only his parents would not try to ignore what he was, and not keep pushing this whiny, stupid, pain in the ass girl in his face. She was representative of everything he hated about girls; why he was glad he preferred guys.

He stood in the middle of the airport, seething with anger as the girl finally caught up to him, dragging her own small bag on wheels behind her.

"Why are you in such a hurry, Light?" she asked, "You'd think we were going somewhere fun instead of school!" she complained and reached for his hand, which he quickly pulled away.

"I just want to get to the car Misa, can't you move faster?" he asked angrily as he began to move again.

"But my bag is heavy!" she complained and he snickered looking at the bag she was dragging.

"You shouldn't have put so much garbage into it then," he said.

"Why are you being so mean to me? You were nicer to me before we left!" she whined and Light shook his head. He'd had to be nice, both sets of parents were beaming at them as they left; Light's thinking they had found the solution to his problem and thus theirs; her parents thinking their daughter had a promising, brilliant future husband.

"Look, Misa…"

"You'll have to be nicer to me if we're going to get married," she said with a bright grin, "Husbands don't treat their wives that way!" Light closed his eyes and tried not to yell as he turned to her.

"Misa, I have told you a million times that we're NOT going to get married, why won't you listen to me?" he hissed and she giggled.

"You're just being silly," she said laughing, "Your mother told me how nervous you are about the whole thing and that you'd say anything to get out of it. But she also said I needed to stay strong and you would eventually turn around. So don't worry Light, I understand and I will be here when you finally realize you love me!"

"Misa, like I've told you before, I'm gay, I'm never going to love you!" he told her and her answer came in peals of laughter.

"Your mom says you're confused Light. It's okay, I understand," she leaned forward and kissed him before he could back away, "I love you and I will wait for you. Besides, that's why our parents wanted me to come with you this year, so we can be together longer and you'll stop being confused." She leaned forward again but this time Light was ready for her.

"Come on, Mr. Wammy will be waiting for us with the car," he said and began to walk away. The only bright spot in his future this year was Lawliet, and this time, he would let him know how he felt and hope that Lawliet felt that same way. He had inklings that Lawliet did, that he tried to tell him a few times, but he never got it out. This time he would begin the conversation and hope he was correct in his assumptions. If he was, he would leave at the end of this year with Lawliet no matter where he went; he was never going back to Japan again if he could help it.

He hadn't noticed that his stride had become quicker as he had made the decision, until he heard Misa whining behind again to slow down. By this time they were at the front doors and he could see the sleek, black Mercedes at the curb, and Mr. Wammy standing beside the open passenger door.

"Good afernoon Light," the older man called to him as he walked out of the doors towards him, "I trust your flight was agreeable?" Light cast a glance at the huffing and puffing girl behind him before he answered.

"It could have been better," he said getting the smile from Wammy that he had hoped for. He carried his bags to the already opened trunk and put them in, completely ignoring Misa's as she held it out to him.

"I'll take that Ms. Amane," Wammy told her as he relieved her of it and placed it into the trunk next to Light's, "I hope you will enjoy your stay at The Wammy's House," he added as he closed it. Light rolled his eyes and leaned down to get into the car and stopped short because some else was already sitting inside.

"Lawliet!" he said in surprise and was rewarded with a wide grin from the raven haired youth.

"Hey Light, welcome back!" he answered and Light practically jumped into the car beside him.

"What are you doing here?" he asked him and Lawliet shrugged.

"Wammy said he was on his way to pick you up after he picked B and I up from the train station, so I just thought I'd tag along after he dropped B off at school. I hope you don't mind…"

"Not at all, it'll make the ride more fun!" Light answered and then groaned as Misa bounced into the car on his other side.

"Who's this, Light?" she asked frowning and Light sighed.

"This is Lawliet, he's a very good friend of mine," he said and then looked at Lawliet and crossed his eyes, "And this is Misa." Lawliet fought the laugh that threatened to escape and looked at Misa. She was a very attractive girl, blonde and well dressed, a bit more on the Gothic side than was his taste, but it was obviously expensive. He smiled and nodded at her.

"Nice to meet you Misa," he said and she smiled brightly at him then entwined her arm into Light's.

"Light and I are going to get married at the end of the school year," she bubbled, "If you're such a good friend, maybe you could be his best man!" she suggested. Light sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Misa I keep telling you…" she giggled again.

"Yes, I know you do, but I'm not listening to it anymore. I know what you really feel!" she said and leaned forward to kiss his cheek making Lawliet suddenly feel a flash of jealousy he was surprised to feel.

"Well, it appears that this will be an interesting year," Wammy said as he started the car and began to pull into traffic. Light and Lawliet looked at each other as Misa giggled with excitement, both barely containing their own laughter.