What's up, guys. I hope everyone is having a great new year. I know. It has been awhile but I thought to just drop by and upload a quick update. My muse for this story has waned dramatically but whenever a thought about Mystwalker does come by, I'll post it. If anyone has any request, please, feel free to pm me or comment on this chapter.

I hope you enjoy your stay!


She wasn't much of a conversationalist. She wasn't much for group gatherings and she certainly disliked feigning interest in whatever another was talking about but here she was, participating in frivolities that irked her. All to save face. A subtle twitch of an eye and the "tap tap tap" of her foot was the only thing she could display.

They were gestures of irritations. Apparent acts of simple displeasure.

The acts of violence penetrated her thoughts and she would love to see this powdered and perfumed noble with a bloody nose.

But she won't act on her impulses...

This nameless aristocrat woman has done nothing wrong as speaking to her wasn't a crime. There was already a plethora amount of strikes made against her. The redheaded Royal Captain continued to listen on with this insufferable woman's prattle. It was something about someone who did something. Rather someone was doing something to another someone and it was...something.

Who cares? Just shut up!

"Lady Presha." Another voice interjected. Her saving grace. His smooth baritone filled her with warmth and once upon a time, she detested such feelings.

"Your Grace! Captain Knightwalker and I were discussing the merits of..." The noblewoman recounts every single detail to the Edolas King. Once more, the yapping transported Knightwalker back to the depths of the underworld although she would rather endure the journey than be in the presence of this blathering woman.

The King, in all his politeness and amicable decorum, expressed his ideas and articulated a genuine interest in the noblewoman's incessant ranting. "I would love to hear more and certainly Captain Knightwalker would as well but I must borrow her for a meantime."

The noblewoman clapped her gloved hands, the brightness of her cobalt eyes lit up expectantly. "Of course, Your Grace! I look forward to our next meeting, Captain Knightwalker. You were a great listener!"

Knightwalker draped her arms across her chest, an act that subdued the visceral reaction of strangling this woman's tiny, vulnerable neck. "I await with baited breath, my lady." She mustered out in a low growl. The noblewoman seemed unconcerned and departed happily only to acquaint herself with another unwilling person.

Jellal pulled his Captain to a less frequented section of the ballroom area. "Erza, how are you faring?"

"You saved that woman's life." She uttered monotonously. "It was like a whirlpool of mindless drivel." Closing her eyes, she eliminated every part of that dreadful encounter.

"There, there, love. You could've easily excused yourself."

"But I wanted to punch her."

Jellal gently rubbed the top of her head in attempts of consoling her. "And I am quite pleased that you didn't stray towards that particular direction. It is difficult staving off old tendencies."

Once she started leaning against his touch, she stilled and brusquely shrugged him off. "Do not patronize me, King." Her sulking started, an act he has grown used to and he knew better than to goad her when her mood was this sour.

"I wasn't. Why don't we join others more to your liking?"

Erza thought about who could those "individuals" be? It was a short list. She almost couldn't bear anyone else. The quizzical expression on her face was adorable in the King's honest opinion but if he confesses such a detail, her usual scowl will only resurface. He'd rather not have that.

"I am already in good company, King. Do not waste your time." Bashfully, she cleared her throat and shied her eyes away.

His dark eyes focused on her face. "Oh. I'm good company, am I?" A playful smirk teased his lips. "I always thought you loathed my proximity."

"I..." She paused for a second. "I don't..." His smile only grew as he half-hugged her shoulder, bringing their bodies near each other. The heat from their bodies entwined with one another. It was comfortable. No matter how much he wanted to close the gap between their faces, to taste her dulcet lips, to feel her hands roaming wildly in his hair...no matter how much he needed that to happen, he pushed these thoughts away.

Acts of indulgence.

Acts of passion.

They could save that for later, in a more appropriate setting.

"We should return before we are missed." He led her back and the sea of colorful adornments and tacky, ill-fitted suits engulfed the pair, melding them into the crowd. "You know, your teacher is around. She was searching for you."

"My teacher? What does that old woman require of me?" She said with her normal crassness but with a string of affection.

"I don't know. I didn't inquire but you haven't seen her for awhile. Catching up with her sounds splendid, yes?"

She clicked her tongue. "I doubt that but I'll accompany you regardless." They continued the rest of the day basking in each other's presence, even when no words were exchanged. An act that they were most familiar with.

Well...that's it.

Fairy Tail manga ended awhile back and I haven't had the chance to process it. I've been ignoring it really but I suppose it was for the best. If you haven't read the manga, the last arc was...meh. I supposed it was hard to follow up the Tartaros arc. I was very disappointed with how Mashima-sensei dealt with some of the characters, more specifically, Irene Belserion. It was such a waste. I honestly liked her character so...I want to include Irene in this story somehow. Somehow, I will get her in. I'm writing another chapter that should be up soon?

I'll see you guys.