Emerald irises awaken through pink eyelids trembling open finding themselves buried within a mess of tangled hair quills of the same color. When moving them from out of her vision she finds hiding behind them a wall of coal black fur.

This peaceful grin tugs at the corners of rosy lips as her finger curl into the fur. Nostrils flare when she breaths in his musky though spicy sweet scent. A quiet giggle falls from her lips when her lover stirs, and grunts in a displeasing manner.

Moving her body upward, she lies the side of her face against the back of his neck with her arms wrapping around his chest. With a content sigh she snuggles up against him as closely as she can. Another giggle quietly escapes her lips when her breath against his neck causes the fur to stand up in protest.

Opening one sleepy hard ruby eye, he looks up as best as he can over his shoulder to send a 'loving' glare at his lover. Though he seems mad about being woken up by his lover's cuddly-snuggling actions, he honestly doesn't mind it. He wouldn't admit it openingly, but deep down he enjoys such affections.

"...do you mind...?" His voice comes out in a gruff sleepy tone. Black ears twitch up then down at the sound of her chuckling in response.

"Not at all~" Replies Amy in a cheerful tone as she nuzzles Shadow's neck once more. Her fingers sneaking upon chest fur where they tangle themselves into. The smile upon her muzzle widens when she hears a light sigh of contentment heaving from out of her lover.

Shadow was quick to relinquishing his lover's hands from his chest fur when he then turns over. For a couple of seconds there was this small loving grin playing at his lips. It wouldn't last for long when its replaced with an irritated frown.

Amy wasn't affected by his expression. She lets out a laugh as she moves her hands onto his arms forcefully snaking them around herself. The words 'I love you' are murmured into his chest when she snuggles into it.

The first response she receives is of the darker male huffing before she feels a light squeeze. Burying his head into pink locks, he presses his lips against one of her ears whispering those three words back. They are spoken softly, and as quietly as he can speak them to where only she can hear them. Though the world was well aware of them being together, he always felt that this was their little secret.

Amy would rise her head from out of the patch of white chest fur she buried it in. "Why don't you catch some more z's while I get breakfast ready?" She offers Shadow with a loving grin and shimmer jade irises.

He replies with a simple 'humph' that she's learned translates into either 'yes' or 'no'. From the peaceful look in his eye she knows he's in favor of her proposition.

"Good." She says before placing a kiss upon his head then rising up from out of bed to start on that proclaimed breakfast.