Sleepless D: A new story and it's a cross between Dead Island and Naruto, believe it or not but I fucking hate zombies, if I watch a film or play a game with them in it I can't sleep properly for awhile. Yet for some reasons I just can't stop watch/playing them, I hope you like it with my sleep compromised. Peace out.

Summary: This is going to have Naruto characters, it's going to have changes on how the game is played like missions and stuff, also all the characters are normal people that can kick ass like normal people. This first chapter is going to be before and the day the island becomes hostile.

It was mid afternoon and a young man was smiling as he was wearing a sleeveless orange hoodie with a black T-shirt; he was also wearing orange shorts and matching trainers. He saw that his hotel was coming into view and he started smiling, the taxi he was in soon stopped in front of it.

Naruto stepped out of his taxi and stared in amazement at the size of his hotel, it looked like it had a hundred floors and was longer them a football pitch, there was ponds around the hotel. He was excited and quickly paid the taxi driver after he'd taken out his luggage, Naruto then picked it up and started jogging towards the hotel and went though the automatic doors and hurried to the resection desk. "Hello sir, are you here for business or pleasure?" The receptionist asked with a smile.

"Depends on whether I see you again tonight." Naruto grinned.

The receptionist blushed. "Well...we'll see how tonight goes." The reception flirted. "But I've got to work now." She smiles.

"I'm here for fun and to see some old friends." Naruto smiled.

"Well I hope you have fun then." She says. "Can I have you name please?" She asked.

"Naruto Uzumaki." He smiles. "And yours is?" He asked.

"Sara." She smiled and started looking through the computer for his name; once she saw it she went to get his card to his room and handed it to him. "I hope you enjoy you stay."

"I would if you come with me." Naruto said and lend against the desk.

"I really wish I could...but there's a line." She pointed, he looked back to see a long line behind him.

"Sorry, oh and before I go, do I need to bring money to get drinks in this place?" He asked.

"No sir, with the price of this hotel, everything's free of charge." Sara smiled.

Naruto smirked. "Great, I'll see you later." Naruto nodded and left to find his room number on his card, she saw that he was on one of the higher floors and went to the elevator and press the floor he needed to go.

A short while later and the doors open and he walks out and nearly bumped into a girl that look around the age of 9 and what looked like her parents. "Sorry about that, she's excited about the holiday." The father said.

"It's alright; I'd probably be the same after I'm done unpacking." Naruto grinned making the man laugh.

"Well don't be too loud." The man smiled and entered the elevator with his family.

Naruto saw the doors close and then turned to see the view in front of him and stared in amazement, the view was magnificent, and he felt like he was the luckiest bastard on this world. He hears some people talking nearby. "I'm telling you, I've heard that there's some weird disease that's going around on this island."

"And I'm telling you that it's just an overreaction, it's probably just the flu that a hypochondriac got." The other one said.

"But what if it isn't?" The worried person asked.

"Then we'll have to party harder while we're still free!" The second person cheered, the worried person said nothing and followed his friend.

Naruto shrugged it off and walked into the halls; he then took a left and followed the hallway until he reached his room. Naruto went to his door and open it; he walked in and was happily pleased by the size of it. Once he was done admiration his room he threw his luggage onto his bed and walked to the TV and turned it on and grabbed the remote, he then jumped and landed on the unoccupied side of his bed and looked at the TV. "Boring, boring, gay, news, boring." Naruto said as he flicked through the channels. "News, cartoons, boring...really boring, gay, Nenja Samejon, bori-" Naruto said but turned back to the channel with Nenja Samejon. "Nenja porno...and on this island...kick ass!" Naruto cheered.

He watches the TV for a few minutes until the door knocks and he quickly turns of the TV and goes to answer the door, once he opens it he sees one of the bellboys standing there. "Sorry to disturb you sir, but I've been paid a handsome tip to ask anyone that's in the hotel if they wish to participate at a pool party." He says.

Naruto smirked and quickly closed the door and a few seconds later when the bellboy thought that was a no that Naruto swung the door open and was wearing baggy orange swim shorts and a plain white T-shirt while he left half his belonging around his room. "I'll go for sure and here." Naruto says handing him a small sum of money, which is a lot to normal people. "There's a tip for telling me and a little extra if you can tidy my room and lock up." Naruto says while pocketing his door card.

"Y-Yes sir." The bellboy said and watched Naruto run off and he quickly entered his room to tidy up.


Naruto had made his way to the very large swimming pool and saw several women in not so leaving much to the imagination bikinis. 'I'm sure as hell glad that I came down here.' Naruto grinned; he then made his way to the bar to get a beer and possibly someone's room number before going for a swim. "Give me whatever your finest beer is please." Naruto asked the barman.

The barman nodded and gave it to him; another man came next to Naruto. "Can I have lemonade and two glasses of champagne?" He asked and the barman nodded and went to get them; Naruto looked and saw the man with the girl from the hotel.

"Hey, how's it going?" Naruto asked.

The man turned to him and looked at him for a second before going. "You're the one my daughter nearly ran into right?" He asked.

"That's right." Naruto smiled. "So what brings you to paradise?" Naruto asked.

"Well, it's my ten year anniversary with my wife and we came here with our daughter." The man said with a smile. "What about you?" He asked.

"I'm here to see some old friends and have as much fun as possible." Naruto smiled.

"Here you are sir." The barman said and placed a bottle of lemonade and two glasses of champagne in front of him.

"Thank you." The man says and takes his drinks. "It's been nice talking to you." He says to Naruto.

"You too." Naruto waved and started drinking his beer.


Several minutes pass and Naruto's talking to a lovely young lady. "So anyway, that's when I got caught by the police, and that taught me to never hide in the car that you turned over." Naruto smiled.

"I can't believe you were that drunk." The woman laughed.

"Yeah well...I don't really remember it but I've got it on video." Naruto grins.

"Really?" The woman laughed and then looked at him. "You wanna go for a swim?" She smiled.

"Seeing you wet and in water..." Naruto thought for a second. "That will be better than seeing you dry and on land, I might even wet you up myself later on." Naruto smiled seductively, making her blush as they made their way to the pool, Naruto took of his white T-shirt showing his well toned body, he took out his wallet and wrapped it up in the shirt and placed it nearby and dived in, the woman had a deeper blush as she saw his body. "Come on!" Naruto laughed as he started swimming backwards.

The woman smirked and dived in after him and began swimming towards him until she manages to reach him, Naruto smirked and dived under the water, grabbing her and lifting her above the water, the woman screamed in surprise and Naruto chuckled as he dropped her. "You're gonna get it!" The woman laughed when she was back to normal and swam after him.


Several hours pass and Naruto has been drinking with the lovely woman since then, it was in the dead of night and Naruto was very tipsy at the moment, but better than his lady friend because she was completely smashed. "I was going ta tell you something..." The woman slurred. "You look like someone I know..." She said.

"Is it me?" Naruto grinned.

"Yeah!" The woman yelled. "That's who you look like!"

"I thought so." Naruto laughed.

Music started playing a different song and the woman cheered. "This is my song! Let's dance-" She said as she tried to walk but lost her footing, fell to the floor and slept.

"Something tells me that she's had enough..." The barman laughed as he saw one of the employees help her up and walked to the hotel. "What about you?" The barman asked.

"I'm alright, now could you get me a couple of beers?" Naruto asked with a smile.

"Depends on how many you see of me." The barman chuckles.

"Two..." Naruto grinned and handed him a large tip.

"Alright then mate." The barman said while taking the money and gave him two bottles.

"Come on people! Party at the hotel discotheque room!" Someone yelled and hurried towards the hotel.

"'s been a lovely afternoon...I think I'll go make a fool out of myself." Naruto said as he took a swig of beer and stumbled towards the hotel.


Naruto pushed the door open with his shoulder because he was holding two now empty bottles of beer and slowly mad his way to the bar and placed the empty bottles on the counter and made his way to the dance floor.

Naruto started dancing very drunk like while bumping into people and was also making his way to the stage where a rapper was rapping; he got up onto the stage and saw the discotheque was full of people. Naruto didn't really notice them because his vision was impaired at the moment and he grabbed another bottle of alcohol that was next to him and drank it, he saw the rapper still rapping but held up a middle ringer up at him. Naruto got angry and tossed the bottle at him but missed by a mile and the rapper just pushed him hard and Naruto fell of the stage hard, he hit the floor hard and people started picking him up to make sure he's alright.

Naruto just shrugged them off and lost his footing again but fell on his arse, Naruto sat there for a short while until the bouncer came up to him. "I think you've had enough Sir, tell me your room number and I'll make sure you get there safely-" He began but someone jumped on his back and started to bite his neck, making blood shot out and splattered on Naruto's face, he was too pissed to know what was going on.

Naruto then just got up rather clumsily and made his way out of the discotheque but grabbed another bottle of alcohol from the bar before leaving. He stumbled around to find a bathroom and entered, not paying much attention to anything and went to the sink to wash his face, he then turned to see a woman on the floor with another woman checking on her. "Are you alright Miss?" The one on top asked, Naruto walked forward and saw pills on the floor and grabbed a handful. "What are you doing here Sir? Get out! This is the ladies room!" She yelled.

Naruto shrugged and pocked the pill as he made his way out, he then bumped into something hard and looked to see a black security guard looking serious, and Naruto just grinned. ""


Naruto walked to his room, stumbling around with the security guard helping him along to make sure he doesn't hurt himself, once they got there, Naruto smiled. "Why thank good man, what's your name again?" Naruto asked.

"It's Ken." The black security guard smiled.

"Then I thank you Ken...otherwise I'd have lost my way and sleep in someone else's bed...preferably one with a sexy woman..." Naruto smirked.

Ken laughed and opened his door for him. "Alright sir, go to bed and I hope you feel good in the morning." He said.

"Wait a second..." Naruto said, reaching for some money inside his wallet, he then handed it to Ken. "Here's a tip for being such a lovely man..." Naruto laughed.

"Sorry sir, but I can't take that." Ken smiled.

"I insist..." Naruto said and placed it in his hand; he then turned and swung the door closed while yelling. "Tip the security!" The man shrugged and placed the money in his pocket and left.

Naruto slowly made his way to his bed and took out the pills he found on the floor and placed them all in his mouth, he then took a swig of what was left in his bottle of booze, all went black and Naruto fell to the floor with a thump.


Naruto slowly opened his eyes, feeling the pain of the largest handover he's ever had. "Either I drank too much...or I was hit by a car..." Naruto whispered in pain, he slowly tried to sit up but cringed in pain. "Oh god, definitely car." He said and lay back down.

After half an hour Naruto rose while cringing in pain but stood all the same. "Never again." He mumbles, going to the mini fridge and took out a bottle of water and drunk its contents and left the bottle on the side, he quickly dressed in yesterdays clothes consisting of an orange hoodie, shorts, trainers and a black T-shirt and made his way out of his room. Looked to his left and saw the room at the end with the door wide open and saw two pairs of legs laid on the floor. "At least I wasn't the only one to get pissed and sleep on the floor." Naruto smirked and started walking to the right. He couldn't help but notice that there were a few luggage carts in the hallway.

Naruto didn't pay much attention to them until they blocked his path, Naruto shrugged and squeezed though them and continued walking. 'I don't think I'm the only one that got crazy last night.' Naruto thought, finding it a bit more confusing.

He then turned to the right and found luggage everywhere, he then made his way to the stairs and found the way blocked and was now growing concerned. "I must have missed the excitement." He thought aloud.

He then walked outside to the balcony with even more luggage and then smiled, never getting over the view of this place and walked forward to lean against the railing. He then heard noises that sounded like screaming or fighting and looked around; he was then startled when he saw someone falling from above and then another one fell screaming and bleeding, he then quickly made his way to an elevator but found all of them out of used. Other than one with the doors wide open and the elevator roof showing, with sparks shooting out of the sides to show that it's broken.

Naruto just shrugged and went to it, thinking that he could fix it and get out of this place before something bad happens, he saw the elevator hatch and opened it, and he saw no one inside and dropped in it. He really did regret it afterward because the elevator then started falling at great speed; he was in the corner screaming. "Oh Shit! Oh Shit! Oh Shit!" Over and over again until it stopped forcefully and made him slam into the ground, he looked up to see people standing near the entrance and charged at him just before the elevator collapsed again and left him in darkness.

Naruto stood and wondered what had just happened until he heard a voice. "I can see you through the camera. Are you alright? No shakes? Fever? Chills?" He asked.

"No...Just a large hangover and a migraine caused by the elevator." Naruto mumbles.

"Well that's better than the others symptoms dumbass; I'll tell you who I am later because right now we gotta to get you the hell out of there. Do exactly as I say, okay? You've gonna have to trust me." The voice said.

"Keep it down; I've got a bloody hangover." Naruto says and holds onto his head.

"I'm trying to save your life dumbass, and trust me, that's the least of your troubles, you've gotta get hold of a weapon. Search in the maintenance storage room by the end of the corridor, I'd move if I were you. Now!" The voice yells and the door open up, having to make him crouch to get through.

Naruto is on a different level but he doesn't know which because there's blood covering the floor number, he look around and sees blood and bags everywhere. "What the hell happened here?" Naruto asks aloud and makes his way left into the building, only to see blood everywhere as he got deeper and soon found what remained of two people and felt like throwing up.

He held his stomach contents and started walking into the corridor, once he was half way through the voice came again. "Ah shit! It's the infected! Run! Run to for the storage room!" He yells.

Naruto looked confused and stepped to the side out of the luggage carts way to see what he was talking about, after a few seconds there were screams and he saw people charging towards him. "Shit!" Naruto yells and starts running down the hall away from them and ran through the now open hallway.

Naruto's heart was beating faster than anything he could think of, then again all he could think of was outrunning the infected at the moment. "Just a bit farther!" The voice yells.

Naruto saw the door wide open and prayed that he'd make it; he rushed past the door and slammed it shut and held onto the handle, making sure they don't get in, knowing a second later they could have got in if he hadn't shut the door. "That was too close." He said but heard a noise behind him and looked, only to see a zombie smash his face and knocking him out in the process.


Naruto kept on losing consciousness after he wakes up, his first sight was to see a few people around him, checking on his injuries but he didn't get enough time to get a good enough look of them before passing out again.


He eyes slowly opened by hearing a conversation. "The guy said no. You heard what he said."

Another voice comes. "Do you hear what's going on out there? Do you want one inside here!" He yelled but Naruto passed out again.


The next time he opens his eyes he sees a greyish guy fall on him and bit him, but Naruto passes out in pain.


"I'm doing it!" Naruto hears a voice come, he opens his eyes to see a man in a red shirt and a baseball bat in his hands and a guy in a green shirt standing next to him, hard to say because everything's blurry.

"No! Fuck no! It moved!" The man in green said.

"Didn't I bloody tell you?" The other man says.

"No! Wait!"

"Hey? Can you hear me? Do you understand what I'm saying? Nod your head. Nod your bloody head damn it!" The red man yells, now raising the bat higher. "I'm not asking you again..." He says.

Naruto now knew what the hell was going on and quickly nodded in fear. "Yes I bloody well hear you, you nutter!" He yells.

"Oh thank god..." The man relaxed and lowered the bat; Naruto started to sit up feeling pain in his head and arm and saw a bit mark on his arm. "I'm a doctor. I'm not a bloody executioner." The man said as he walked away.

Naruto stood and saw a few people in the room and wondered where the hell he was. "Sweet Mary mother of Jesus, do you know how close we came to bashing your head in?" The man in green asked.

"I'm guessing an arm swing." Naruto said.

"Exactly." He said. "By the way, I'm Dominic, the lovely man that nearly bashed your head in is Jack, and this lady is Anna-" Dom began to introduce everyone in the room including the woman in the corner praying.

"We don't need to introduce ourselves." Jack yelled, pinching his nose, Naruto just looked at him and saw a small hallway with a man wearing green cursing on a chair. "Do you know your blood type?" Jack asked.

"Umm...–O" Naruto replied, a little confused by this.

"So people with –O can't get the disease...great, because we had some bloody black guy who got bit yesterday but didn't turn, but he's in too much shock to help out and has been in the bathroom since then." Jack said.

"What the hell's going on!" Naruto yelled.

"Someone's got to help him!" A woman yelled from the other room. "They're going to kill them!" Naruto just then left the bedroom and a woman in a green bikini looks at him in fear. "Those things came after us, Shikamaru and two others went outside to kill them..." She said in fear.

Naruto looked to see two people at the door. "What is it that 'you' think I should do!" The man with the blue hat yells.

Naruto walked up to them. "What the hell is going on here?" Naruto asked while getting annoyed that he still doesn't know what everyone is frightened of.

"You've got to help them! They're the ones that saved your life! You owe them your life!" The woman in the red bikini yells at Naruto.

"Are you joking? He can't go out there unarmed and with no one covering his back!" The man at the yelled.

"But you saw that he got bitten, but he didn't turn! He's the only one who can't get infected!" The woman yelled at the man.

"But I was just told that people with –O blood can't get the infection." Naruto said.

They looked in disbelief. "Does anyone else have –O blood?" The woman yelled.

"Umm...I-I do..." A woman with long black hair, strange white eyes, strangely pale skin like it's never hit the sun while wearing a smart work dress raised her hand.

"Great! Help out the men that saved your life as well!" The woman yelled and threw her a plank of wood.

"Are you joking? We can't just send people that can't fight to fight something I still don't know what!" Naruto said.

"I-I actually h-have been train t-to f-fight." She said.

"Great! Now grab that paddle and get ready!" The hysterical woman yells while Naruto just got annoyed by still not knowing what the hell's going on.

Naruto sighed and did so and was at the door with the lady in the smart dress. "Alright, but this is fucking crazy man." The man at the door said and leaned against the door, ready to open it. "On it three!" He yells and swings the door open and Naruto rushes out to see two men fighting against half a dozen zombies, Naruto stared in disbelief that there were actual zombies.

The one to the left had black hair that resembled a pineapple, and was wearing a red T-shirt and brown shorts; the man had managed to smash a zombie's head with a tire iron, killing it only to hold back another one and luckily managing to avoid a zombie with a poor sense of direction.

The one to the right was a very big, fat man with wild long brown hair, he was wearing a black T-shirt and dark blue jeans, Naruto saw him push a zombie away and then smashed a zombie's skull that was on the ground with his foot before turning his attention to the third.

Naruto heard footsteps behind him and he turned to see a seventh zombie behind him and punched him, making him fall of the walkway and land on the soft sand. 'Damn it! Not again!' Naruto cursed, but was then left blank minded when he saw two more zombies eating the remains of a third man that he didn't notice, Naruto looked up to see the zombie fall to the ground and see the woman in the dress holding a now bloody plank. "Great! Now for more!" Naruto yelled and quickly got up.

Naruto charged to the left and slammed the paddle against the zombie that was attacking the pineapple haired guy; he looked surprised at first but then elbowed the third undead in the face before grabbing the tire iron. He spun around at full speed and smashed the undead's skull, killing it and Naruto smashed the second zombie's brains out, Naruto looked over to see the woman still on the walkway and smashed the zombie that she knocked down head off while it was standing back up like it was a golf ball.

The two undead that were feasting on the third man turn their attention to the woman and Naruto runs to help her, she kicks one of them in the head, making it fall backward as Naruto smashed the skull of the other one's head, smashing the paddle now. Naruto saw the one that the woman knocked down trying to get back up and he started stamping on its head to crush it and did after three stamps.

Naruto looked to see if the big guy is alright and saw him holding the zombie up by the neck with one hand while beating it with his free hand, he also saw the pineapple head guy smash the brains of the last undead and sighed. "Are you guys alright?" Naruto called as he saw the big guy crush the zombie's throat and drop it.

The pineapple haired guy looked at Naruto and quickly pulled out a knife and threw it, Naruto moved and heard it stab something and looked to see the third man fall back down. "That the last of them? Good...that was a drag..." He says. "Poor Marty, he was a good guy, always wanted to help." He says.

"Mind telling me who you are and what the hell is going on around here!" Naruto yelled.

"I'm Shikamaru, this here's Choji and we're the guys who saved your troublesome life, I hope you don't mind telling us your name." Shikamaru says, looking tired.

"It's Naruto, and that still doesn't explain what's going on here!" Naruto yelled.

"The island has been overrun by zombies, we're one of the lucky groups that survived the start of the outbreak...but we're not sure if anyone else is alive out there apart from a friend of mine with his group and a man on the radio." Shikamaru says and walks into the pool house, followed by Choji.

Naruto shrugged and looked at the woman in the dress. "I'm Naruto, what's yours?" He asked.

"H-Hinata H-Hyuga." She stutter, slightly scared by seeing dead bodies.

"Hinata Hyuga...have we met somewhere?" Naruto asked as he got up on the walkway.

"Y-Yes, we knew e-each other from s-school." She stuttered.

"Oh yeah, sorry I didn't recognise you there." Naruto smiled as he walked in with her and closed the door.

Sleepless D: Okay people, first chapter and I hope you liked it, review please. Peace out.