Summary: Kaien calls Kaname over for yet another frivolous reason. Young Kaname and Yuuki.

A/N: I'm currently participating in NaNoWriMo; if you haven't heard of it, you should look it up! That said, this is a silly little plot bunny that came over me while I was desperately trying to meet the day's word count. I hope you enjoy this bit of fun. Encouragements for NaNoWriMo are eagerly accepted! ;)

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Knight.


"You told me it was an emergency."

"Kaname-kun, it is a momentous occasion."

"This is not an emergency."

"Something not to be missed!"

"My presence is unnecessary."

"A once-in-a-lifetime event!"

"You call me here too often."

Kaien huffed. "If you had come by last week when I asked, you would have seen the loose tooth," he accused.

Kaname stared at him blandly.

"Obviously, if you had seen that, I wouldn't have had to call today."

"Obviously," Kaname deadpanned.

"It's a big step."

"It's a human tradition."


Kaname could think of no good reply to that. Despite his respect for the race, Yuuki's humanity was still something he struggled to come to terms with.

Kaien smiled, "The first lost tooth is a milestone in human development."

He nodded in acknowledgement and resignation, "All right," Kaname gave in, "where is Yuuki?"

Brightening, Kaien turned and led the vampire through the house.

"I can't stay long," Kaname reminded him, "And I can't keep disappearing like this; it's suspicious."

Kaien nodded absently at his worries as he stopped before a closed door. "Here she is!" he exclaimed in a sing-song voice as he opened it.

Yuuki turned her head at his voice and Kaname watched her hair swirl around her head as she did.

A large, toothy smile greeted him with a shout of, "Kaname-sama!"

He paced into the room as she rushed to meet him.

"Kaname-sama, Kaname-sama, my tooth is missing!" Yuuki enthusiastically pulled on her lower lip to show him her tooth's former resting place.

Kaname bent down and tried his best to feign interest in the gummy gap in Yuuki's mouth. Vampire children didn't lose teeth, their teeth merely changed as they matured. The human alternative was somewhat distasteful. And disturbing, he thought as he examined the empty space the tooth left.

"I see," he commented, somewhat at a loss for words.

Yuuki released her lip and turned to Kaien.

"Has the tooth fairy come yet?" she asked hopefully.

The what? Kaname wondered, sending Kaien a short glare. What on earth was he teaching her?

"Not yet, Yuuki. Remember, the tooth fairy only comes when you're asleep."

"The what?" Kaname repeated his question out loud.

"Why, the tooth fairy, Kaname-kun."

Kaname frowned, "Yes I heard," he stated, "what is it?"

Yuuki's eyes sparkled as she looked at him before turning back to Kaien, "See!" she exclaimed, "Kaname-sama doesn't know about the tooth fairy either!"

"Why don't you explain it to him, Yuuki?" Kaien encouraged before escaping the room.

Yuuki turned brightly back to Kaname, and he listened as she rambled on about this tooth fairy.

Nonplussed by her explanation, Kaname mentally sighed. Apparently, mythical fairy creatures that sneak into your room at night were alright to tell children stories about, but real-life creatures of the night weren't.

By this time, Yuuki had dragged him over to the table she was sitting at when he first walked in, and was in the process of showing him her mostly-recognizable drawings of her tooth and what this tooth fairy must look like.

"Will you draw with me, Kaname-sama?"

Snapped out of his mental wanderings by her question, Kaname glanced at the time before slowly sinking to his knees beside her.

Looks like I'll be here for a while after all.


A/N: Before you ask, yes, I do know that Japan is not a country that teaches tooth fairy lore. The idea just popped in and I had to write it. Sorry for the cultural inconsistencies, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway!