Author's note:

Hey guys! From the reviews I got, I think most of you got confused. The last update I did was only an ALTERNATIVE ending, meaning, it's not the ending I really wanted. For me, the true ending of this story was the sad one, because that really is how I envisioned the story to end. The alternative ending was only created when a friend of mine wanted a happy ending, though knowing full well that I'm going for the tragic one. It was her birthday, so I finally caved in and created an alternative one.

BUT the ending actually is yours to decide. If you want the tragic one, go for it! If you like the happy ending better, disregard the first ending and make the happy one your ending. The whole purpose of the two endings is that you'd be happy with what you really want.

Until the next time I decide to make another NxM fanfic (or edit this story and make it longer)!

Once again, thank you so much for the support! :D