Sorry about this taking so long. Please don't kill me! Dobby came and took me to Narnia then I was abducted by aliens and after I escaped the aliens Pikachu appeared and implied my mother was a llama so I had to slap him around a little and that was why I took so long to write this.
Actually to be honest I just got distracted by life and the fact that my friend is moving away :(
Oh and guess who will be making a guest appearance this chapter?
The Undertaker! No! I vote Lizzy! It has to be Drocell!
You've got to be kidding me, of course it's going to be A-
And G-
And then there's C-
Disclaimer: You can come up with your own disclaimer this time, sonny boy...though I don't own Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji.
And before I start thank you for all your wonderful reviews :)
WARNING: Mild Ciel x Alois in this chapter.
+Approximately ten years later+
Run. This was all he kept telling himself.
His heart was racing, his brow was slick sweat and his lungs were burning but he would not –could not stop.
There was a chill in the air and a cool front blew as the boy continued to propel his tired body forward. A sudden wind sprang up, bringing cold to his overly warm body and sending leaves hurdling into his line of vision.
When the wind calmed and the leaves cleared, he glanced up and saw what he was running from or rather who he was running from.
"Ciel, you'll catch your death out here, come back inside," Sebastian ordered.
"Of course, Sebastian," Ciel replied breathily, wiping the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand.
"You got further today," Sebastian observed.
"Someday I just might make it to the crossroads," Ciel said, almost to himself. Being reminded of the second agreement he had made with the devil walking beside him.
Ciel had to admit he was, in a way, very sneaky and Sebastian soon learnt that when Ciel proposed an idea. A game of sorts, wherein if Ciel made it the crossroads that lay on the very fringes of Sebastian's estate before Sebastian could catch him then he was free to go. Ciel could try, whenever, wherever and however though this wasn't exactly an advantage.
"I do have to wonder what the crossroads are like," Ciel said aloud as they head home.
"I could describe them to you in avid detail but I doubt it would make you happy," Sebastian replied with a demonic smile.
Ciel scoffed as he and Sebastian entered through the huge, gothic gate that worked as the entrance to Sebastian's house...correction mansion.
The two then head to Sebastian's drawing room and settled in their respective seats –Ciel in the comfortable red chair and Sebastian lazily sprawled out along the couch.
"I'm hungry," Ciel announced suddenly.
"Of course you are, it's almost noon and you haven't eaten anything. I'll get a one of the demon staff to make you something," Sebastian said. He couldn't ever rest with Ciel there.
"I won't eat it if they have made it."
"Ciel, I know you're picky but all the human staff were needed elsewhere today," Sebastian reasoned.
"I don't care, I want food and I want it now," Ciel said, his childhood tendencies resurfacing.
Sebastian heaved a huge sigh. It was his fault for raising Ciel to be a stubborn, petulant –albeit cute- brat but sometimes he simply wished that Ciel would be a good kid and listen to his fiancé. Then again nobody would expect a demon to be a good parent. Sebastian didn't even remember his parents let alone how they might have raised him when he was very young.
"How about I make you something? You're fine with the food I make," Sebastian suggested.
Ciel gave a small nod before going back to reading his book so as to cover the blush on his face. It wasn't everyday that Sebastian could be bothered to make him a meal and Ciel always enjoyed the food Sebastian made much more than any other meal.
"This'll only take a second, do not, I repeat do not go outside," Sebastian said.
"Samhain is approaching and most demons tend to grow restless around this time so they're more likely to press their boundaries. Therefore there will be more demons skulking around near my territory and I do not wish to go to the hassle of saving you after you've been kidnapped," Sebastian explained.
"Yes, Sebastian," Ciel said, rolling his eyes.
"Now be a good boy till I get back," Sebastian said, opening the double doors on the far end of the room.
"Yes, yes, it's all well and good. Now go!"
As soon as Sebastian left hesitantly Ciel ran towards the door to listen for his now retreating footsteps. Ciel hated to miss out on a meal made by the master of the house but since Sebastian forbade him from leaving he absolutely had to now.
Formulating a quick, messy plan Ciel threw open the window, prayed to a god he knew had abandoned him and jumped.
Ciel landed swiftly but quickly lost his footing when the shock of the impact made its way up his legs.
Then recovering as fast as he could Ciel bolted towards the crossroads for the second time that day. He could have gone somewhere other than that but Ciel didn't really know anywhere else.
As Ciel ran further and further the exhaustion from earlier that day began to sink in and Ciel found it even harder to get himself to go faster a second time.
Ciel hated to admit it but he was not much of the sporting type. Apart from swordsmanship he didn't do any other exercise and it wasn't like he ran on a regular basis. Sure he tried for the crossroads every now and again but that hardly counted in the long run. (A/N: I seem to like bad word plays lately and they're all accidental!)
~With Sebastian~
"I hope he isn't doing anything stupid," Sebastian muttered to himself as he lit stove.
"Sebas-chan~ I'm back~"
"Grell Sutcliff," Sebastian said confoundedly, turning to face the problem that had been haunting him for several hundred years.
"My dear Sebas-chan I've come to forgive you. I know you didn't mean to leave with those priests who sealed me in a cave for the past fifty years," Grell said.
Sebastian didn't know what to say so he was simply quiet as Grell ranted about how cold it was and how there were no handsome men and the fact that his arms were sealed as well so he couldn't jack off for the past fifty years.
Abruptly feeling as if something was a little off Sebastian placed his hand over Grell's mouth to shut him up and listened. Beyond the gate that surrounded his estate was the sound of running footsteps and even further than that was the distinctive sound of horse's hooves smacking against the damp, dank earth.
Sebastian cursed lightly as Grell mumbled something into Sebastian's hand. The ebony haired demon knew he should have made Ciel accompany him kitchen but that would have taken hours. Sebastian had plenty of time on his hands to argue however Ciel's stomach did not.
Removing his hand from Grell's mouth he mumbled, "I'll be back," before running at an amazing speed to the front door.
Briefly Sebastian realized that his leg was heavier than usual when he paused for a moment to open the door. "Grell Sutcliff remove your person from me."
"No! I went to too much trouble getting here for you to just throw me away!" Grell screamed, clinging harder to Sebastian's leg.
"Grell, if you don't get off me this instant I will make you to get off," Sebastian threatened.
"Oh Sebastian you know I love it when you use force~" Grell said lovingly.
At this point Sebastian was sick and tired of the other demon and promptly putted him far away, hoping that he never returned again. Satisfied that he had gotten rid of one problem Sebastian threw the door open and listened for a minute. He heard...nothing.
"This is a very bad sign," he said to himself.
~With Ciel, several minutes earlier~
He was getting closer and closer to the crossroads. His body was tiring fast and his throat was parched but he was further than he had ever been before.
Was Sebastian playing a game with him? Surely he would let his prize get this far without encountering some obstacles.
All of a sudden the sharp sound of a horses whinny assaulted Ciel's ears as a crossroads came into to view just over the rising. Looks like Sebastian had been right about Samhain and crazy demons looking to expand their territory.
Ciel didn't want to risk being captured by any other demon besides Sebastian however the crossroads were so close...
Once again forcing his leg muscles to move Ciel started a spasmodic jog towards the crossroads.
The crossroads were simply two roads each leading to different places. There was a sign signifying which road was which but the paint was so old and the sign so rotted the words were illegible. Both roads looked equally unappealing for they both were dark and shrivelled and Ciel had to wonder if the whole demon world was full of semi-dead trees or if it was just the fashion around there.
Using his very last burst of energy Ciel reached out and-
Skeletal horses unexpectedly came charging towards Ciel. He was forced to roll to the side to stop their sharp hooves from crushing him and their gigantic bodies from barrelling into his small frame.
In the chaos Ciel briefly registered that the horses were pulling something along with them and when he rose from the leafy foliage to stand shakily he saw a wooden carriage come to a halt not too far away.
A man in a butler's attire swiftly jumped down from the front of the carriage and opened the door, putting out his hand for someone Ciel could not see.
"I'm sorry I nearly ran you over," a blonde boy said, emerging from within the flashy carriage.
The boy was decked in a plum coat and had on small, black shorts accompanied by long, dark socks that reached down and disappeared into his brown, ribboned boots. Under his coat the boy wore a vest of forest green and a simple long sleeved, white shirt and it was pulled together by a big, black bow.
Compared to Ciel's red v-neck sweater, white collared shirt and simple black tie, his onyx short-shorts, tall, black and white shoes that said 'converse' and of course his dark, black eye-patch Alois was dressed much more formally.
"You should look where you're going next time," Ciel said angrily.
The blonde boy let out a short bark of laughter, "let's not be so uppity, these things happen."
"So if you bloody well ran me over with that blasted thing it would simply be classified as 'something that had happened'?" Ciel asked.
"Why yes, you're quite a bright boy," the blonde replied, something predatory and frightening passing across his face, "what's your name?"
"C-Ciel," he stammered, wondering whether or not it was safe to give his name away to a slightly dangerous looking stranger.
"I'm Alois Trancy and this is Claude," the blue-eyes, blonde haired boy said, pointing to himself and then his slick butler in dark, framed glasses.
"It just so happens you're not the person I'm looking for so I won't have to kill you, but can you answer one thing?" Alois enquired.
"Yes?" Ciel replied hesitantly, wondering who on earth the demon in front of him would want to kill.
"Who's your master?" the blonde asked harshly, a power unknown to Ciel gathering and attempting to force him into submission.
"I-I don't know," Ciel stammered, trying to fight the oppressive power.
"WHO!-? Tell me now!" Alois screamed, increasing the demonic pressure tenfold.
Ciel's head was pounding inside his skull, his eye patch seemed to be sinking into his skin, his clothes were too tight and his heart was beating erratically. He had to do something...something to make the darkness leave.
"I DON'T HAVE ONE!" Ciel yelled, just wanting to make the sickly feeling to go away.
Immediately the power weakened and then left entirely. "That's a good boy, that was all you had to say," Alois said softly as Ciel recovered from the traumatic experience.
"To withstand that amount of pressure, my lord-"
"Shut up Claude I didn't tell you to speak," Alois interrupted.
"Anyway...I have to go now," Ciel said, wanting to get away from the crazy blonde and his blank butler. (A/N: Hahaha another accidental wordplay. 'Blank butler', 'Black butler' Geddit? Geddit?)
"Not so fast, if you don't have a master then you're free to do whatever you want, right?" Alois questioned.
"Yeah, so?" Ciel replied, unsure of where the conversation was heading.
"Come with me."
"I-I really have to go, it was nice meeting yo-"
"That wasn't a request it was an order. Get in the carriage, you're coming with me," Alois said callously.
The blue-eyed boy then began to feel threatened; he didn't want to feel so sick he thought he was going to die again however he did not want to go with Alois. At all.
"I'm waiting," Alois said in a sing-song voice.
Shivering at the thought of the demonic power Ciel decided to bide his time as stepped inside the carriage and wished for Sebastian to come soon. He wouldn't just leave Ciel...would he?
Alois got in soon after him and the butler named Claude closed the carefully crafted wooden door.
Looking around Ciel saw that there were two seats across from each other, both covered in rich velvet. There was also two stained glass windows set in the exit doors as well as that the doors had valuable, vine-like knobs of gold that curled up at the tips creating small circles.
In addition to all the grandeur the carriage held, a lamp that could be lit at any moment was set into the roof, held together by fine glass and gold of a richer quality to the door knob. And though they were not needed at the current moment there were two velvety curtains being held back by presumptuous ties.
And so lost in thought Ciel was that he didn't even notice that the carriage was moving until Alois awoke him from his trance by speaking.
"So Ciel, where were you heading before?" Alois asked, relaxed but looking intent and interested in Ciel's answer.
"I...I was just going to the crossroads," Ciel replied.
"Hn? That's mysterious, why go there?" Alois questioned.
"I have a deal going with someone involving the crossroads," the grey-haired boy responded, attempting to settle in to the luxurious carriage.
"Who? What's it about?" the blonde haired boy asked eagerly.
"...I don't really feel comfortable talking about it," Ciel said awkwardly.
"Tell me what that deal is about," Alois ordered.
"I really can't..."
Pressure. On Ciel's skull, on his lungs, everywhere. "I-I ca-can't," Ciel stammered, clutching his heart.
"Oh well, you'll tell me soon anyway," Alois said and with a wave of his hand the demonic pressure was gone.
Breathing heavily Ciel attempted to compose himself once more. He was soon learning that giving Alois what he wanted was prudent if he wished to stay pain free.
"We're almost there," Alois said, almost to himself.
"Where?" Ciel enquired.
"My house," the blonde said with a smirk.
~With Sebastian~
Approaching where he had last heard Ciel, Sebastian noted that there were no signs of a struggle, however there was the lingering feeling of demonic power.
It was the power of a strong demon Sebastian felt, one who was looking to expand their own land. They obviously came looking for a fight and so Sebastian would supply one. After all no one touched what was his and got away with it.
Briefly coming to the realization that Ciel had opted to wear his eye-patch that day and was therefore untraceable via his mark; Sebastian instead followed the tracks left behind by the horses he had heard earlier.
The dark-haired demon wanted to find the kidnapper and he wanted to find them soon. He would not let lunch go to waste.
~With Ciel once again~
"Your home is extraordinary," Ciel said as he stepped out of the carriage. Though Sebastian's is much better, the blue-eyed boy mentally added.
"Thank you," the blonde replied with a devilish smile, "care for a tour?"
"No thank you, I'd rather go home," Ciel replied.
"Too bad, let's go have an afternoon snack," Alois said, brushing off Ciel's subtle plea and grabbing his arm, dragging him off in a seemingly random direction.
"Where are we going now!-?" Ciel yelled, attempting to keep up with the hyperactive demon.
"We're going to the rose garden silly," Alois said, "Now hurry up!" he exclaimed, tugging on Ciel's wrist, forcing him to run for the third time that day.
Upon arriving at the rose garden Ciel couldn't marvel at its elegant beauty at all. He was too busy dying.
In the secluded garden Alois poked Ciel with a stick as he lay on the flat grass, breathing heavily and loving the feeling of not running. "Are you trying to kill me?" Ciel wheezed.
"Not right now," Alois replied honestly, discarding his poking stick in a yellow rose bush, "now get up," Alois continued to say, offering his hands to the smaller boy.
Eyeing Alois's seemingly innocent hands Ciel cautiously took one and then the other and as Alois hoisted him up, he momentarily wondered where Sebastian was.
He better be on his way, Ciel thought. The blue-eyed boy didn't think he could handle anymore of the psychotic blonde.
"Come Ciel, I've decided you're not fit for afternoon tea yet," Alois said, linking arms with the petite, blue-eyed boy and leading him towards his huge home, this time at a slower pace.
"Has anyone ever told you, you have a lot of energy?" Ciel asked.
"Why yes, how did you know?" Alois replied joyfully.
"Just a hunch..."
~With Sebast-chan~
As Sebastian neared the place where hisprize was he observed that there was an increase in the shrubbery and the trees appeared to be looking healthier.
Someone had been using artificial light. "Just wait till the king hears about this," Sebastian said to himself.
The demon that had taken what was his wouldn't only be defeated; he would be destroyed because of his illegal activities.
Laughing seductively to himself Sebastian continued on his journey. Soon Ciel would be back in his arms and fire would rain down on the demon that dared to snatch an egg from his nest.
Calling a crow over Sebastian spoke in hushed tones with the bird till it agreed to take a message to the king. Sebastian then watched as the pitch black bird departed. The executioner had been called upon now he simply had to find his princess and wait...
~Back with Ciel...and I suppose Alois as well~
"Get off me!" Ciel exclaimed, attempting to pry Alois from his waist as the blonde vigorously tried to undo his shorts.
"Stop fighting Ciel, you'll like it once you try it!" Alois yelled.
"Never! It-it sounds too perverted," Ciel replied fiercely, holding up his shorts which Alois had miraculously managed to unbutton.
"Just submit, you know you want to try it," the taller boy taunted.
"N-no" Ciel stammered.
"I'll have to use force then," Alois informed the smaller male.
"Nooooooo!" Ciel protested.
Three elbows to the body and a kick to a certain persistent boy's pretty-boy face later Ciel was ready for afternoon tea.
"This is the most embarrassing thing I've ever been forced to do in my life," Ciel told the sparkly eyed blonde.
"I for one think you look very cute," Alois said with a smile.
"Well you're not wearing a wig and a bloody dress!" Ciel angrily replied. (A/N: Yes I have developed a fetish for putting Ciel in drag O/O. Sue me!)
"It's a beautiful dress, not a bloody one," the blonde pointed out.
And truly it was. There were cascades of white ruffles, covered by a single, light pink layer. Two lines ran parallel across the front of the dress and half way there were two sweet, black bows tied in with the material. Across the chest area there was a black and white, striped bow, connected to a pink flower and the ruffled, off the shoulder sleeves.
But there wasn't only the gorgeous dress, no; there were also accessories and shoes. Ciel had been forced to wear the whole wardrobe set.
Tied around his neck was a feminine choker, light pink in colour and accompanied by two white ruffles around the edges. Then placed upon his head was a hat, edged in the same pink flowers as the one across his chest. The flowery, pink hat fell across his contracted eye as well as helped hold his long grey wig - which was in two pigtails - in place. And last but not least there were two elegant, black gloves that ended at Ciel's elbows. The boy felt severely overdressed for a simple afternoon tea.
Then on his feet, underneath the dress were two long, brown, high heeled, lace-up boots and further up his legs there was something else Ciel had been forced to wear. The blue-eyed boy no longer felt like a boy anymore.
"Time for tea~" Alois announced, looping his arm around Ciel's and leading him away from his accursed room of cross-dressing torture.
"Oh joy," Ciel replied sarcastically.
~ With Sebby ~
He was so close now. He could practically taste his contractor.
We'll meet again soon, oh so very soon...Ciel, Sebastian thought, licking his lips, and heads will roll.
~Back with Ciel and Alois...and Claude *sigh* ~
Alois beckoned over his butler, Claude, and motioned for him to pour them both some tea. "I hope you like New Moon Drop, it's a rather interesting blend," Alois said to the grey-haired boy sitting across from him.
"Thanks..." Ciel replied, picking the delicate teacup up with both hands and bringing it his lips.
Ciel quickly glance across at the grinning boy before taking a short sip of the tea. Flavours danced around in his mouth. Tantalizing, dark...but somehow bright, just like the moon in the night sky.
"It's really good!" Ciel exclaimed in surprise.
The blonde gave a tinkling laugh at the other boys' reaction before saying, "go on then, take another sip."
And another, and another, the blonde thought, soon you'll be caught in my web.
The blue eyed boy once again raised the cup to his lip and took a sip, however this time he took a lengthily, full sip and savoured the taste for longer. The tea was positively addicting, Ciel could see himself pestering Sebastian to obtain some in the near future.
Speaking of Sebastian...where was he?
Placing the decorative cup back in its saucer Ciel cast aside his thoughts of the black-haired demon. He didn't even need him; Ciel could get back on his own.
"Alois, can I go home now?" Ciel asked, his tongue feeling...heavy?
"You look tired, why don't you stay for a little longer?" Alois replied with a smile that held hidden intentions.
"I-I'm fine," Ciel said, rising from the white chair, his head spinning slightly.
"No I really think you need to sleep, now," Alois said, getting up from his chair to go stand in front of the dizzy boy.
"I'll be alright I just want to get back home!" Ciel yelled, lashing out at the blonde with a gloved hand, the other supporting his spinning head.
Alois simply side stepped the attack and began a countdown, "10...9...8...7...6..."
"What are you doing!-?" Ciel exclaimed.
"Stop it," Ciel said, almost fearfully, attempting to compose his thoughts and stop the world from moving.
Then Ciel fell, hard. His body just stopped working.
Ciel tried to force his limbs to move but to no avail and through fluttering lids Ciel saw Alois come closer and lightly, possessively stroke his cheek.
"I've caught him, Claude," Alois told his butler excitedly.
"Well done," Claude praised flatly.
"Sleep, Ciel, don't fight it," Alois said softly, addressing the smaller male.
Ciel tried to open his mouth to scream, to yell, to protest, but...nothing happened and eventually his eyes closed and he was forced into the infinite world of sleep.
Waking up Ciel felt like shit. There wasn't a refined or elegant way to put it. Ciel simply felt like a stinking pile of excrement.
His whole body hated him for making even the slightest movement, and his eyes refused to stay open because every time he tried opening them the light would hit his face and they would burn like hot coal.
Then through his haze of discomfort Ciel heard shifting noise before a, "wakey, wakey Ciel!" was called brightly by none other than the crazy blonde that had drugged him.
Ciel felt the soft bed –or what he assumed to be a bed- shift to the side a little as Alois crawled across it.
"You can open your eyes now, I closed the curtains."
Ciel didn't trust the blonde one bit but if the curtains really were closed then he could get a better look at his surroundings and plan an escape route.
Hesitantly opening his eyes, Ciel came face to face with Alois who was beaming happily. Ciel let out a little noise of surprise and Alois backed away, giving the freaked out boy more space.
"W-what the hell...are these ropes?" Ciel croaked, noticing that his arms were bound tightly.
"I can't have you escaping," Alois replied, leaning over to retrieve a glass of water from the nightstand.
"Now drink this, it'll make you feel much better," Alois ordered, bringing the glass up to his captive's lips.
Ciel eyed his captor suspiciously before closing his mouth firmly, ensuring that Alois could not get any other drug into his system.
"Really now Ciel, why would I drug when I already have you at my mercy?" the blonde reasoned.
What Alois said made sense but Ciel didn't buy it. Who knew what was going on in that messed up brain of his?
"Look Ciel," Alois said, taking a sip of the water himself, showing that it wasn't poisoned or drugged. But still, Ciel kept his mouth closed in a tight line.
Rolling his eyes with impatience, Alois took another sip, propped the glass back on the night and leaned down over Ciel, placing his hands on either side of the smaller boy's petite frame.
Ciel retreated back into the pillows that supported his head but there was no way he could escape the blonde and going in further Alois claimed Ciel's lips.
Ciel's mouth softened in surprise, he had only ever kissed Sebastian –who he had know practically his whole life- and there a boy who he had only met that day was, pressing his lips against his.
Leaning into the kiss, Alois forced his tongue into Ciel's mouth, making the blue-eyed boy's mouth open wider, and let out the water he had been holding.
A small line of water slid down the side of Ciel's mouth when the two parted but neither cared. Alois was too busy being smug and Ciel was preoccupied with being shocked...and angry.
"Will you drink the water now?" Alois asked.
Ciel glared at the Alois, wishing death upon him, as he nodded slowly. Hating himself for giving into the blonde's pressuring.
Alois retrieved the glass and watched as Ciel hungrily gulped down the water. The blue-eyed boy wouldn't admit it but he had been dying to drink something and the water felt so good running down his parched throat.
"Good boy," Alois cooed when Ciel had finished the drink.
"Let...let me go," Ciel ordered as Alois used small scale magic to send the empty glass to the kitchen.
"No, at least not now," Alois said, turning back to Ciel, his eyes sparkling in a way that promised nothing good was to come.
Ciel watched with apprehensive eyes as Alois began working his way around the bed, stopping when he was at the end of Ciel's feet, where his boots used to be.
"What are you doing!-?" Ciel exclaimed.
"Relax," Alois said, moving to get between Ciel's thighs. However the blue-eyed boy would not tolerate it and promptly closed his legs.
"Go away," he said stubbornly.
"Ciel, play nice," the blonde replied calmly.
"Go away," Ciel repeated firmly.
"Don't push me," Alois threatened darkly.
"I don't want this, move away from me," the smaller male commanded.
"I told you not to push me," Alois said darkly before the pressure was everywhere again, intensified by Ciel's slightly weakened state.
Ciel whined and brought his legs together tighter, trying to block out the pain by recalling the last lesson he had, had with Sebastian.
"Spread them," Alois demanded, resting his hands on Ciel's knees.
"N-no," Ciel stammered. "And the Great War continued for several hundreds of years..."
"All you have to do is open your legs and the pressure will go away," Alois said, enticing Ciel to spread his legs like a cheap whore with the promise of relief.
"Never..." Ciel said softly. "It was Alexandra the Great who initiated..."
"I wanted you to do it yourself but I guess I'll have to use force," Alois said with a sigh.
Then the pressure was gone and Ciel had a few seconds of quiet tranquillity before his legs were pried open and the taller boy shoved his body in between the blue-eyed boy's legs.
"...No," Ciel said meekly, knowing what was going to transpire soon as Alois's hand moved further down his thigh, heading for his package.
"W-wait!" Ciel yelled, halting the blonde's progress.
"Yes?" Alois asked huskily, licking his lips at the sight in front of him.
"Can...Can you take off this hat? It's really uncomfortable," Ciel asked coyly.
"Of course," Alois replied with a smirk.
The blonde then leaned over, rubbing his prominent erection against Ciel's crotch as he took of Ciel's pink hat and threw it across the room.
Closing his eyes, Ciel vaguely registered that Alois was retreating, however his hand was not, it was going further and further into his dress.
"Stop this now!" Ciel exclaimed, preventing Alois from moving his hand advancing further for the second time.
"Sorry Ciel, but this is no longer your decision to make," Alois said, his hand reaching deep inside the ruffled dress to grab...
"SEBASTIAN!" Ciel screamed, his eyes flying open, contracted eye glowing brightly.
Glass showered down upon the two and Alois gaped when a dark figured appeared next to the bed.
"There you are, Ciel," Sebastian said, curtains billowing behind him, revealing the orange glow of afternoon light.
"Sebastian," Ciel said, relieved.
"And you are?" Alois asked, hopping up from the bed to stand in front of the blatantly angry male.
"Sebastian, Ciel's fiancé," the dark-haired demon said with a poisonous smile.
The blonde let out a long, mad laugh,"oh Ciel, am I the other woman?"
"You're not a woman and you're certainly not Ciel's woman," Sebastian said icily.
"You certainly keep him on a tight leash, don't you?" Alois said, moving towards Ciel and capturing his ankle before he could pull away.
Keeping his eyes fixed on the newcomer; Alois started at the tip of Ciel's toe and began to kiss all the way up his leg. Sebastian hissed but made no move to stop Alois, he was in the blonde's territory and the other demon had Ciel, if he made the wrong move now something horrendous could take place in the blonde demon's mansion.
"Se-Sebastian," Ciel stuttered, turning to his fiancé with hesitant eyes.
Sebastian spurred into action, leaving reason behind and relying on power, ripping the blonde's hand from his Ciel and throwing the mad teen across the room in one quick, swift movement.
The blonde went spiralling through the air before correcting himself and landing.
When his feet met with the ground he growled deeply at the other demon as he crouched low upon the floor. His demeanour suggesting that he wished to destroy the new inhabitant of the room.
"Ciel, I really don't like your boy-toy so I'm going to kill him now, ok?" Alois asked lightly, straightening himself out.
"W-what?" Ciel stammered idiotically.
"If anyone is going to be killed I do believe it's going to be you," Sebastian informed the blonde.
"That's big talk coming from such a weak demon," Alois said, amused.
Sebastian laughed quietly. "You're mistaken; this is barely even a fraction of my true power."
"Well then show me!" Alois exclaimed excitedly, "show me your true power!"
Alois's face contorted into that of shock before an ugly sneer swept its way across his pale face. "Show me," Alois demanded.
"No, I will not," Sebastian replied bluntly.
"Ah~ that really pisses me off," Alois said in an annoyed tone of voice.
"...Sebastian," Ciel interrupted, cutting short the two males staring contest. "Kick his ass!"
There was a moment of silence before Sebastian mockingly replied, "yes, my lord."
Alois turned back to the other demon and all of a sudden Sebastian was right there, throwing a barrage of heavy punches at his head, his torso, his chest, anywhere the other male could make contact with.
Alois stumbled before jumping out of Sebastian's reach, having only a moment to wipe blood from the corner of his mouth before they battled again. However this time Alois was ready for the dark haired demon. As Sebastian attempted to rush the blonde, Alois aimed a roundhouse kick at his head which did not connect as the black-haired demon grabbed the blonde's ankle and threw him off balance.
Alois faltered and making a split second choice, decided to get serious before throwing an enormous amount of demonic energy at Sebastian as he backed away.
As the black-haired demon was too close to the blonde to dodge the energy hit him flat out, sending him barrelling backwards.
Alois laughed as Sebastian hit the edge of the bed, tired out by the quantity of energy he had used up with the bleeding demon before him but very pleased.
"Sebastian!" Ciel exclaimed as the blonde advanced on Sebastian and gave a sharp kick to the weakened demon's torso.
"Shhhhhh, Ciel, I have to talk to Sebastian for a moment," Alois said, placing a finger over his lips.
The blonde then crouched down in front of Sebastian, who was slumped against the end of the bed, "you were fun for a while but I'm going to have to kill you now."
"Don't joke with me, you little shit," Sebastian hissed, grabbing the blonde's head in one hand and squeezing tight.
Alois's eye's bulged comically, "p-please, you can't d-do this, won't be l-left alone if you do this."
Sebastian raised his head to meet eyes with the frightened demon in his grasp; his furious, shining cornea setting fear into Alois's very soul.
"I won't kill you," Sebastian said, releasing the blonde.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you," Alois chanted gratefully.
"But they will," Sebastian said forebodingly just as three dark figures appeared and dragged a screaming Alois into a swirling black void before disappearing in a shower of petals, leaving behind a single black rose and a red envelope.
"Ahhh, I knew they would come sooner or later," Sebastian said before getting up and undoing Ciel's bonds.
"Idiot!" Ciel exclaimed.
"Is that the correct way to treat your saviour?" Sebastian remarked, lightly rubbing his pink cheek.
Then, blushing, Ciel quietly said, "dim-wit...why didn't you get here faster?"
Sebastian smiled fondly at the boy before replying, "it wasn't exactly easy to arrange this rescue mission and ensure your safety."
Ciel sighed. "Let's just go home," he said tiredly.
"And when we get home you'll eat then take a bath, understood?" Sebastian informed the younger male.
"Will you stop trying to order me around, I'll be sixteen in a few months, I'm hardly a child anymore!" Ciel yelled, irritated at the baby treatment he was currently receiving.
"Well you're certainly not an adult," Sebastian argued.
"I'm adult enough!" Ciel exclaimed.
"Then prove to me you're an adult, demonstrate how mature you really are," Sebastian said with a flourish of his hand, challenging Ciel, figuring the teen would cave like he had so many other times when pushed.
"Fine," Ciel agreed.
Sebastian blinked back his surprise as Ciel shifted from his mildly uncomfortable position on the bed to one that he found more relaxing and slowly slipped his gloves off.
"Ciel..." Sebastian growled, half way between a warning snarl and an animalistic grunt of want.
"Yes, Sebastian?" Ciel said innocently, pausing the strip show momentarily.
"I really do think it would be best of we head home, now," Sebastian said, gulping as Ciel unclipped the ruffled, pink choker, thinking of what was to come off next, the dress.
Sebastian felt a sinful shiver run its way down his spine and a different sort of feeling go to...somewhere else.
Now, don't misunderstand, Sebastian had seen Ciel's naked body thousands of times but rarely was it ever in a sexual light. And it was only recently he had been noticing his fiancé's physique more and more. Maybe it was because Ciel really wasn't a child anymore? He was a teenager, almost a young adult now. But...somehow Sebastian couldn't stop seeing him as the naive, snot-nosed kid that fully relied upon him for the first thirteen years of his life.
"Don't do this to me, Ciel, it's cruel to tease an old man," Sebastian said with a withered sigh.
"What? I intend to go through with this! I won't back down," Ciel responded, sending a stubborn expression Sebastian's way.
Sebastian knew that look; it meant 'I won't give up till I get my way'. That certain look had been a thorn in his side ever since Ciel learnt how to be a stubborn, pig-headed, little runt. Which he was from the day they met, it just took a couple of child-rearing month for Sebastian to bring it out, and once it was out it just would not go back in again.
"Fine, but don't blame me when you can't handle what I dish out," Sebastian told Ciel, his demeanour changing into something dark, sinister and sexy.
"I can handle a-anything you dish out!" Ciel replied obstinately, his voice quivering slightly when he caught Sebastian's passionate stare.
"Well then, shall we begin?" Sebastian said eagerly, licking his lips.
Sebastian had been waiting to consummate their love during their wedding night but he wouldn't let a good opportunity pass him by. And, damn, did Ciel drive him wild.
His slightly mussed hair, his rosy cheeks, his parted lips and the spark of immorality in his heterochromatic eyes. Ciel just couldn't know how attractive he really was.
Sebastian heard the bed creak as he eased his way onto the mattress, advancing on his fiancé, who was having some trouble getting his dress off.
"Here," Sebastian offered, easing Ciel's clammy hands away from the zip in the back of the dress and undoing it.
"There you go," the black-haired demon said as the dress fell off Ciel's shoulders, sagging around the top half of his body.
"Can...can you look away for a moment?" the blue-eyes boy asked.
Sebastian felt the need to roll his eyes but refrained from doing so. Ciel would be awfully pissed if he spotted him doing it.
"Ok, I'm looking away," Sebastian reported, turning his head away.
Ciel briefly peeked over his shoulder to see if Sebastian was telling the truth and surprisingly he was, most of time he just ignored Ciel's 'childish' requests.
The blue-eyed boy then slid the dress from his arms and pressed it down to the bottom of his torso before rocking back, so his posterior was on the bed and pushed the dress off his body.
After he had escaped from the pink, frilly prison, Ciel threw it randomly across the room, simply glad to be rid of it. That piece of cloth would haunt his nightmares for years to come, along with the tortured screams of Alois Trancy.
Ciel shivered at the thought and to some extent because of his partially naked state. Only 'partially' because he was still wearing the embarrassing, emasculating underwear.
"Can I turn around now?" Sebastian asked.
"No!" Ciel vehemently refused. He would never be able to look Sebastian in the eye ever again if he saw what Ciel was wearing 'down there'.
Sebastian raised an eyebrow before figuring there was no harm in turning around. It was a little late for Ciel to begin getting self-conscious about Sebastian seeing his body. So Sebastian turned.
They both froze. Each waiting for the other to utter the first embarrassing sentence.
"...I had no idea you were into that sort of thing, Ciel," Sebastian remarked.
Ciel blushed a healthy shade of pink before loudly replying, "I didn't choose to wear this!"
The black haired demon mulled over whether or not to delve deeper into the reason Ciel was wearing women's underwear and decided it wasn't worth knowing.
"Never mind, I really don't want to know," Sebastian said with a shake of his head.
"Now, Sebastian, take it off," Ciel ordered, rotating his body so that his legs were resting on Sebastian lap, his intent clear as day to the dark haired demon.
"Very well," Sebastian replied, raising his elegant hands and hooking them under the waistband of Ciel's blue and white striped underwear.
"You know it's kind of unfair how you're fully clothed and I'm nearly naked," Ciel pointed out.
Sebastian let a sigh escape his divine lips. Ciel couldn't make anything easy for him. EVER.
"If you want me to undress that badly then I shall," Sebastian said, taking his hands away and using them to unbutton his shirt.
Despite how harmless the movement was the blue-eyed boy couldn't help but think that Sebastian was putting on a strip show. The way his pale hands danced across the button before undoing it in a quick, swift movement was somehow tainted. Absolutely, deliciously tainted.
Ciel gulped. He was really going to go through with this. Sebastian was going to take his innocence.
Sebastian's shirt dropped to the ground with a small rustling noise. "Am I undressed enough now?" Sebastian questioned.
"It's fine for now..."
"Anyway, last I remember we were removing an item of clothing from you," Sebastian said eagerly.
"Well get on with it then," Ciel said, trying to cover up his nerves with irritation.
"Gladly," the black haired demon replied.
Sebastian did the same the second time round, hooking his fingers under the brim of the blue haired boys underwear. However this time he was feeling sadistic and felt the need to get a small, pitiful revenge against Ciel for stopping him earlier.
The demon wrenched the panties from Ciel's waist and without delay pulled them off his legs, smiling mercilessly all the while.
Ciel squeaked and attempted to cover himself, mentally cursing Sebastian as he did so.
Sebastian smiled sweetly at the boy as he dropped the garment to the floor, feeling wickedly satisfied with his pathetic revenge.
Ciel glared at the creature of darkness. "You're so adorable when you pout," Sebastian said.
"I'm not pouting!" Ciel exclaimed.
The black haired demon pushed the boy and sent him crashing towards the bed. They landed with Sebastian on top and Ciel on the bottom with his wrists pinned above his head.
Sebastian grabbed Ciel's face with his free hand. "If that isn't a cute, little pout then I'm a virgin, you're not my fiancé and this demonic world is but the silly, little dream of a teenage girl."
Ciel opened his mouth to reply. "Yeah right."
Sebastian chuckled and Ciel felt the demon's body vibrate against his, "Ciel, I don't know how I've lived without you all these years."
The blue-eyed boy resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Are we going to sit here chatting all day or what?" Ciel said, forcing Sebastian into a kiss where he, Ciel, dominated.
Though that soon changed. Sebastian let Ciel explore, he let him dominate but when he felt a tongue attempt to pry his lips open he decided it was time for him step in and take over.
Grabbing his hair, Sebastian elevated Ciel's head, making the kiss deeper and steamier as he sneaked his tongue into Ciel's cavern of hot moisture.
The blue-eyed boy moaned into Sebastian's mouth. This wasn't one of their playful make out sessions, this was the real deal.
The black haired demon pulled away. "Ciel," he muttered, staring deep into the boys heterochromatic eyes as he touched foreheads with Ciel.
"Hurry, I-I don't want to wait till later, I want you know," Ciel said shyly.
"Jeez Ciel, I was going to give you the option of leaving it at that but now you've turned me on so bad I won't be sated till I've fucked you so hard you're begging for mercy," Sebastian said. (A/N: I'm sorry for ruining the vibe but I just have to mention that I don't really do dirty talk in my fics. So...any naughty words mentioned while these two youngun's do it are an exception to the rule I've given myself of: don't put in dirty talk because it embarrasses you and is completely unnecessary.)
Ciel blushed hard as Sebastian stared down at him. How was it every time he found a way to make Ciel blush?
"Then go ahead, fuck me," Ciel replied wantonly.
"Tut, tut Ciel, patience is a virtue. It'll hurt you if we do it straight away without any preparation."
"Preparation?" Ciel repeated.
"Get on your knees before the bed," Sebastian ordered.
Ciel complied. "Now what?" he questioned.
Sebastian licked his lips and placed his thighs either side of Ciel's head, unbuttoning and unzipping his pant as he did so.
"Do you trust me, Ciel?" Sebastian asked.
"More than I trust myself," Ciel answered instantly.
Sebastian's eyes softened. "Then I think you know what to do."
Ciel nodded and softly palmed Sebastian's manhood through his pants. Feeling it grow bigger against his hand as he continued his ministrations.
"Hey, Sebastian, I'm going to have this inside of me soon, aren't I?" Ciel stated.
Sebastian faltered for moment, "y-yes, but you don't need to worry; I'll be gentle at first."
Ciel smiled evilly at the black haired demon and Sebastian looked down to see his manhood out of its sheath.
"Ciel," Sebastian said warningly.
"Yes Sebastian," he said, playing with the older males balls, making him shiver in delight.
"Remember where this is going and the fact that if you don't get it nice and wet it's going to hurt a lot," Sebastian said testily.
"I know Sebastian," Ciel replied, taking the tip into his mouth.
Sebastian let out a low growl as his manhood went deeper and deeper into Ciel's mouth.
The blue-eyed teenager couldn't quite fit all of him in his mouth so he wrapped his hand around the naked part of Sebastian's and began to bob his head up and down.
Sebastian found it to be an incredible blowjob, however it was extremely sloppy. "Teeth," he warned Ciel, who adjusted himself accordingly.
Ciel continued and his pace increased. He felt so dirty and sinful but it only felt right to be dirty with Sebastian.
"Ciel, raise your ass up in the air," Sebastian said.
The teen mumbled what appeared to be a yes into the demon's length and moved so his ass was propped up into air. His back arched harshly and he shivered at the amount of strength it took to hold his position as well as his hardened state.
"Soon, Ciel, soon," Sebastian said, his face flushed and brow dripping with sweat.
Then the black haired demon reached behind Ciel to search for his hole. "Don't stop Ciel, keep going," he said.
Ciel continued and soon enough Sebastian found what he was looking for. Gazing down at the boy briefly he rubbed his index finger along Ciel's hole before slowly slipping it in.
Ciel made a noise against his manhood which made Sebastian groan. For an amateur Ciel did a pretty good job of getting him off. It wouldn't be long now before Sebastian had to come and he did not want to do it into Ciel's mouth; he had his eye on another orifice.
"Bear with it," the black haired demon said as he moved his finger in and out of Ciel's hole, stretching it.
When his fiancé was properly stretched with a single finger he removed it before adding another. This time on a completely different mission. He would scissor Ciel to open him up but his main objective would be to find the place that made straight men go gay.
Sebastian wiggled his fingers around and slowly moved them inside of his partner, still aware of the wet, hot mouth on his engorged length.
The black haired demon's finger collided with something inside of Ciel and the boy removed his mouth from Sebastian's length from his mouth to whine loudly.
"Found it," Sebastian mumbled to himself.
"Hurry, Sebastian," Ciel whimpered.
The demon slipped his fingers out of Ciel. "Come up here," he said, grabbing the quivering boy by the arm and hoisting him up.
Ciel crawled onto the bed where Sebastian directed him using his body, kissing him into the bed.
Then minutes later Ciel had the male fully on top of him as Sebastian's length pushed up against his.
"Se-Sebastian, take me," Ciel said.
The black haired demon didn't answer; instead he let out a guttural grunt and positioned himself between Ciel's supple legs, ready to go into the blue-eyes boys' virgin hole.
"Ciel, there's no going back after this, you'll be...deflowered," Sebastian said.
"I don't care, I love you," Ciel said, his strong words colliding with his current flushed, weakened self.
"I love you too, forever and always," Sebastian replied sweetly.
Then he pushed and his manhood, bit by bit, moved into to Ciel's entrance. A warm, tight space that was amazingly tight.
"Sebastian," Ciel gasped as the black haired male began to move in and out of Ciel's scorching heat.
Ciel moaned as Sebastian picked up the pace started whispering sweet nothings into Ciel's ear. This was nothing like he thought it would be like. Sebastian had, had many sexual experiences before and none of them could even compare to how hot and utterly fulfilling the one he was having at that moment was.
"I love you, I really love you, Ciel," Sebastian groaned.
"Mhm," Ciel responded as he threw his head back, his fingers digging hard into Sebastian's shoulders.
The black haired demon then took his hand from Ciel's hip to stroke the smaller males erect length. "Come for me," he whispered into his fiancé's ear before lightly biting, picking up his pace as he neared completion.
"Sebastian," Ciel cried as he released his seed over both of them without warning.
Ciel flopped back against the bed as Sebastian finished himself off inside of the teen. Gently puffing from exertion as Ciel breathed in huge gulps of air.
"Off," was Ciel's one word order.
"As you wish," Sebastian said, pulling out and rolling over so he could lay next the one he loved.
The black haired demon ran a non-semen covered hand through his hair. "Reckon you could go another round?" he asked.
Ciel rolled away from his fiancé and groaned loudly.
Worst lemon in the history of lemons.
Once again, sorry for the long wait! I hope it was at least a little worth the wait...
If Ciel seemed OOC it's for a reason, this is what I think Ciel might be like if he hadn't had all that horrible stuff happen to him. Of course he still retains plenty of his personality but he's a bit more innocent and curious and less...dark. Same goes for Sebastian since he's the one in control and isn't so restricted.
And this is a lame side note that only people who play Pokémon should read. Ok so recently I've been getting all the evolved forms of eeve and have been succeeding! But I was just wondering do you think that having an Espeon named Ciel and an Umbreon named Sebastian is cute and suits?
Anyway, bye for now everyone!