Hey guys this is the last chapter. Author's Note at the bottom

Chapter Forty-Five


The next day

Asuka walked through the school gates, her eyes already searching for a sight of Shinji or the rest of the Stooges, but she couldn't find any of them. Sighing, the redhead glanced toward the parking lot finding Rei's blue Porsche there.

With a little smile, Asuka headed toward the large tree that was on the school ground and found Rei there as she had expected it. The girl was totally focused in the book she was reading, her red eyes seemingly zooming across the page. She looked truly beautiful.

"It's rude to stare you know," Rei said, startling Asuka.

"How did you know I was there," Asuka asked, surprised.

Rei looked up at her, a lazy smile on her lips.

"I recognize your scent."

Asuka returned the smile.

"What are you reading anyway?" She asked as she sat by Rei.

"An extremely old book," Rei answered her.

Asuka looked at the page Rei was on.

"It's not in Japanese," she said, examining the book's page.

"No, it's Latin," Rei told her, "This was the original language that the Vampires spoke before learning other languages…you can say it's my mother's tongue."

"Oh," Asuka said simply.

"You've talked to Shinji yet?" Rei asked her.

Asuka shook her head.

"Couldn't find him on the school grounds," she said, leaning her head into Rei's shoulder, "I'll probably talk to him in class or at lunch. For now, let us enjoy this moment together alright Rei? We did promise to meet here again didn't we?"

Rei stared down at the mass of red hair that was on her shoulder before taking a deep breath, drowning herself in Asuka's delicious scent. She chuckles softly.

"Whatever you wish Asuka,"


The reason Asuka couldn't find the three 'Stooges' as she called them was simple since the trio was one the roof, and they were having a serious conversation.


"Can you do it Kensuke?" Shinji asked him.

"Of course I can do it," Kensuke said, outrage in his voice, "But the thing is that you always was against my hacking."

"This is an emergency situation," Shinji said curtly.

"And why again you want me to hack into GERHIN?"

"Rei Ayanami," Shinji said, "I want to know the truth about her."

"Again, why?"

"He is jealous Kensuke," Toji spoke out for the first time.

Kensuke turned his head toward the other boy.


"Shinji here thinks that Rei and Asuka are more than friends," Toji continued, "Ever since the Festival yesterday."

"Oh," Kensuke said, "That would be so hot,"

"I know right," Toji grinned, "Seeing those two incredible hot girls making out…ah, every guys dream."

"GUYS, focus," Shinji sighed as he approached the edge of the roof.

"Do you have proof?" Kensuke asked.


"Proof that Asuka being, you know, interested in Rei," Kensuke told him, "'Cause if you're wrong about this…Asuka will murder you."

"There is my proof right there, "Shinji said, pointing.

He was looking down toward something as the Toji and Kensuke come to see what he was pointing at, finding a strange sight. Underneath the large tree, both Rei and Asuka were seated, leaning into the tree, but the strange thing was, Asuka had her head on Rei's shoulder and the two seems to be talking with Asuka who had a smile on her face and Rei's face looked content.

"They are just girls," Toji said, shaking his head, "Girls are more touchy-feely with each other than guys are. Instead of trying to build problems in your relationship with Asuka… at least talk to the girl. GEEZ, if you're this jealous when Asuka is close to a girl…what will you do if it was guy?"

Shinji didn't answer him as he continued to look down at the two girls. He knew Toji was right in a way, but a part of him knew that wasn't only friendship…and he hated the idea as much as he hated the possibility itself.

I'll fight for her, he thought, If that's the case I'll fight for her.

His fists tightened.

Lunch period

Asuka found Shinji seating on a bench during lunchtime. The redhead approached him and Shinji looked up, seeing her come closer, he smiled standing up.

"Hey Asuka," he said, giving her a kiss.

"Hey Shinji," she said, "Listen, I came to apologize…"

The dark haired boy shook his head, "Don't worry about it."

Asuka blinked in surprise.


"I'm not mad," Shinji told her.

Asuka gives him a glare.

"You sure?"

"Okay, I'll admit that I was a little frustrated," Shinji told her, "But I simply conclude that both you and Rei are close, thought, I don't' know how she got so close to you in such a short amount of time."

That drew a confused look from Asuka.

"What do you mean?"

Shinji looked at her.

"Asuka, don't you remember how long it took us to become friends."

The redhead smirked.

"Well, I thought you guys were a bunch of perverts…you guys still are…at least Kensuke and Toji are."

"Asuka," Shinji sighed, "You think all guys who looked at you weird are perverts."

"I have a good reason to," Asuka said to him, "So…we're okay right."

Shinji smiled at her.

"Yes…we're okay…when you give me an apology kiss?"

"Are you for real?" Asuka deadpanned.

"If you don't," Shinji said, "I'll be angry at you forever and I'll date Miyuki again…just to rub it in."

"Fine fine," Asuka said, "But don't date Miyuki…she is the local whore."

"Such foul language," Shinji said, shaking his head.

Asuka leaned toward him and kissed him on the lips, drawing a few wolf whistle around them. The two broke it off and started laughing. Neither of them noticed Rei looking at their direction.

You did well Asuka, the vampire thought, as she headed off campus at least enjoy a normal life…even for a little while.

Old Tokyo docks-Night

Rei approached the docks, her red eyes scanning the location. The ship was just arriving and she noticed a few thugs...most of them armed with guns. She saw them pulling a large trailer on the ground, the trailer bearing the word GERHIN on its side.

Pulling out her sword, the vampire silently moved forward at speed too fast for the human eyes to see. Her blade sang as it sliced through them, splattering blood all around the ground, their dead bodies falling down.

In seconds, Rei was the only one standing with the dead bodies all around her on the ground. Wiping her sword clean, she approached the large red trailer that was in front of her.

Must be what Gendo wanted, she thought, looking at it, but I have to make sure if they haven't touched or removed the weapon.

Rei ripped off the lock and opened the trailer door. A large metallic thing was within the trailer and Rei walked forward her footsteps, echoing within the metallic trailer. As she arrived near them, a light beep sound made her look down.

A red laser line was shining on her foot and she recognize it as a security alarm which Rei realized that she had stepped right into but she couldn't understand what it was doing here in the first place. Before she could think about it longer, the large door behind her slammed to a close, making her glanced toward it.

Then a hissing sound…as if something was releasing air around her, and Rei found herself coughing as her limbs started to grow weak.

A trap, she thought, it was a trap.

She continued to cough, recognizing the thing she had breathed in as Vamridic, Rei suddenly ran toward where the door was, slamming into it, knocking the metallic doors off their hinges. She landed on the ground, on all four, coughing even more and she spat blood on the ground in front of her.

Gendo…you bastard, she thought, you set me up.

Then footsteps drew close as Rei glanced up…finding herself staring at the barrel of a gun then the weapon fired…red light blinding Rei for a second, before she succumbed to the darkness…

Rei is captured while danger close in upon Asuka? What will happen next?

To be continued next Volume...

AN: Hey guys, This is my author's note to say that i'm glad to be back and writting this series again. I can't believe it had gotten that far already. seems like just yesterday i was uploading the First Volume and now i'm already on Volume 11. Thanks to all the Support that you readers have given me for this fic even if i didn't get a lot of reviews, the number of hits and stats i have gotten for them make me believe that they are people reading it and i will still update as long as they are readers.

PS: My EVANGELION FIGHTER readers, i won't be updating this week's chapter 13. so you will have to wait for next week. That is all and thanks again for the support for this fic.

Jacques0 out.
