A/N: I swear! Can you guys believe it's the end of the year! I'm going to be a sophmore this Septemeber or late..August? I think? Anywho, this story is coming to an end! Starting on November and ending today, this story has gone far! I really hadn't thought many would read this story, but, guess not! You guys are like family to me and I want to thank you all for this first story's life.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

Enjoy! Last chapter.


I groaned, finally gaining control of my body. Then everything snapped into my mind. The fight with Nicko..Bee's legs...Megatron. My eyes slowly drooped open, noticing my surroundings. An eering pain reflected on my stomach and arm, remembering the shots Nicko had given me. Before..his death.

Smiling wryly, I had finally done it.

Nicko's gone..I think. But for now, I'm finally at peace with my life. No more coming home to be abused, no more rude insults, and no more flashbacks of my life before the Autobots entered this world. Everything was now what I've always waited for.

A perfect life.

Grimacing, I propped myself up on my good arm to be seen with crashed buildings around me, smoke filling the air and my stomach bloody. I rolled my bad shoulder, a very ugly crack emitting from it.

"Ow! Bitch!" I grunted by the after pain it labored. I got all my strength to get on my feet, wobbling slightly. I grasped my stomach, a motor suddenly hitting my ears. Gratefully, it was Ratchet that was there, and at the right time too! A medical team came jumping out of the backdoors, only to grasp my arms and carry me into the back. They layed me down on some sort of metal.

"Are you okay, Carter?" A static voice just said.

"Yeah...just a little cut and dislocated shoulder, that's all." I assured, choking back a scream when I felt my shirt go up and a stinging rubbing alocohol touched my skin.

"Sorry, Carter, they had to clean it...what happened out there?"

"I...don't know..." I bit my lip, obviously irritated by how many questions he was throwing at me.

"Sorry, we'll talk about this once your patched up," Ratchet apologized, me nodding.

The ride took awhile until we entered into the hospital, lights hitting my eyes as I was rolled into the ER. All I remember was many doctor's crowding around me, my vision once more subsiding away.

I blinked a couple moments, accepting my surroundings which was a hospital room. I could pinpoint I'm in Vegas considering that's the only city near Mission City.

"Carter?" I took notice that Sam's family was all crowding around with wide smiles onto their faces, along with Mikaela who skipped up to me, giving me a kiss on the cheek and setting a bonquet of flowers on my lap.

"Hi, Mikaela," I chuckled.

"Oh my god! What happened Carter? Oh, I am so glad you're okay!" She conintuously blabbered, me shaking my head with a smirk.

"Okay, give the girl some space Mikaela," Mr. Witwicky shooed her away. A pout forming onto her lips as she made her way back to Sam.

Mr. and Mrs. Witwicky went on either sides of my bed. "Are you feeling okay sweetheart?"

I warmly smiled at the Mrs. Witwicky's question. "Yeah..just a bad fall. Dislocated shoulder and a wound."

"And...multiple back bone problems. You broke a couple ribs and just many scars and cuts." Mr. Witwicky added, shrugging.

"Classic Carter to do that on her own." Sam came up laughing.

I stuck my tongue out at him playfully. "Shut up."

"Uh...mom, dad can you leave me, Mikaela, and Carter to talk first please?" Sam asked my parents. They nodded, leaving the room as Mikaela and Sam sat at the end of my bed.

"What's wrong?"

"Okay, Ratchet was searching up on a piece of scrap metal from one of the Decepticons that was unusually weird. He scanned it down to figure out who was this Decepticon and guess who ended up with the exact DNA," Mikaela agreeingly prompted.

"Me..." I whimpered, shrugging.

"Carter, mind explaining this to us?" Sam waited for an explanation.

I took a deep breath and swallowed a hard gulp. "Okay...I'm, somehow half-Decepticon and half-human. B-but, I'm only a Decepticon when Karxenia takes over my body! Carter just has the mind of the Decepticon."

"Who's Karxenia?" Mikaela asked, utterly confused.

"She's my inner Decepticon. I'm not that giant, robot, she is...with a bit of me." I thought about it for a moment, not knowing if that really made sense.

"Umm..." Sam trailed, obviously not understanding my statement that clearly either.

"I don't know! We'll just have to wait!" I waved my arms around, hissing when one shoulder bruised up a paining feeling.

"Stop moving to much! You just got hurt and we don't need something else to break," Sam scolded.

I just laughed, my mouth suddenly falling. "Where's Bee?"

"Oh he's doing fine! He's been waiting to see you! He visits you once and a while but, you were unconscious most of the time. His legs were also fixed," Sam assured me. I breathed out heavily.

"Thank God..I miss him," I smiled, knowing Bee is doing good.

"Yeah, well, get some rest. We'll see you tomorrow," Sam patted me on the shoulder, Mikaela giving me a careful hug to take their leave.

I sighed, knowing I am finally or nearly in peace. But Hell and Heaven knows no one's life is in peace nor, perfect though it could be perfectly imperfect and I was fucking alright with that.

3 months later...

"Bee! It's hot!" I whined, crashing my head on his hood. He sat on the other side of me, two snow cones in his hands.

"Oh I know I am," He wagged his eyebrows, handing me the snow cone. I snorted, sitting on his hood and leaning on the windshield.

"You wish," I spat at him playfully.

He laughed, nudging me slightly. Taking a lick at his snow cone, laying on his windshield to enjoy the nice sun out on the beach dock.

After I had gotton out of the hospital, Bee decided to throw me a welcome home party. During that night, he had spoken to me about how Ratchet didn't know what to call me. They just decided to refer to me as an Autocepticon Human a.k.a an ACH. Ratchet didn't figure out how me and Karxenia were connected, but he was getting into it more and more each day. He noticed that anger was when it activated when my Dececpticonic mind shifts, meaning I had control my anger from now on. What he also discovered was that, I wasn't full Decepticon and I had a bit of Autobot in me from Carter's pure, kind heart apart from Karxenia's vengance like attitude. Last thing he tested out was that the injuries of Karxenia also occured to myself in a more humane proccess. That was mostly it, he still researches myself today, and I am hoping to learn more in the future. We had vacationed in Los Angeles for a couple days and tomorrow we were heading back home.

A new home for me.

"You know, I've been having these weird feelings these days, when I am with you. it's quite odd." Bee blurted out.

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow up at him.

"Yeah, I never felt anything like it." He commented, I laughed.

"Well, only time will tell."

Smiling, I slid off the hood, throwing my snow cone into a nearby trash can and into the back of the car to slip my shawl off. I was going into the water. Stripping my shorts off so I was bare with my bikini. Trotting up the front of the car with a towel and sunscreen, Bee froze in his place.

"You okay?" I asked, as he bit his lip, groaning a little.

Bee P.O.V

She had went to the back of my alt. form to configure something. It was nice that Mr. and Mrs. Witwicky had adopted her, but she didn't want to change her last name, which we were still wondering why. She was also an Autocepticon, something very rare. She was the rarest, most valuable human I have ever seen. Very odd and unique. When the sound of flip-flops echoed from the ground, my head twisted to see the most amazing sight I have ever seen in my years. There she was, my angel, bare into her flawless form in a two piece. She must've seen me frozen in my state.

Great. Nice going Bumblebee!

"You okay?" She observed me oddly. I groaned, trying to ignore the aching feeling of desire in my loins.

"It's pretty hard to be when I see you dressed like that," I panted a little.

Her body heated up to a red color, turning away. I was thoroughly quite amused at her, she had the heart and body of an Angel but, deep inside she sported herself with the figure of the devil. That aroused me beyond reasons, wondering if she slipped that panty and bra off-

"No dirty thoughts! Stop that!" I scolded myself. My mind drifted into a temptation to trot up to her, push her onto the hood of the car and mate and claim her by then.

"Bee?" She was starting to get worried. I finally noticed my body was vividly shaking, restraining myself from pouncing onto her.

"Please...go, Carter," I pleaded.

She hesistantly, took that order by nodding and running over to the sand and water. I watched as her body flexed as she dove into that water.

Sighing in relief, a buff, a bit bigger than me man came walking up. "Hey there Bumblebee."

Cars of my fellow soldiers alt. form were parked beside mine. The whole Autobot flock came running up beside me, Ratchet scanning me. "What's going on?"

"You think he hit it?" Optimus' holoform raised his eyebrows at Ratchet.

"Yep, I guess when Carter came up like that, I can still see some very graphic visions in your head Bumblebee," Ratchet smirked at me. I reddened, scracthing the back of my head.

"Okay, can someone tell me what in the world is going on?" I exlcaimed, sliding off the hood staring at them, my eyes narrowed.

"Most mech Autobots have this trigger in them. They cannot control it until their...desires are satisfied. We never had experienced any of this, you're the first but, we have learned about it." Ratchet explained awkwardly.

"What..'trigger' exactly?" My hands got sweaty along with my head.

"Sexually driven. It is when your body somehow, becomes what humans call: 'aroused'. Until, you satisfy your needs with Carter that urge will never end. You have to learn to control it, you may end up forcefully raping her if you don't take precautions," Ratchet patted my shoulder.

All the blood had left my body when the word 'rape' came up. I could actually do such a thing to my doll? After all she's been through with her father? I may be the next to be her next enemy. There was only one thing in my mind I had to remember as long as she stays with me. I had to control my desires and thoughts around this creature who had just shifted my life into another.

A slap had collided with my spark at the thought of her leaving me.

No. She is mine.

And mine. Alone.

Carter's P.O.V

What was up with that?

Well, he is guy so of course he would've had a reaction to my swimwear but, he seemed so tense, like he was about to be disintegrated right then and there.

Diving into the water, I relaxed at the soothing feeling that wrapped around me. Fishes swimming around the clear water, the images of memories flooding into my mind.

After 17 years of torture, the deed was finally gone. I was free with Sam and his family, with Mikaela, the Autbots, and with Bee. The horrific experiences I had to go through to get to this. The life that I had never thought would've been real, with me. The sight of who I am today brought terror to my mind of who I was yesterday. Maybe, fighting back wasn't such a bad idea. Nicko would always be above and never had the dream of being free crossed my mind and I couldn't do anything about it. But many had changed my point of view into trusting other than Sam. Bee and the Autobots came into my life and blossomed it into a beautiful, bold rose that withstood any other dead plants that interfered. I know that if I wanted them in my life, I had to be daring. Even if it killed me. Killing before was Nicko, now, it's my love and fate. But during when Nicko was killing me so ever slowly, there was always one thing in my mind that I thought had never existed. It was trapped in the thoughts where all was unbelievably true and waited just at the right moment, at the right time. That was me calling for help. For love. For it all to end and enter the heaven on Earth. Then, the fate had finally broken through to change something and that was this:

To save me, Bee.

A/N: Oh shit! Bee has been transformed into a Sexually Driven Mech by Carter! Let's see how long he'll last in the next story.

Thank you for reading this story of 'Save Me, Bee!' I hope you guys liked it and I sure look foward into running into you guys again on my next story called: 'Control Yourself, Bee'. I decided for my stories that the title ends with Bee like Carter is saying it.