Chapter 1: Chapter 1

This one is called Unbroken. I hope you like it. I don't know the character personalities that well, but I've fallen in love with Soul Eater, so I decided to give it a try. I don't OWN them, I'm just sorta kinda obsessed with these two hot young women... and a few other characters too.

Sadly, I don't own Soul Eater. I wish I did.

The battle against the Kishin's madness was over, Medusa had been defeated, and Death City was once again back to normal. As Maka and her friends said good-bye to their new allies, Blair, the magical cat, approached one of the five Mizune sisters. "I wanted to tell you good-luck on your journey back home." She said, using her claws to scratch behind her pointed ears.

"Chichi." The mouse-girl nodded. "Chichichi-chi-chichi. Chichi-chi?"

"Well, I guess we did make pretty good opponents…" Blair sighed as the mouse-girl turned to go.

"Wait," Blair put a paw on the girl's shoulder and made her turn back. "I know your sisters are a little far away, but could you call them? I-I need to speak to all five of you together."

The Mizune nodded and let out a loud squeak to call her sisters back to her. As Eruka and Free left, the other four Mizune sisters arrived and landed next to their sister. Blair used her tail to motion for them to follow her. She led them into an alley a few blocks away from Maka and the others and transformed back into her human form.

"Do you mind?" she asked softly. The five sisters stacked on top of each other and transformed into human form as well.

"What did you need to talk about?" Mizune asked.

"I… I…" Blair stared at the girl and walked forward until she was really close to the other woman. "I really liked how our bodies pressed together during the fight, how they molded together without even trying. I've been looking for someone who could turn me on with a simple glance, that made me wet with the slightest touch, that wouldn't get boring after only a few nights. From what I could tell from the battle, you'd be able to do all of that to me and so much more. I… I was wondering if you would like to t-try it out?" Blair looked down at the ground, showing an unusual emotion: fear.


"Please don't call me that." Blair whispered. "Please, call me Kitten."

"Mica." Mizune replied. Blair nodded. "I would like to take you up on that offer. It would be a new experience for me, especially after your offer of playing cat and mouse."

Blair blushed at the reminder.

She had been fighting with Mizune before the Kishin had been released and all of the men were around. She had backed Mizune into the side of a building and they were very close together. Then, Blair's voice had taken on a playful tone and she had run her hand down Mizune's side.

"How about we stop this fight?" she had asked.

"W-what?" Mizune had been panting a bit from sudden arousal.

"I don't think scarring something as pretty as you would be good. I think this pretty body of yours could be put to…" she ran her hand along Mizune's waist and around to her behind, pulling the mouse witch closer to her. "…much better use with how well it's endowed."

Mizune gulped a few times and the men behind the girls were going mad with the sudden change in mood. Blair moved so that she was behind Mizune and her arms were around the girl's neck. Rubbing herself against Mizune, Blair purred happily.

"Don't you think a game of cat-and-mouse would be…" Blair ran her hands over Mizune's chest and down her stomach. "…a bit more beneficial?"

Blair's hands had made it to Mizune's skirt and were working their way underneath. Mizune's breath hitched before she swallowed a large breath and lifted Blair over her shoulders, flipping the girl over her back.

Blair landed on her feet and smiled. "Fine, if that's how you want it."

Blair pulled out of the flashback and smiled. "So that's a yes then?" she asked, her eyes shining brightly.

"I'm willing to give it a try for as long as you want." Mica told her.

Blair grinned and leaned in, planting a deep kiss on Mica's lips. At that moment, the same men from earlier were walking past the alley and looked in at the two girls. The blonde man fell to his knees again, muttering "Hot! Hot!" as the other men drooled over the sight of the two hot girls kissing each other.

"How about we take this to my place?" Blair asked, pulling out of the kiss.

"I'd love to." Mica breathed, using the rockets at the bottom of her feet to boost them into the air.

Blair pointed her in the right direction and they arrived at the Academy in moments. Blair led Mica into the dungeon and the two snuck into an empty room, locking the door with their tails. Blair watched as Mica stripped down and found herself incredibly aroused, causing her to quickly strip as well. Purring, Blair laid Mica on the bed and positioned herself right above the other girl. Mica smiled up at her and Blair returned it happily, lowering her body onto the other girl.

Hours later, Blair lay down next to Mica and smiled in absolute happiness. "Thank you." She whispered.

"For what?" Mica asked, stroking her hair.

"For that. I'm already starting to think I was right."

Mica nodded and stood, getting her clothes back on.

"Where are you going?" Blair asked.

"I need to get home now."

"Please stay." Blair pleaded. "I don't want you to go."

"I'll probably be back." Mica told her. "But I'm a witch and I can't stay in Death City very long. Good-bye Kitten."

Blair watched as Mica strode out of the room. "Please stay." She said, before slowly standing, dressing, transforming into a cat and dragging herself back up to Maka's room.

"Hey, Blair, what's the matter?" Maka asked.

"Maka, Please call me Kitten."

"Alright Kitten." Maka said, her head tilted in confusion.

Blair shook her head. "It doesn't feel the same." She murmured, slinking away. Maka watched her in utter bemusement before calling Soul.

"Hey," he said, walking into the room. "I saw Blair just now. She looked ready to cry. What'd you say to her?"

"Well, I asked her what was the matter because her tail and ears were drooping and she asked me to call her Kitten. I called her Kitten and she said it didn't feel the same. Do you think she's looking for a new name?"

Soul sighed and put a hand to his forehead. "How are you the only one that doesn't know?" he asked. "Blair's real name is Kitten. 'Blair' is just a kind of nickname that she acquired due to appearing human."

Maka cocked her head to the side, still confused. "Do you think she wants us to call her by her first name?"

Soul shrugged. "I dunno, but something's definitely wrong with her, that's for sure."

Blair climbed onto Maka's bed and sighed, remembering what had just happened between her and the mouse witch. "Please come back." She murmured, falling into a fitful sleep.

Maka had been coming into the room at that moment and heard the whispered plea. She must have been with someone she wanted to stay with. Maka realized. Lying on the bed next to Blair, Maka stroked her fur softly, waking the young magician.

"Yes, Maka?" she asked softly, keeping her head low.

"What's wrong Blair?" Maka asked again. "You seem down. Was there someone in particular you were close to that got killed in the war?"

"No," Blair sighed. "It's a bit more complicated than that. Please Maka, just drop it?"

Maka nodded and Blair jumped to the carpet and curled up there. Maka slowly lay in bed and looked over at the black cat; Blair was staring out the window sadly and a few tears shined in her eyes.

"Please come back." Blair whispered one last time before falling into another fitful sleep.

Maka watched her for a few moments and felt sorry for the cat woman. She may not have liked her very much because of the way she treated Soul, but she still felt some kind of friendship for the girl. Maka set her jaw and decided to find out who it was that left Blair in such a state.

So, what do you think so far? Review and tell me what you think! ~^_^~