Belphegor stood naked in the dark night. Thin fog rose from the wet ground beneath him and chilled his pale skin as it settled on him. As he looked around into the darkness he could make out small plants pushing up out of the stagnant puddles and mud around him. The damp field he stood in smelled old, like rotting vegetation and sturdy wood, all well weathered by the elements they had come to know too well. He could hear crickets chirping, soft and steady singing familiar songs and frogs punctuating their drone with brash croaks. Belphegor was confused and disturbed by his surroundings. How did he get there? What was he doing? Why was he naked? As many more similar questions poured through his mind, he started to panic. None of this was right. None of this was like him. None of this made sense to him. How could anything not make sense to him? He was brilliant. He was experienced. He was educated. He was powerful. He was royalty.
As he struggled to hold his mind together the fog rose around him, thicker than ever muffling the sounds around him, and eventually blocking out what little he could see. As he desperately strained to see or hear anything through the suffocating fog his breath quickened in panic. As he began to lose the little grip he had on his mind his thoughts began to escape from his rosy lips. Quietly at first "No… no… no, no, no," but quickly it escalated into panicked screams "NO, NO, NO, NO". As he screamed out into the thick walls of fog, he fell to his knees. As water welled up in his eyes he noticed a hazy dark patch in the oppressively pure fog. Belphegor did not take even a second to decide before crawling desperately towards whatever it was. As he crawled savagely through the mud, all he could think was anything was better than this nothingness, anything was better than this loneliness. As he came quickly towards it the hazy patch grew, darkened, and defined itself. He could finally make out the shape, it was a person. Someone was ahead of him. A single thought stopped him in his tracks. Who was it? Before he had time to think any further the person started moving towards him. Panic set in again as Belphegor sat, frozen in place in the cold mud.
"NO!" Belphegor screamed as he jerked awake. He sat up in bed, breathing heavily. "What was that?" he thought as his eyes began to focus in the bright room. He looked around at the familiar surroundings of his bedroom and immediately reached to his bedside table and grabbed one of his signature knives. He was instantly comforted by the weight of the cold metal in his hand. He took a deep breath while caressing the flat side of the knife to his cheek.
"Bel-senpai?" A monotone voice snapped him fully back to reality. He looked to his left and saw the slender frame he knew so well laying in bed next to him. Belphegor grinned and chuckled his distinctive laugh as he looked at Fran's pale white skin glow in a beam of morning light that managed to break through the bedroom curtains.
"Shi-shi-shi", Belphegor quickly sunk the knife in his hand deep into Fran's pale side. He then leaned over and kissed Fran. After letting their lips connect for a few moments Belphegor smiled again and gleefully greeted Fran, "Good morning kohai".
"Idiot senpai". Fran responded to the whole series of events with the same unchanged blank expression and casually pulled the knife from his side and threw it to the floor.
Belphegor looked on amused and lightly replied "Un-cute kohai", before wrapping his arms around Fran and snuggling back into bed. The nightmare had completely left Belphegor's mind as he focused on the warmth of Fran's body and his steady rhythmic breathing. Nothing felt more reassuring or correct to Belphegor than that moment holding Fran.
A lot has changed in seven years lol I graduated high school and college, made a lot of friends, made a lot of mistakes, and had some great sex. I will be moving to Japan for work in August!
I stumbled on to this old fanfic and was having a nostalgic moment but couldn't just let it be. It's just too fucking cringy. God, I needed help. Anyways, hopefully, this is a little better. I probably won't post on here again frequently but I just wanted to say Hi and thank you! All of you who read and commented on my stories really meant a lot to me and definitely filled my younger years with some good memories!
I feel like I owe you all at least one more smut post so look forward to that in the future and here is to hoping we all have another good 7 years!