Clare's P.O.V

The ride to the hotel was cool, we got to learn a lot about eachother. We pulled up to the hotel at about seven and we got out our luggage. We checked in and a bell boy came and got our bags. We all got into the elevator. We all got to share a room so that was good but there was only a couch and three beds…

"Um, Fiona? There are only three beds..." Eli said like it wasn't completely obvious…

"Yeah…about that, this was the biggest room they had available. Apparently everyone wants to spend spring break here."

"Oh." He said.

"But don't worry me and Adam, You and Clare and Drew and Alli will share." She said.

I blushed at the thought of me and Eli in the same bed, even though I've been to his house and on his bed many times but…this is a hotel and that's totally different…right?

We were putting down our stuff when Fiona said…"I'm going down to the Jacuzzi, who's coming?"

Alli and I looked at each other and shrugged "sure lets go" we put on our bathing suits, well the girls anyway. The boys decided to stay in. Whatever, More for us...


Me, Fiona, and Alli made our way to the jacuzzi, i had on my black and white striped bikini and Alli had on a purple bikini with yellow straps and Fiona had on a pink and black one. We got in and talked for a while. Then these three boys came over...

"Hello ladies is it ok if we join you?" one of them said.

"Uhh, sure" I said and they joined us.

"Im Declan by the way, these are my friends Fitz and Owen" Declan was a rich boy snobby kind of way. He had really pretty eyes, not as intriguing as Eli's but still nice. (P.S Declan is not Fiona's brother in this story...thank you)

"so, what brings you guys to hotel La Marriot?" asked Fitz.

"spring break" Fiona said

"cool" he replied

"we're here for a retreat...we go to a private school and every spring break they take a couple students on a retreat and i guess this year is at the Mariot" Owen said. I was surprised, because this hotel is very expensive and im suprised the school had enough money.

We sat just chatting for about an hour and a half, it turns out they were really nice but i didn't like the way Declan looked at me, like i was a piece of meat, he even tried a couple of lame pick up lines.

We decided to get out and go back to the room because we were starting to get hungry and missing our boyfriends.

Eli's P.O.V

"So guys whacha wanna do?" Adam asked plopping down on one of the beds which i'm assuming he just claimed. "Maybe we should join the girls in the jacuzzi?" i suggested.

"Naw man you know what i'd rather do?" drew asked us suggestively.

"What?" i asked. "ARCADE!" he yelled throwing his arms in the air. I had totally forgot they had an arcade here.

"Awestruck!" i yelled (i just HAD to put that in there) they both turned and looked at me.

"what?" i asked. they just shrugged and we made our way to the arcade.

We played games for about two hours then decided to go back to the room and order room service, and maybe the girls were back...