A Shoulder To Lean On

Disclaimer: CBS owns Criminal Minds...

Summary: Emily and Hotch are on the midst of a break up when he comes to pick up his belongings...

A/N: This was originally two different oneshots that I wrote for I luv emily prentiss 2012 since she's a Morgan/Emily shipper, I decided to post them together after cleaning them up. Here you go, enjoy.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to review...

"If you can't answer a man's arguments, all is not lost, you can still call him vile names." Elbert Hubbard

Emily leaned against the car in her apartment's parking garage, not looking in the direction of the approaching SUV.

It had been a week since they had started fighting and she wasn't going to bow down and apologize, especially when it wasn't her fault.

She turned around and opened the trunk of her car, pulling out several small boxes and bags. As much as this hurt her, she knew it was the only thing to do to salvage any semblance of closure for both of them.

She kept her head down while he approached her, picking up his bags.

"This everything?" Hotch asked in a gruff tone, trying to mask the anger.

"Yeah" Emily said lightly pulling out the remaining remnants of their relationship and placing it on the ground "How's Jack?"

Hotch's head shot up and looked at her, "You really think you have the right to ask how he is?"

Emily held her tongue, she was going to be baited in another fight, especially not now.

"Fine" Emily said softly, she closed the trunk of her car, and bent over picking up the bags bringing it to his car.

"You don't have to do that" Hotch said placing the boxes in the back of his SUV.

"I know" Emily said, slowly turning around, "This is just going to take time, Hotch."

He winced at the tone of her using the nickname and not his first name.

"Whatever" Hotch muttered, he didn't know how the hell this all started but he wasn't going to be the one to walk away without letting her know.

Emily turned around back to her car, locking the doors when she felt him behind her.

"Emily" Hotch said, "How the hell did this happen?"

Looking down at the ground, she whispered, "Life just happens."

Hotch shot her a look but she didn't see it, "Life just happens? Life just doesn't happen, people make choices and this one was your choice not mine."

Emily whirled around, "God you are a selfish bastard. You think this is easy for me? This wouldn't be happening if you had been honest with me."

"You're the one who wanted to end things with us, not me. So don't go placing blame on me for this." Hotch yelled at her, "I was happy with the way things were."

Emily's jaw dropped, "Then why the hell did you go to Strauss and request that I be transferred? Huh? Because I know that I didn't request a fucking transfer."

Hotch felt his stomach tighten every time she brings that up, "You know why."

Emily glared at him, "You know that's it. I don't care anymore, the choices have been made. You made this happen with that ultimatum either us or the BAU. Well I'm still on your team so just deal with it."

"You think I made this happen?" Hotch asked indignantly, "You did this, not me. You gave up on us."

Emily inhaled, "Believe whatever you want, Hotch. I just don't care anymore."

Emily felt her heart drop when she seen his mask come in place.

"Prentiss" Hotch said cooly, "Lets just try to remain professional in the work place shall we? There is no need for any more discomfort or tension for the team then need be."

"Yes, sir" Emily said professionally, then turned and headed for the elevator.

Walking into her kitchen, Emily held up the bottle of scotch that she had forgot to place in Hotch's returned belongings.

She was half tempted to call to return it, but she had a feeling that when he would arrive to pick it up that it would be long gone.

Then it would only be them and if her memory served her right, then she would end up back in bed with him and that wouldn't do any good to either of them because she didn't want to fall into a pattern of break up and make ups.

Placing the bottle down, she looked in her freezer grabbing the carton of mint chocolate chip and a spoon she walked over to her couch.

Contemplating on watching a movie, the only thing that ever made her feel better was watching a movie in which her own life didn't seem as bad.

About to dig in to her frozen treat, she looked up when she heard a persistent knock echo from her door.

Sighing she reluctantly got up, praying that it wasn't the man in question back for round thirteen in the epic battle of Prentiss versus Hotchner.

Emily glanced through the peephole, she was surprised to see him standing on the other side. Opening up, she smiled at him.

"What are you doing here?" Emily asked allowing him entrance to her apartment.

"Something told me that you'd need a shoulder to lean on." Morgan said lifting up his bag, "And I brought our tradition."

Emily glanced down at the bag, "Derek Morgan, did you bring me Chinese?"

Morgan grinned, "Guilty as charged" Looking at the ice cream on the coffee table, "Might want to freeze that up, Princess or it'll leave hell of a sticky puddle."

Emily grabbed her ice cream carton, "Guess this could be our after dinner treat."

"Let me take a guess," Morgan said, "Another nasty fight with he-who-will-not-be named, and you came up here to drown your sorrows in ice cream and alcohol?"

Jaw dropping, "How did you know?" Emily asked.

Morgan raised an eyebrow, "Well after all I am a profiler."

Returning from the kitchen with two bottles of beer, "So what other goodies did you get me?"

Morgan chuckled, "Well I was half tempted to get you ice cream, but then I remembered you always have ice cream..."

"And beer" Emily added clinking beer bottles with him, "What else?"

Morgan pulled out a cherry lollipop, "This, and some of those girly chick flicks you ladies love so much."

"You didn't?" Emily asked appalled.

Morgan laughed, "No, I'm just teasing, Princess. I got us Horrible Bosses and Scream 4."

"You are my hero, Derek Morgan" Emily said hugging him, "Lets watch Horrible Bosses, and imagine it's he-who-won't-be named."

"Huh" Morgan said, "I'd of thought you'd want to watch the scary one so we can work the profile of the killer..."

Emily gave him a smirk, "Please ten minutes into those type of movies we already know who the killer is."

Shaking his head, "I was half tempted to get Bridesmaids."

Emily smiled, "But?"

"I'd of felt embarrassed walking that back to the Red Box" Morgan said, "Besides you'd probably have it already."

Emily smiled as she picked up her fork for her dinner, "You know me so well."

"That I do, Princess" Morgan said wrapping an arm around her.

As the two watched the credits roll by for the first movie, Morgan looked up to see Emily biting her lip.

"Want to talk about it?" Morgan asked, "A lot of us had our suspicions on why you two ended but we don't really know anything concrete."

Emily shook her head, "Not really, it wasn't just one big thing, it was a lot of little things. Besides as much as I'm mad at Hotch, I don't want you guys to think less of either one of us or pick sides."

"You really are a good hearted princess, Princess" Morgan said pulling her into a hug, "Not wanting to drag him in to this and let him take the brunt of everything."

"What good would that possibly do?" Emily said sighing, "Thanks for being here for me. Being my rock."

Rubbing his hand over her back, "Any time, Emily. Any time."

Emily nuzzled her head on his chest and felt herself fully relax against him, glad that she had someone like Morgan to always be there for her. She counted herself lucky to be his friend.

Morgan looked down at the brunette he was holding, and hoped that someday he'd be brave enough to tell her how he felt. But for now he knew all she needed was a friend.

Unlike what everyone thought, he could be a patient man. He waited out her relationship with Hotch, he could wait out her getting over him.

Kissing the top of her head, he considered himself lucky just to hold someone as amazing as her.

"When he kisses you, he isn't doing anything else. You're his whole universe... and the moment is eternal because he doesn't have any plans and isn't going anywhere. Just kissing you... it's overwhelming." Author Unknown

The End

This was different for me because I'm a H/E shipper but this was a prompt and I hope it was enjoyed by those Emily/Morgan shippers.

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