BluePhantom15: Back! Enjoying summer, as I hope you all are, you wonderful readers/reviewers you. Here is finally the long awaited next installment. I know it's a lot sorter then the other chapters, but I hope you will enjoy it nevertheless. Besides, this chapter is more of a set up for the real action, mwahaha! : )

As always sorry for grammar/spelling errors. Too lazy to edit. Henri often chews me out for it, claiming that how can a writer write such an awesome character such as him, without checking to see if they spelt his name right. My reply was I had my mog minion throw him out a window. It was fun to watch. Even better with popcorn. John thought it was funny to.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Nothing at all. (Goes to cry.)

You know what, screw it all. The world sucked, my life sucked, the mogs sucked, Henri sucked, everything just –well- sucked for lack of a better vocabulary.

I was tired, in pain and worst of all plain out frustrated. Why did things always end up like this? With Henri the hero, and me his cute sidekick that never does anything but get in the way. I felt useless, and worst of all I felt like a doing nothing about it. I wanted to just forget about the events of the last few days. I was just starting to regret it all.

The fights with Henri, the running away.

What had it all really amounted to in the end? Sure I had found out about the map. Sure it could maybe probably help me find the other. And sure maybe if we hadn't found out about it sooner all of us would be dead. But right now none of that really mattered to me. All that mattered was I was bluntly being betrayed by the one person who I actually thought would never turn his back on me.

"You're an asshole you know that?" I stated abruptly, staring daggers at Henri. "I can't believe that after all the shit you and I have been through, that you still expect me to stay behind and do nothing."

I realised Malcom was staring between the two of us, but I really couldn't care less about onlookers at this point.

"I've seen what can happen when you do decide to come along, and that is exactly why you're staying behind this time." Henri said outright, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

I couldn't help it. I simply rolled my eyes.

"You're kidding my right? You honestly think I'll actually stay put?" I remarked.

Henri said nothing for a moment, as if thinking about my comment.

"No..." He said finally looking at the floor, eyes unreadable. Then he seemed to take a deep breath, and suddenly all the anger in his eyes that had been there minutes ago, vanished without a trace.

My eyes widened slightly in surprise. Did this mean he wasn't angry? Or did this mean he was so furious you couldn't even notice the rage anymore? You could never tell with Henry.

"Ummm... I hate to break up the awkward conversation, but you guys know the mogs are getting away right?" Malcom spoke for the first time since he had joined us.

Henri's head shot up as if aware for the first time.

"Right." Henri stated. "No time for disputes. Let's hurry up and trail them, see where their taking the map." He started to move forward, Malcom not far behind. I just stood and watched.

Then Henri stopped and turned to face me.

"Aren't you coming?" He called gesturing with a hand to follow.

I stared at him questionably.

"I thought you didn't want me to come." I said.

"Well as you painfully made it clear earlier, I can't expect you to stay behind. I might as well keep you at a close range if you're going to follow anyways."

I was shocked that he had actually listened to me for once. I'm not exactly sure why, but my heart swelled with... was it content, happiness? Even joy maybe? Then a small smirked crept upon my face. I didn't question Henri's decision further; instead I jogged up to Henri side, and continued forward.

Finally, I was going to be able to do something! Realizing what this meant, like a bipolar person my mood instantly changed from a brooding teen to a giddy little child.

"So what's the plan?" I practically chirped at Malcom.

"Well we were hoping to find their base, and then map out the area. Then depending on the layout of their hive we were planning to create a diversion with the whistle you saw me use earlier. It won't hold them off forever but it should give us a head start to wherever their planning to hide it." Malcom stated.

"Wait wouldn't it be easier to just ambush the two mogs carrying the map right now, before their able to reach their base?" I questioned, confused.

"True, but even if we did that the other mogs would notice their companions never returned the delivery and we would have an army on our asses in no time." Henri jumped in. "Besides, I want to know where there all coming from. This is a perfect opportunity to blow up their headquarters by surprise."

"Wait a minute, blow up? And just how the heck are you going to manage that, huh?" I exclaimed, crossing my arms over my chest. I winced slight at the pain my previously injured arm caused me, but it was getting better.

"That's where I come in." Malcom voiced. "I've been preparing for this for a while. I have special equipment back home that will be effective against the mogs.

"You mean like that weird whistle thing of yours?"

"Exactly." He answered.

"How does that thing even work?"

He paused a moment.

"Well I discovered by accident really, that mogs much like dogs hear things at a different frequency then we do. I was experimenting, and eventually I found the right frequency that worked on them. Ironically it's basically just like a dog whistle just ten times stronger."

"Nice." Mog, dog. I knew there had to be a resemblance.

"That still doesn't explain how you plan to blow them up." I persisted.

"A detonator." Henri deadpanned.

"Excuse me?" My eyes went wide. "Are you telling me you had some giant bomb tucked away this entire time?"

"Maybe." Henri said indifferently, but there was a ghost of a smirk that lingered on his face.

"So what, you just plan to waltz in their plant a bomb, run out and watch the fireworks?" I gaped.

"Pretty much."

"You're insane."

Henri let out a chuckle, a smile spreading across his face as we walked.

"Maybe just a little." He admitted.

At that moment I felt at ease, almost happy. I realised it was because it was the first time Henri had smiled and laughed since we had fought. I won't admit it, but I like Henri a lot more when he's smiling.

"Wait why didn't you guys bring the equipment?" I asked suddenly, realising we were unarmed.

"Because we had to search for you remember?" Henri spat. "Besides, like Malcom stated earlier the only point of the current mission is Intel. We simply need a layout of their base first. Once we have acquired that we can use the equipment accordingly. We need a more detailed plan then just setting up the detonator and grabbing the map. Raiding a mog base is a lot more complicated than that."

I groaned.

I knew he was right, I was just sick of waiting. My every lasting patience was growing thin.

Then it dawned on me. Was that the reason he let me come so easily, without putting up a fight? Because he knew that we were just gathering Intel and weren't actually going to do anything? And because he knew that in order to do anything we would have to go back to Malcom's house and get the equipment. Back to the house where he would probably leave me again before the real battle even started.

Oh, clever little Henri.

It took all I had not to growl at him.

"What's wrong with you now?" Henri sighed, looking in my direction. He had obviously noticed the scowl on my face.

"I just thought you were actually going to let me help. I guess I was just being naive." I hissed.

"What are you talking about?" Henri said, slightly exasperated.

"You were never going to let me fight in the first place, were you? You let me come along this time because it was only to gather information and there would be no real action."

Henri sighed.

I glared at him, just waiting for him to confirm my suspicions.

"No," He replied calmly, "I did it so you would know what you're up against when we do finally break into their base."

I gaped. Did he just seriously say what I think he said? Was he implying that he was actually going to let me-

"You're coming with us." He finished my thought.

"R-really?" I stuttered.

Henri smirked, "Really. I figured it would be impossible to lock you up, and I suppose if you're going to save this planet from the mogs, you should get hands on experience with fighting them. Might as well put your skills to use. Besides, you want this more than any of us, and I realize that now. There's no point in denying you the right to fulfil your goals. It's important to have them, after all."

I Burst out into a wide grinned, me feet jumping slightly in delight. He was finally starting to understand me.

Henri noticed my skyrocket in joy, and immediately pointed a figure at me.

"N-now don't get me wrong. There will be a specific plan, that you will follow to a 'T', and not go off and do something stupid. If you pull anything other then what I tell you exactly, I will make it my personal duty to haul you out of there and throw your butt behind bars you got that?" He huffed, continuing to walk a pace in front of me.

Then I did something that not only surprised Henri, but surprised myself as well. I jumped forward and hugged him from behind.

My arms enclosed around my unsuspecting protector, and clung to him.

"Thank you." I whispered into his back. Although I couldn't see his face from this angle, I could tell Henri was blushing.

"Y-yeah, well whatever it's no big deal. N-now get off of me." He moved away, but it was a half hearted struggle.

I let go, blushing a bit myself at this point. "Uh... Sorry."

Noticing my sudden uncomfortable embarrassment, Henri stooped and turned to me.

"It's fine." He started looking at the ground. Most likely to try and hide the slight pink still in his cheeks.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. Hugging me if you want is's okay. Y-you can if you want to. I mean, that is you don't have to, b-but if you want to that's fine too." Henri stumbled over his words, but I understood the message.

"Thanks." I said simply. He nodded then looked away and began walking again.

That's when I finally noticed how behind we were. With all the talking we had done, we had fallen far behind Malcom, who was up ahead still trailing the two mogs.

Malcom suddenly turned around, and gestured to us to come quickly. It looked as if we had finally discovered our target.

Henri and I sped up, jogging silently to where Malcom had ducked behind some large bushes. We followed suit, and lowered ourselves to the ground.

We had finally found it- their base. Where all the crap they had thrown at us till now had come from. And let me tell you, now I knew what it felt like to be a protagonist of a fictional book series looking at the villains gigantic Goth painted fortress. Because I was staring at one right now.

It was huge, and looked like a hybrid between a castle and a baseball dome. Like in one of those clichéd stories, it had two lookout towers on either end with long black pointed tops that looked like they were dying to kill a bird.

The place was completely made out of fortified steal that was an abnormal shade of black and gray. It had something that looked vaguely like the Great Wall of China surrounding it with a giant wooden door as its entrance. Perfect, because what kind of villainous castle is complete without a drawbridge right?

Now there was only one question.

"How the hell are we supposed to break in there?" I asked dumbfounded.

Henri was at a loss for words, clearly overwhelmed.

"I have no idea" He said, lowering his head into his open palms.

"I might."

Henri and I turned.

Malcom looked over at us.

"How?" I inquired.

Malcom smirked.

"First we have to split up. This place it pretty big, we'll need to cover more ground."

BluePhantom15: He he he, spilt up? I don't think Henri's gonna like that idea, although John might. Yeah, time for some spying! Wonder how that will go? When it comes to John, usually not smoothly. Please review! You guys are awesome and I love your feedback and thoughts. Popsicles and snow cones all around! : D