BluePhantom15: Well hey, I'm really new to this so I don't exactly know how to make an interesting authors note :S

Anyways, hope you enjoy this extremly long chapter, and I hope that you manage to make it to the very end. :D

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING!

It was quiet moment.

One of those moments where you felt at peace with the world.

Where everything seems to stand still for just a split second and there is nothing but you and the silent calls of nature.

It was calming, almost beautiful.

For the first time in what seemed like forever, I was relaxed.

Well, as relaxed as an average mutant alien from another planet could be.

As I stared out unto the grassy fields behind the old and rundown house that I now had to call home, I could feel the breeze touch my bare neck. I knew that I shouldn't get attached to any place for very long. We might have to move any day now. But I couldn't help but admire this new town. I loved it here. I loved the people. I loved the wind as it brushed through the trees on a cloudy day.

I loved the sun as it barley touched the surface of the small pound outside our house, making the water simmer. It felt right. But I knew it couldn't last. I knew sooner or later something was going to happen and I would be forced to move on to yet another isolated area for protection. I hated it. I hated being so venerable. If I was suppose to have all these great powers, then why couldn't I use them to protect myself? To protect the people around me, instead of them always giving up everything for me? I knew I didn't have the answers, but I also knew who did. And I couldn't make him talk.


He was my protector. The one person who had to ensure my safety with his life. Yet he would never tell me anything. I am sure he thinks that if I am ignorant he can protect me better, but he's wrong. It's me their after, not him. I have the right to know just as much as he does. I wish that for once he would see me as something more then a fragile piece of glass that could shatter at any moment. I was not a child anymore. If only he would see that. I took a deep breathe.

It was getting dark. Grey clouds began to engulf the sun, as I felt a small drop of water hit my cheek and roll down my face. Great, just what I needed, I thought sarcastically. I slowly began to push myself off the soft brown earth. It was beginning to down pour as I forced myself to sprint to the front porch of my newly acquired residence. I opened the door to the house a little rougher then I had indented. I bolted inside shutting the door behind me. Taking off my muddy shoes, I called out into the darkened house.

"Henri! Henri, you there?"

There was no reply. This startled me a little, as I moved deeper into the hallway that lead to Henri's private office, where he kept all his computer equipment. I approached with caution, trying my hardest not to make any noise. Suddenly I heard a loud crash as something heavy collided with the hardwood floor. My whole body stiffened into a battle position, preparing for the worst.


I allowed myself to relax as I heard Henri cursing from the other side of the dark blue painted wall. I casually walked into the room, doing my best not to show the fear that had been in my eyes just moments ago. "Crash another computer?" I asked, smirking. Henri snorted at me then turned back to the laptop that was now laid out on the floor.

"Hey, speak for yourself! If I don't recall, it was you who broke the 45 inch plasma T.V when you were experimenting with your fists." He shot back.

I raised both my hands in the air, in a sign of surrender. Henri just smiled at that and began to pick up the shattered glass from the laptop screen. I bent down in an attempt to help, but Henri stopped me short. "I got this. The last thing I need is for you to cut yourself and bleed to death." He said.

I rolled my eyes. This is what I meant, always so overprotective. I paid no heed to his warning and began to pick up the small pieces of glass off the floor. I took them over to the garbage can in the corner of the room and threw them in. "Dang it" I swore under my breath. One of the glass pieces had skimmed the side of my palm as it fell in, causing a gash in my skin. A small tinkle of blood fell from the cut, running down the side of my hand. Henri ran over, immediately at my side.

He made an attempt to grab my hand, but I pulled it out of his reach. "I'm fine" I spat. He frowned, obviously not believing me. "It's just a small scratch", I insisted. He looked at me for a few moments then sighed. He slowly started walking back towards the broken laptop. I let out a sigh of relief, happy that he had actually had listened to me for once.

I let myself relax. That was a mistake. Just when I thought I was in the clear, Henri spun around, jumped forward and gripped my wrist with little effort. I tried to pull away but the grip only tightened. I swore under my brief and then looked up to glare at Henri. He ignored the death message I was sending him, and occupied himself with examining my wound. He twisted my palm slightly to get a better look at the damage.

I hissed, as a sharp pain ran up my arm. Henri was unfazed by my quiet scream of pain, as he ran his index finger along my cut, to measure how long and deep it went. Then without warning he began to drag me across the dark hallway and into the kitchen. He let go of my hand to walk over to the covert and grab the first aid kit that sat on the first shelf. With my brief moments of freedom I attempted to run out of the kitchen. I don't know why I was being so stubborn about not wanting Henri to help me.

I guess I was just sick of him always nursing me like a baby. I wanted to prove to him that I didn't always need his help, and I could do things on my own. If he would only give me a chance, I knew I could prove to him that I could care for my own well being. Just as I was about to step out once again into the dark hallway, Henri took me by the shoulder blade and pulled me back inside the small white kitchen.

"And, where do you think your going?" He asked softly. Without any hesitation he roughly jerked me around to face him, making a grab for my injured hand. He was fast, but I was faster. I swiftly pulled away and moved to the side, so that his hand caught nothing but air. Then in one fluent motion I grabbed the first aid kit out of his left hand, and pulled it to my chest protectively. He raised an eyebrow, questionably. I just shook my head. "I want to do it." I stated. I tried to make myself sound confident with no room for argument like Henri always seemed to be able to do. At first he didn't move, just stood there and stared at me.

It was like he was searching for something in my eyes, to help him confirm something. I took a quiet brief, waiting for him to respond. Instead he just sighed, and ran his fingers through his hair. "Fine, whatever you want." He said plainly.

This time I didn't let my guard down. I didn't take my eyes off him until he had finally left the room. Once he was out of sight, I let a smile touch my lips. Yes!, I thought. Finally a victory for number four. I moved to the table in the center of the floor, seating myself down unto one of the wooden chairs. I placed the first aid kit down in front of me and opened it. All I could do was stare blankly at the medical supplies inside. I hadn't the faintest clue what to do next. Henri always cleaned my wounds for me, so I never had to worry about how to use these things.

Great. So clueless, I began to remove some supplies from the white box. I read a small package that said disinfectant. I figured that had to be the stuff that cleaned the wound. I carefully undid the package, and took out a wet white cloth. Carefully I pressed it against the wound on my hand. "OWW!" I yelled out. I threw the cloth away from my bleeding hand and held the now burning cut against my chest. I could faintly hear a snickering coming from across the hall. My jaw dropped. Was he laughing at me? I couldn't believe it. Fine then, I'll show him! I began to work hard, trying to the best of my ability to stitch up my cut.

Finally I was finished, and proudly walked into Henri's office showing off my hand. He looked up at me. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. At first there was just silence between the two of us. Then abruptly, Henri began to burst out into laughter. He was now on the floor holding his gut with both hands, trying to stop his giggling fit.

"What!" I demanded, looking at my hand again. On my cut was a bright pink unicorn bandage that I had found in the medical kit. "It was the only one there!" I protested. Even so, Henri kept laughing. I had to wait a while before he had finally calmed down enough to stop laughing and stand up straight. I glared at him, but he simple shook his head and smiled.

"First of all, you have to wash the blood off before using the disinfected. If you don't it will sting you lot more, as you now know. Second of all, that cut is far too big for a cute little unicorn bandage" He grinned at me, I simple rolled my eyes. And I thought he was supposed to be the mature one.

"You need a bigger one. Also, you have to apply pressure to the wound to make it stop bleeding before you do anything else. Now come here, I need to clean off that blood." He made a beckoning gesture with his hand. I shook my head reluctantly. "I can do it" I said truing away, but not before I saw him roll his eyes.

"Yes because we all know how well you did last time." He hissed sarcastically. I made a "humph" sound in his direction, as I walked out into the hallway. I approached the sink in the bathroom beside the kitchen and turned on the water. It was freezing, and I quickly threw my hand back. Before I knew what was happening, Henri was behind me reaching out to hold the handle bar, and turned it to warm.

He then took my hand gently and pushed it under the water. Then with caution, began cleaning the dry blood off my palm. It was soothing, especially when he was so gentle. It barely hurt at all. I knew if I had done it myself, that this would have been a much more painful experience. Then realizing that I was letting him do everything for me again, I swiftly took my hand back and ran out of the bathroom. Perfect, I thought, he probably thinks I'm so pathetic right now, that I can't even clean a cut. Henri was beside me again, holding out a bandage, this one a lot wider so that it could easily cover my entire cut.

"Thanks" I mumbled and put it on. Then without another word I marched upstairs and fell unto the soft sheets of my bed. Slowly I closed my eyes, listening to the hard patter of rain against the roof. Then before I knew it, I had drifted into a soundless sleep.

I woke up with a loud thump, as I fell face first into the hard wood floor. Cursing silently I pushed myself off the ground and stood up. I was in my peach painted room, standing beside the bed. I could smell the faint scent of breakfast creeping up through the stairwell. I moved quickly and quietly down the stairs to the kitchen. I could hear Henri humming an old tone that he had learned back on our home planet from his wife. It was a graceful melody that was always calming on the ears, and I often enjoyed listening to it.

"Cooking, cleaning wounds, and now humming in the kitchen? You're becoming more of a house wife each day!" I said gleefully, giving Henri an evil smirk. He glared at me then returned to making his ever so delightful smelling pancakes.

"Well this "housewife" is the reason that you get to eat everyday, so I wouldn't get to cocky if I were you" He warned giving me the ever so famous "don't question my manliness" look.

I threw my hands up in an exaggerated gesture, "Fine, fine, whatever you say" I replied not pressing the matter. I knew if I dragged this conversation out anymore that I might end up with no breakfast at all this morning, and I was starving. I sat down at the table, and began to fiddle with the bandage that protected my annoyingly itchy scab.

I was about to peel away the bandage completely when Henri caught my arm, and pushed it aside. "Don't play with it!" He scowled, "You'll only make it worse." I shrugged him off and slumped in my chair, keeping my head down trying to hide my embarrassment.

I could never seem to be able to do anything right. Henri brought me one of his famous pancakes, and I gulped it down greedily. It felt light and fluffy on my tongue. It was like perfection itself. Nothing could compare to Henri's amazing pancakes. I had scarped down three, before I was finally full.

"Are you done now?" Henri asked, raising an eyebrow. I glared at him, but nodded yes. "Good, then let's get down to business shall we?" He took a chair and sat it next to mine so that he was facing me. "Listen I have to run to the store to get some more supplies. I need to get a new laptop, and we need more food, because you eat like a pig." He said. I scoffed.

"I recent that!" I said not bothering to keep the irritation out of my voice.

"Anyway, the nearest shopping center is a few miles out, so it will take me a while. You know the drill. Stay in the house, keep low, always have the phone near you and no friends over, got it?" He said looking at me expectantly for a response. I nodded.

"Please, what friends? We never stay in one place long enough for me to make any." I spat out. I didn't mean to be so rude, but it was a stupid request.

"I know, I know. It's been hard, but I can't do anything about that. We can't risk the mong's finding you." He sighed. "Okay, I didn't want to freak you out, but I am going to have to tell you anyways. I think they might be onto our trail. Were going to have to move again soon, so be ready to leave at any moment."

I couldn't believe it.

"Are you serious!" I shouted at him, "But we just got here!"

"I know, but it's better to be safe then sorry."

There was that stupid saying again. How many times have I heard it before? A thousand, maybe two?

I was so sick of it! All he ever cared about was making sure that I was safely packed away where no one could find me, like a neatly wrapped up present before Christmas. Did he even once consider how this made me feel? My whole life all I have ever known was how to run away from everything, and become something that I am not the instant we got to another place. Constantly becoming new people, with new names, and different backgrounds. I was never once aloud to be just me.

I didn't know what it was like to have a family, and I didn't know what it felt like to have a best friend. All I knew was how to hide and run away the moment there might be danger. And I was tired of it. Why couldn't we stand and fight? If I'm so special I should be able to take them no problem right? Henri certainly didn't think so. I had the powers, so why couldn't I use them? It made no sense. But regardless of my doubt and annoyance I just nodded. Henri smiled, obviously content with my decision.

"I'm not sure how close they are, so you have to be extremely careful. Call me at the first sign of any danger, understood?"

I nodded again.

"Good." He said nodding, but before he left he turned to me again. "Oh, and one more thing, don't do anything rash." There was no room for argument in his voice.

I knew what he meant. He meant if I did see danger, he didn't want me to try and handle it on my own. He wanted me to run scared like a little puppy and cry out for him.

I glared, but said nothing. Henri was out the door before I could blink, and I was alone in the old feeble house once more.

It was a boring day. Nothing ever interesting seemed to happen when Henri was away. I watched some T.V, and then sulked up to my bedroom, lying down on the bed. It felt like the day was dragging out far longer then it should have. I stared at the ceiling for what seemed like centuries, and then finally cracked. That was it. I needed to get out of here. I leaped off my bed, and sprinted to the front door downstairs. Just when my hand was about to twist the door handle open, I remembered Henri's words.

"Stay in the house, and keep low."

I just shook my head. It wasn't like I was going to run to the next town over. I was just getting some fresh air. How bad could that be? Besides it would only take a few minutes... My thoughts dragged on, trying to convince myself that breaking Henri's small rule wouldn't be so bad. I mean what could possibly happen in an hour or two? It's not like I could get myself killed in that amount of time anyways. I nodded my head in a gesture to reassure myself. Besides, what Henri doesn't know won't hurt him, I thought. So I casually strolled out into the lush green grass that covered the front yard, and let my feet feel the soft brown dirt of the earth. It was another perfect day. The sun was high in the sky, and all the birds seemed to sing up unto the heavens. I smiled to myself. Yes, I was really going to miss this place. No, I thought, I'm not leaving, not yet. I don't care what Henri says. I want to spend a few more days here, at least get to know the place better so I could remember it. I don't want to move to another place for a while, and I don't intend to. Henri's just going to have to deal with it. I walked around the front yard for at least a half an hour, and then decided to go off exploring. I ran around the small town, trying to see everything there was to see. I looked at all the shops, and watched the customers go in and out carrying bagfuls of recently purchased items. I moved from sidewalk to sidewalk, and place to place until I finally sat down with exhaustion on a near by bench. I rubbed my eyes, trying to take away the sleep that was attempting to engulf me. Unfortunately it was to no avail. I soon found myself dosing off unintentionally in the worst place imaginable, wide in the open, on a park bench.

I awoke to a small vibration that was tingling my left thigh. I jerked forward, eyes wide, trying to get a hold of my bearings. My left hand immediately shot into my left pocket, and pulled out my phone. I opened it quickly, praying it was not Henri calling. To my delight, it wasn't. I had just gotten a text from the phone company advertising some stupid new device. Thank God! I thought.

Looking at the time, I swore under my brief. It was 5:00 pm, and I knew that Henri was going to be back at the house any moment now, if he already wasn't. When he saw that I wasn't there, he would have a heart attack wondering where the hell I was. I sprinted as fast as I could down the long, narrow street trying to keep my pace steady.

I didn't want to arouse too much attention, as I blasted full speed in the direction of my new home. I sighed in relief as I saw there was no car out on the front driveway, meaning that Henri wasn't back yet and I might be able to avoid the yelling.

Just as I was about to run up to the front porch, I spotted something unusual. The lock on the door was opened, and I had sworn I had closed it when I had left. I quickly ducked behind the nearest bush to hide myself from sight. I took a deep brief. Calm down, I thought to myself, Maybe Henri is home after all. But even as the thought crossed my mind I knew it wasn't true.

If Henri was back, then the car would be out front, and the lights would be on. I moved my head slightly up to get a better view of the house, carful not to make any noise. I could hear a faint crash from inside the house. Yep, someone, or something was definitely in there.

My heart was pounding faster and faster against my chest. What could I do? I should call Henri, and then hide. Wait. No. That would be exactly what Henri would have wanted me to do. Maybe this was my chance! My chance to prove that I could take care of myself, and that I could stand in a fight against these freaks. I was ready for this. This is what I spent my whole life training for right? I could do this. So bundling up all the courage I had, I lifted myself out of the bushes. I slowly approached the rundown house, mentally preparing myself for the worst.

I threw the front door open dashing inside and getting into a defensive position, waiting for whomever it was to come for me. But nothing happened. There was silence in the house, nothing but the sounds of crickets chirping from outside. Something was wrong. I turned my head to both sides as far as humanly possible. Well in this case, as far as Lorien human possible.

I tried to lower the sound of my breathing, straining my ears to hear the smallest of sounds. Listening to anything that would give me a hint to my enemy's location. Then I heard it. A slight movement coming from the kitchen. I silently approached the doorway, focusing hard on my newly awakened powers, praying they wouldn't fail me now. I jumped into action hurling inside the kitchen with as much speed as I could muster. I saw it. The disgusting creature, that Henri had always warned me about. It was there now, standing in the place I usually ate lunch.

It had dark tattoos covering its entire face, and its eyes were as black as a newly painted road. It had scars around its arms and neck and it wore a dark brown clock that fell to its ankles. It had three cuts on either side of its face that looked like gills, and teeth like a shark. It was the most hideous thing that I had ever seen in my life, and I new for a fact that this isn't someone I would have wanted to invite for dinner. I ran at it with all my strength, and hit it square in the rib cage.

It was like slamming into steal. I felt the wind knock right out of me, as I tumbled over with the creature unto the floor. As I tried to push myself up, I could feel the creatures hands wrap around my throat. I began to gasp for air, as I struggled to rip away the hands from my neck. I then jerked my head to the side, confusing the creature long enough to deliver it a punch to the face.

It retreated backwards protectively holding the cheek I had just hit. I took this opportunity to use my telekinesis and lift him into the air. Struggling as first to lift him, I staggered making the creature sway up and down violently. I then jerked it to the side, and slammed it into the kitchen counter. It cried out in pain as it made impact with the hard cold marble. Yes! I thought. I was doing it! I was actually winning! I knew I could. Henri was worried for nothing. I instantly grabbed hold of a knife I had found on the table and charged at the mong with little hesitation.

What I expected to happen, was for me to run the damned thing through with the knife. What I wasn't expecting, was for it to evade my attack and strike me in the head. I cried out in a sneer of pain, as I felt blood pouring down the right side of my face. The mong had me by the throat again, slowly trying to choke me to death. I twisted and turned with all my might, but it didn't seem to do me any good. I was losing air supply and fast.

I gasped, trying to suck in as much air as was possible in my situation, continuing to struggle against the mong's iron tight grip. My hands seemed to find there way to the creatures face, trying to injure it with what little strength I had left. I was slowly losing conciseness, with the lack of oxygen that was getting to my brain.

My eyelids slowly began to drop down, and my hands lost the strength to keep hold on the mong's face, so they drifted down to either side of me. I was going to die. I couldn't believe it. After all that, after all I had been through I was going to die in an old beaten up place like this. There was still so much I wanted to see, still so much I wanted to do. Still so much I wanted to say, and now I would never be able to. No. I couldn't let it end like this.

My eyes shot open, and I immediately jerked my hands upright and smashed them into the creatures gut. He flew backwards in shock. I didn't hesitate, I grabbed the knife that lay on the floor, and drove it through the creature's chest. I watched as the light slowly left its eyes, and it became motionless in my hands. It then dropped to the floor, eyes open, and blood streaming from its open wound. I had done it. I had killed my first mong! I let a smile engulf my lips. Wait tell Henri saw this.

Oh shit! Henri! I had completely forgotten! He would be here any minute. How in the world was I going to explain all this? If he asked too many questions he would eventually figure out that I had gone outside and disobeyed his direct orders. I was so in trouble now. I searched my brain trying to come up with some kind of logical explanation. But there was nothing that came to mind. So in the end I just decided to wait there. Wait for Henri to come back and give me a lecture. It wouldn't have been the first time anyway. So I simple slumped onto the couch, exhausted from my battle with the black eyed freak. I sat there for an hour or so just staring at the ceiling. It was not long after that when I heard the door creak open.

"Holy crap! What the hell happened here?"

Well now I knew one thing for certain. Henri was home.

BluePhantom15: Well I hoped you enjoyed ^_^. Sorry if you found any mistakes while reading.

I'll continue if you guys like it.

Well reviews are always appreciated! : )