The world meeting hadn't lasted as long as Germany thought, he was just glad it was over though. America and Britain kept fighting, and then they started making out, and then fighting again, either way poor Ludwig couldn't seem to keep them off of each other. He let out a long sigh, at least it was over. Now all he had to deal with was an unusually energetic Feliciano. Of course that wouldn't be hard, seeming as Ludwig knew just about everything there was to know about the little Italian. Not that he stalked him, no; he just...paid really close attention just in case. But he was admittedly a little surprised when Feli had asked to take a train home; after all, planes were faster. But Ludwig could see no harm in taking a train, since it would give him a little more time to spend with his favorite little Italian. He let Feliciano pick the cabin size since he knew Feli would complain if it were too small. Ludwig just followed the little man, as quiet as usual, if not quieter. Well as quiet as he could be anyway, Feliciano would worry if he didn't say anything. He knew how to fix it when he got too worried though, a quick peck on the lips and he was smiling once more. When they got to the cabin Feli got to putting the stuff away and Ludwig just stood and looked around. It was a fairly large room with a full bed on one side, and a bench and table on the other. Feli noticed Germany just standing there and decided that he felt bad for making Ludwig go on a train.

"Ve~ Germany? I'm sorry for making you come on the train with me. It's just that I've never been on a train before."

"There's no reason to be sorry Feli, I haven't been on a train in a long time. I think you'll like it, you get to see all kinds of things; like landscapes and towns."

"That sounds really pretty! I might even get out my notebook and draw!"

"I just think it's nice to hang out with you, we haven't gotten to spend time alone since, you know..."

Feliciano just giggled and hugged Ludwig. It was true that they hadn't gotten to spend much time together since he started going out with Feliciano, due to lots of meetings and paperwork on Ludwig's part. Ludwig kissed Feliciano's forehead and sat down on the bed. It had been a very tiring day for Germany, he had to keep America and Britain off of each other, France from picking a fight with Prussia over Canada, and Russia from trying to 'Become one with China' on top of the table. It was pretty stressful, but he could always count on Italy to make him feel better. Germany laid back on the bed, messing up his usually tidy hair. Feliciano draped himself over the top of Ludwig, straddling him. Germany blushed and pulled his little Italian into a sweet, passionate kiss. 'It's been far too long…' thought Ludwig as he cuddled close to Feliciano. Feli had plans of his own though. He continued to kiss Ludwig, while undoing the buttons of said German's shirt. Ludwig, content with kissing, felt the cold air threatening his chest's warmth and realized what Feliciano was doing and broke the kiss.

"Feli, we can't do this."

"Ve~? Why not?"

"Because, I don't want to hurt you and I couldn't bring myself to take your innocence."

"You couldn't hurt me no matter what you did, Doitsu, and if my 'innocence' is going to be taken by anyone I would be glad if it were you." Germany just stared at him, as there wasn't really anything he could say. He just really didn't want to hurt Feliciano; after all, the boy was really small. But then he started to think, 'Mein Gott it'd be so tight though…' These thoughts were NOT what he needed at the moment, as his pants started to feel a little tight.

"Okay Feli, but if it hurts you have to tell me to stop okay?" Feliciano nodded in agreement and then returned to kissing his German lover. But this time, Ludwig hovered over Feliciano and started where he thought he should; Feli's neck. He planted small kisses all over Feliciano's neck and collar bone, slowly making his way down the lightly tanned skin after completely removing the shirt. Then, removing his own shirt, moves back up to Feliciano's lips. By now, his pants are beginning to feel far too tight, something has to be done about that…NOW. Germany reluctantly breaks the kiss to remove his pants, freeing his erection from its clothed prison. Only to look back up and notice that his love is desperately hard as well; it's his turn to do the teasing, so he reaches and palms Feliciano's erection for a few moments before moving down to unzip the pants…with his teeth. When he has the pants undone he glances back up at Italy, who is blushing and looks very uncomfortable, so he decides that no more teasing is necessary and moves back down to the boxers. He offers a few well-placed kisses around the waistband before removing them, removing them oh so slowly.

"G-Germany, p-please…it hurts…"

"As you wish Mein leibe, just relax." Italy does as he's told, relaxing into the bed and submitting to the German's touch. Ludwig fully removes the boxers and tosses them away onto the floor and sits up. The sight was almost too much for him…His beautiful Feliciano, laying in the slight sunlight that streamed in through the curtains. Feli's tan skin basking in the sun, the lovely chocolate eyes on him, slender body laid haphazardly across the sheets. It was the most gorgeous thing he'd ever laid eyes on. That wasn't the best part though, the best part was that it was all his. Just for him…He'd never felt so happy in his life. He lightly laid himself over Feliciano, nuzzling his face deeply into Feli's shoulder.

"Feliciano…Danke. Danke für alles…"

Feliciano kissed the top of Ludwig's head, and held the blonde to him. Germany soon sat up, he was feeling more motivated than ever. His eyes held more lust than they ever had, and he kissed his way down the angelic body. And Feliciano opened his mouth to say something but all that came out was a low moan. All at once, Ludwig took Feli's tearing member into his mouth and started bobbing his head up and down, swirling his tongue around it. Feliciano started breathing irregularly, and tangling his fingers in the golden hair until he felt something bubble and stir inside of him.

"L-Ludwig…I-I'm going t-to…" But this warning came a little too late, the Italian gripped the sheets beside him and moaned loudly as he came in Germany's mouth. Ludwig swallowed as much as he could but some hopelessly dribbled its way from the corners of his mouth. He licked his lips and looked back up at Feliciano with his half-lidded lusty eyes.

"You know, you taste pretty good." Feli just blushed and smiled. Ludwig leaned back down and kissed his colored Italian. "Scheiße, I don't have any lube Feli."

"I do, reach into my backpack. Front left pocket."

"Oh, found it. Wait… Why did you have this?"

"Wishful thinking?"

"I guess that makes sense." Germany giggled and uncapped the tube. Feliciano watched him pour the cool liquid over his fingers and it sent shivers up the Italian's spine.

"Alright, this might hurt a little but mostly it'll just be uncomfortable."

"I trust you Doitsu." Those words made Germany's heart melt. Ludwig hoisted one of Feliciano's beautifully lean legs onto his shoulder and slowly pressed the first finger in. Feli squirmed, and Germany just smiled.

"Just relax, I know it feels weird but it won't last long I promise." Italy nodded and Germany worked the finger for a few moments and then put the second one in and started stretching. Feliciano made a twisted face and Ludwig kissed his forehead to tell him it was okay. As he slipped the third finger in, he made an effort to search around for his lover's sweet spot. He brushed his fingers over a certain place and Feliciano made a noise between a gasp and a moan. Oh yeah, he found it. Ludwig slowly withdrew his fingers, much to the discontent of his little Italian. Ludwig finally removed his own boxers and tossing them to the floor. He looked back up at Italy, whose eyes were bursting out of his head at the sight of Germany's cock.

"OH… MY… GOD! Germany, I don't think it'll fit, you'll rip me in half!" Ludwig looked down at himself, was he really that huge? He just shrugged it off and giggled.

"Don't worry Feli, it'll fit. It's going to hurt at first okay?" Feliciano reluctantly nodded and Ludwig wedged himself into Italy's entrance. "Mein Gott! It's tighter than I thought it'd be…" Italy shrieked in pain and tears formed in his eyes. Germany kissed the tears away and awaited the Italian's approval. After about a minute, Feliciano sighed.

"Y-You can move now." Germany moved slowly at first, being careful not to hurt Feliciano. As soon as he began to pick up his pace, he rammed into Feliciano's prostate. This made Feli moan loudly as it sent a surge of pleasure though his body. Germany didn't know what to think of the noise so he slowed his pace again.

"D-Did I hurt you?" Italy looked at him with an intensely serious face.

"Don't slow down! That felt amazing!" Ludwig did as he was told, repeatedly hitting the spot. The poor German was dying of pleasure inside Feli's tight heat. Both men muttered curse words under their breath, some German, some Italian, and some in English. Italy wrapped his legs around Germany's back to get him farther inside. It was almost too much for them, and they both neared climax.

"Oh Doitsu, I-I'm close, I don't think I can hold it…" With a loud moan, Feliciano came; The hot, sticky seed now decorated the chests of both men. Simultaneously, as Italy's velvet walls clenched around him he came too. Satisfied with himself, he pulled out and laid beside Italy whom cuddled himself into Ludwig's chest. They lay in peaceful silence for what seemed like forever, but in reality was about thirty minutes. Just as Germany was starting to drift into sleep, a gun shot rang out in the peaceful silence.