If there are no reviews, I won't continue (this includes sex scenes), because I'll assume no one's interested and not bother. Seriously, even a smiley face is feedback.
Thank you. :) - Smiley face.
Updated: Thank you to everyone who reviewed. I wouldn't have cared to finish otherwise.
The Accident
It took not even ten seconds of being awake for Sora to realize that something was wrong. But, then again, Sora always woke up like that - desolate and empty and wrong. Perhaps it had something to do with laying in a hospital bed, without even another sick-mate for company, or perhaps it was the feeling of a bare room in general; full of nothing but reflections of the single person's gloom. Sora hated hospitals, but he could not say why. The place gave him a really creepy feeling, like of pain long forgotten.
And Sora was always forgetting things.
Sora stretched, yawned, rolled over, yawned some more. They had removed his IV tubes a few days ago, his leg was no longer broken, his head injury was better, and he was feeling perfectly healthy again. A nurse had told him that today he was likely to be released, and Sora couldn't wait to place as much distance between him and this room as possible. He dreamed of real food and his cozy, messy, life-filled dorm.
Sora moved the bed sheets and examined his leg, still not believing it had completely snapped only three months ago. But that was what happened when you crashed through a window, fell from a two story building, and landed on solid ground.
After all of that, Sora was just glad the head injury had been minor and that he was still alive.
Sora often tried to think back to the accident itself, but, as usual, remembered nothing. He was troubled about that concept; that he remembered absolutely nothing.
Even though others, mostly his scheming friend Matsuri, retold the incident to him over and over again in their visits, Sora could not remember why he had done such a thing. According to the witnesses, he had been alone, run head-long through the glass, and crashed down.
What could have caused him to do something so insane? Why did he do it at all, and why didn't he remember? He did not even recall being on the second floor in the first place - and was quite sure he had been in the science department with his chemistry teacher, Nagase Kai, many classrooms away.
Sora sighed. He watched as daylight trickled farther and farther into his room, with nothing else to do but wait for his release. He felt a familiar wave of emptiness wash over him. Even before the accident, Sora was always forgetting things, and he could not remember any of his childhood at all. The farthest back he could remember was being adopted by his surrogate mother, Nanami, and her lover, Minato. He loved them as much as a sixteen-year old could love their parents, of course he did, but he wished he could remember his real parents, or at least what had happened to them.
Sora wanted to accept that they were gone and move on, but he didn't, because his mind just didn't work that way. How was he supposed to move forward, anyway, if he could't even remember where he had already been?
He also had a suspicion, a kind of eerie voice in the back of his head, that he was forgetting someone or something; something important...
Sora put his hands behind his head and sprawled out. He was muscular and fit, but being in a hospital for so long was making him lazy, and his love of food didn't help. There wasn't even a TV to watch, or even a person to complain to about there being no TV.
He brushed all his morbid thoughts away as easily as that - by thinking of other things, because he was Sora, and that was what he did.
Sora knew that the world was cruel but fair, even if he did feel lost and empty, because that was just the way the world was. Sora was a care-free, easy-going kind of guy, and Matsuri had even been nice enough to put it bluntly for him - he was happy being an idiot.
Sora blinked, just breathed and blinked his blue eyes in boredom, until finally a nurse came with the words he had been waiting for.
"Hashiba Sora?" She said sweetly. "The papers are all done and ready. You can go home."