Hello all~ This is your lovely Authoress SanguisRubeus. This is the first time I've ever written for YuGiOh, and it also being AU, so please be nice. If you are going to critique me then please be productive and tell me what I did wrong. If you do that then I will love you forever.

Anyways, for those that don't know me here is an explanation of how I write. I pick a song and as I write the chapter, I play that song. I find it gives the chapter another dimension. The song will be the title of the chapter and I will also write it out on here. So if you want you can listen to it as you read the chapter.

Warning: Not all of the songs will be in English. Like the song for this chapter.

Disclaimer: Do I look like I own anything? No? Perfect.

Song for this chapter: Деревья by: Винтаж [Or: Derevʹya (Trees) by Vintage]

Enjoy the fic~


It was six in the morning when Ryou opened his eyes. All he wanted to do was go back to sleep. But he heard something in the kitchen and he decided to get up. The white haired teen walked into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. After that he got dressed in his chef coat and checkered pants. He groggily staggered to the kitchen where his housemates, that were dressed just like he was, greeted him.

Malik was from Egypt and proud of it. After his parents untimely deaths, his sister, Ishizu and himself came to Domino city. Once Malik finished high school, he moved into this place with Ryou.

Then there was Kira. She was from Russia. Her hair was dyed a dark red and her eyes were light brown. She was the oldest of the three and it was her apartment they moved into.

"Morning," Ryou greeted as he got himself some Earl Grey tea.

Malik smiled brightly at the British boy, "Good Morning!"

"Dobroe Utro," Kira said the boys knew she was saying good morning, "Did you sleep well?"

Ryou nodded, "Yeah…as good as I can without Melatonin Vitamins…"

It was a well-known fact among the friends that Ryou had a Melatonin deficiency. He had it since his mother and sister died. So he made sure he had the strongest ones money could get. He was fresh out and they got paid on Tuesday. Life sucked at that very moment.

"Don't worry dude, after work, we can go to the store and I can buy you some," Malik said as he sipped his coffee.

The younger boy looked up at his friend, "You don't have to do that."

"Are you kidding? I still owe you for the knife you bought for me," The Egyptian laughed.

Kira set the breakfast on the table, "I'll go half with you Malik, I still owe him for fixing my laptop."

"Thanks…" The British boy said softly, "It means a lot to me."

The other two smiled at him brightly and began to eat their food. They talked while they ate. It was mostly about what their dreams where about. They made a bet that whoever had the better dream got to choose whose car they would take to work that morning. The winner was Kira and she chose Malik's car.

"But my car has no air condition," He pouted.

The Russian scoffed, "So? We will ride with the window's down. Right Ryou?"

In the end, Malik admitted he had fun ridding with the windows down. They were laughing the entire time. Once they made it to work they got off of the car and began to walk though the back entrance. They worked at the most expensive hotel in all of Domino city. It was called Ra's Grand Hotel. It was all gold when you walked in though the normal entrances.

After the three clocked in the entered the kitchen. It was outdated but it still worked wonderfully. Malik immediately got to work and helped out the other cook. Ryou and Kira began to get the fruit, salad and dessert bars ready for the lunch buffet. They were working as fast as they could because they had to have everything out on the buffet line by eleven. In the end, they always managed to get everything on the line before eleven. That was when Ryou and Kira would then be in front working the buffet line until they closed. But right now they were waiting for 11:30 when the lunch buffet opened. Normally this was when the workers took their lunch. In other words, this was when they would see their friends.

The first one to stop by was Jounouchi or as they called him Jou. The blonde haired boy was the same age as they were. Following him, was his brown haired sister Shizuka. Jou worked in maintenance while Shizuka was in housekeeping. The third person in their group was Yugi. Yugi worked in the gift shop. To this day none of them knew how he managed to work that store being so short. The tri-colored haired boy said it was magic. It must be.

The three lined up at the buffet and eyed the food hungrily after making their usual greetings.

"So what did Malik make today?" Jou asked.

Shizuka hit his side, "Brother you need to try what the other cook makes too."

"But sis! The other guy doesn't cook as good as Malik," Jou whined.

Yugi nodded, "He does have a point Shizuka. So Ryou are we all still on for game night?"

"Of course we are. FYI Malik made the chicken cordon bleu, the vegetables and the potatoes. Make sure you get bread you guys," Ryou said.

The three hungry young adults filled their plates and sat down at a table and ate as if they had never eaten before. No one could blame them, the manager of the hotel worked everyone like a slave. Of course at that moment the manager himself entered the restaurant. He walked up to the buffet and smiled at Kira.

"Privet Dartz," Kira said annoyed, "Is there anything you need?"

Dartz lifted an eyebrow, "Well that sounded unprofessional. If I hear you doing that tomorrow, you are going to be fired."

"You can't do that," Ryou spoke up.

Dartz sent a cold glare at the boy, "If you like your job then you keep your mouth shut. Good day and get to work."

As the manager walked away, Kira let out a string of words in her native tongue that Ryou was sure he didn't want to know the translation. The white haired boy sighed a bit. He looked up at the ceiling. It wasn't until Kira elbowed his side gently that he snapped out of it. That was when he noticed all of the people. He looked at the line, making sure to note what they needed. Then he walked to the kitchen and told Malik what he needed. Malik already had the replacements ready and just handed them to the British boy.

This repeated until they closed. This time they were lucky and closed at one thirty. Sometimes people were still eating and they had to close much later. Once the two finished cleaning the buffet line they went into the kitchen and got Malik. They clocked out, the wear and tear of the day showing on their faces. Ryou drove them back to their house.

As soon as they got home Malik staggered over to the couch. He was exhausted. Ryou lied on the other couch and Kira got the recliner. They all took a deep breath.

"I'm tired," Malik said, closing his eyes, "Wake me up in an hour."

Kira nodded, "Me too…"

Ryou watched as his roommates went to sleep. He wished with all of his heart that he could fall asleep like they did too. He only got thirty minutes in. Then he woke up with the alarm he set. The other two opened their eyes groggily.

"Do we have to get up?" Malik asked.

Kira threw a pillow at him, "Da we do. Remember game night? Plus Ryou needs his vitamins."

The Egyptian shot out of bed the instant the Russian mentioned that. They all decided to change since they would be out in public. They went comfortably. When they came back Kira had five boxes of take and bake pizza and the vitamin for her roommate. Malik looked at the time.

"We have an hour before everyone gets here, do we want to start baking the pizza's now?" He asked.

The other boy shook his head, "We can wait. Jou and Shizuka are never here on time so we can start baking them when Yugi gets here."

The girl nodded, "That sounds like a good plan."

At six sharp Yugi was knocking on the door. He smiled as he entered. He brought the desert that was red velvet cake. The short male helped them set up the living room and bake the pizzas. By the time Jou and his sister arrived, everything was ready.

"Man do I love game night!" Jou exclaimed as he took a bite of pizza.

Yugi nodded, "Me too, Dartz kept coming into my shop today. He asked me why no one was in the store. As if I know."

"He threatened us again," Ryou spoke up.

Malik turned to his roommate, "Again? What's with him?"

"He's nervous for tomorrow," Shizuka said knowingly.

Kira lifted an eyebrow, "What happens tomorrow?"

"You mean you three don't know?" Yugi said in shock.

Malik leaned in, "Know what?"

"You know no one tells the kitchen staff anything," Ryou mumbled.

Shizuka spoke up, "You all know of the owners of the hotel right?"

"Da there are four of them right?" Jou asked.

Shizuka kept going, "Well four families but five men in general. Two brother and the other three are family friends I think…"

"What does this have to do with Dartz?" Ryou asked.

The brunette had excitement written all over her face, "Starting tomorrow the sons of the owners are going to be staying at the hotel."

"Seriously? Why?" The Egyptian asked.

The young girl shrugged, "No clue but I heard they're single. Kira here's our chance to marry rich!"

"Oh yeah let me impress these rich boys with my sexy accent," The other girl joked.

Jou snickered, "It just might work."

It was a fun game night. After it was over, everyone cleaned up. It was also a tradition that Yugi, Jou and Shizuka stayed the night. It wasn't an issue. There was more than enough room. In fact, the three were considering moving in so they wouldn't have to worry about rent so much. Slowly they were leaving their things there. Malik joked that one day they were going to stay and never leave. Inside, Ryou wished that would happen every game night. He wanted to have all of friends there. They were a family.

That night, Ryou slept soundly. Little did he know that when he woke up that next morning and went to work his life was going to change. Whether for better or worse no one knew. It was just going to change.

Okay that is the end of the chapter. I know you are all wondering why our other character's aren't here yet. Don't worry you will see them in the next chapter. I hope you liked this. If you do please review, I will really appreciate it. As you read this, I will be writing the next chapter. I promise to get that update ASAP but I have a job and my job likes to wear me out so I will try my best. Have faith in me!


Dobroe Utro = Good Morning

Da = Yes


Yours truly,
