What's Worse

My first attempt on a Walking Dead fanfiction. I love the show, and love the characters. This is more of a practise story, so I can get Daryl's character sorted lol. Also, sorry if you're not a fan of OC's. I just made one so it could make it more easy to write about the characters too, if that makes sense lol. Enjoy.

Dragging a freshly killed buck back to the remaining survivors, Daryl Dixon and newly found survivor Sian Taylor were silent on their trek back. All except the complaining groans Sian made. For a dead animal, it was very heavy, much to her misfortune.

"How far is it now?" She strained to say up to Daryl, who was carrying the front legs of the dead animal.

"You just asked me that, God woman, stop complainin'," Daryl barked back at the tanned skinned female. Suddenly the weight of the animal increased for Daryl, as he heard a thud on the ground behind him. He turned around to face Sian, only to see that she had dropped her side of the animal, and now had an annoyed expression with her hands on her hips. "What now?"

"Why the hell am I even helping you? I certainly owe you no favours," she began walking off ahead, passed him. "Not after what you did."

"Ya' still goin' on about that?" He attempted to carry the whole animal himself, which was less quicker than when Sian had helped. "Ya' gotta learn to let things go."

"I let go of the deer, didn't I?" Sian tuned back and replied smugly.

"You were dressed like a fuckin' Walker, How the hell was I supposed to know?"

"Wasn't like I was comin' at ya, was it? If I remember rightly, you shouted at me, 'God look at the state of this ugly fucker' then bam! You fired your cross bow at me arm!" the sound of Daryl chuckling was heard behind her, which she shot her head round to.

"That was kinda funny, ya' gotta admit," he smirked playfully.

"Hilarious," she stated, rolling her eyes at his attitude, taking a seat on a small tree log that laid on the ground. Minding the huge bandage that consumed most of her left arm.

"Hey, getup, we can't lay around, gotta get this back to the others," said Daryl, sweat pouring off his forehead from combination of heat and tiredness.

"First off, I'm sitting, not laying. Second, I need a break, by the looks of it, you do too," she reached into the back pocket of her shorts and took a cigarette from the packet she had.

"We don't got time for breaks, not out here," he argued. However, she held her index finger up to him to silence him. She had made up her mind, she wanted a break. She saw the anger in his expression, so pulled another cigarette from her packet before putting them back in her back pocket. She held it up to get his attention.

"You want?" she asked, watching his expression carefully. She knew he wanted the cigarette, his face was hungry for it. "Get ya' butt down here, then." she held the cigarette out for him, as he gave a sigh in defeat and took a seat next to her on the log. He took the cigarette and held it as Sian lit it up for him before lighting up her own, both taking a long drag and releasing all the smoke from their mouths. "So,"

"So?" Daryl repeated. "What?"

"You got, Rick, Shane, even T-Dog, yet you only agreed when I asked to come with you. Why is that?" she asked, patting his knee through every last word she said.

"We're doing the reason now," he smirked, holding up the cigarette.

"Oh, charming," she smiled, while he gave a small chuckle. "You are such an asshole," she said playfully.

"You've been with us for a week, and ya' just findin' that out now?" he smirked.

"Oh no, I've always known, you know, arrow in the arm doesn't scream great first impression."

"Ha, like I said, wasn't my fault,"

"You could at least apologise for it," Sian tried to avoid looking at him, but found herself staring aimlessly at his face.

"Not even if I was being hung by my balls over a pack of geeks," that image of that played in Sian's mind, and sickened her slightly.

"That's actually disgusting, I feel sick and you've put me off this thing now, thanks," she threw her cigarette into the ground and stomped on it.

"Ya'll telling me that through everything that's goin' on, that made you feel sick?"

"Yes," she replied quickly. "Yes, you disgust me, Mr Dixon."

"Harsh," he smirked, finding her childish behaviour strangely amusing.

"Harsh? Are you kiddin'? You nearly took me arm off, and I'm harsh?" Daryl quickly used his hand to cover her mouth, she frown and made protest noises from behind his hand till she notice him hold his finger to his lips, pointing to a Walker not far from where they sat, luckily it hadn't noticed them yet. It's moaning and hissing sound as it aimlessly walked around.

Daryl scanned the floor for his crossbow, but noticed that he had left it next to his kill. If he moved, the Walker would most likely see and beat him to it. Sian's eyes widened in fear at the situation. How on earth would this work out.

"Get the cross bow," Sian whispered, removing his hand from her mouth. "Quickly!" she then got up and picked up a small pebble, throwing it at the Walker's head. "Hey!"

Daryl was in shock as she walked out far enough that the Walker didn't even look in Daryl's direction. It began limping towards her, hungry and wanting to feast upon flesh.

Sian's eyes signalled for Daryl to grab the cross bow right away, he got up and did so. Quickly aiming it at the Walker's head, he was about to shoot when Sian tripped backwards, falling onto her back, landing awkwardly on her bad arm. This allowed the Walker to catch up and was about to kneel down and feast. Sian let out a huge scream at the Walker's blood dripping teeth and corpse like face descended towards her.

Suddenly the head that was about to bite her, exploded, splattering deceased brain and blood all over her.

"Got it," Daryl smirked, victoriously. Noticing her face was disgusted with the amount of brains and blood all over her. "Ya'll alrigh'?" he asked, grabbing her hand and hoisting her to her feet. Expecting a reply, he ended up receiving a punch on the arm.

"You couldn't have left any later?" she screeched at the Redneck. "I said quickly get the cross bow! Quickly! Do you know what that means?"

"Ya' alrigh' ain't ya'?"

"No! I hurt my arm again, once again, because of you!"

"Not my fault you tripped over your big feet!"

"Oh, the not my fault shit again, why you don't you ever admit to being responsible for anything?" she barked at him.

"Cos it ain't my fault?"

"Of course not," she sighed in frustration. "Nothing ever is. Daryl Dixon. Mr Perfect. Now if you'll excuse me. I'm going to go back and have a shower." she stormed off back towards camp, leaving him to drag the buck himself. He looked down at the dead animal then back at Sian as she walked off. He had something he wanted to get off his chest, and he was going to, that evening.

Well, here was the first attempt lol sorry if it wasn't so good to start. I'm still learning :') Please leave a review and thanks for reading. xx