Just something super short that popped into my head based on an episode of Mad About You which I found very funny.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, or even the story line. No infringement is intended.
Hotch collapsed next to Emily on the bed with a groan. They both lay on their backs, breathing hard, faces flushed from their recent exertion.
Emily spoke first. "That was incredible, honey." She turned her head and gave Hotch a smile filled with satisfaction.
He raised an eyebrow. "Not that I'm not flattered, but incredible, really?"
She frowned at her husband. "What, you think I'm just saying it to stroke your ego?"
"Well, it's not exactly the first time you've done it."
"That was a one-off!" she protested. "You were tired and I was horny. Not a good combination. I shouldn't have seduced you into making love to me that night. You weren't exactly at the top of your game after that week long case in Jacksonville."
"Hmm … I think I liked it better when you were stroking my ego," he replied drily.
"You were good enough to get me off, and you did make the effort. Which I very much appreciated."
"I didn't make that much of an effort today."
"I know, sweetie, but you were still amazing."
"Incredible and amazing, huh?" He didn't sound convinced.
"Yes." She rolled her eyes. For goodness sake, just because she had once told him he had been fantastic when in truth it had been more along the lines of mediocre, it seemed that he now couldn't accept any compliments on his sexual prowess.
"Okay, then, rate the orgasm you just had."
Her eyebrows shot up. "What?"
"Between 1 and 10. 1 for 'what, that was an orgasm?' and 10 for 'I think I just died because you're the most incredible lover in history, Aaron'."
Emily gaped at him. "Are you serious?"
"I'm always serious." To underline that fact, his dark eyes focussed intently at her.
"Oh, for the love of God! It was a 9, okay?"
"Ye..ah, I don't believe you."
She gave him an incredulous look. "Honey, I'm not lying! It was a really, really amazing orgasm. I literally saw stars. You totally outdid yourself today."
Hotch harrumphed. "Emily, we've been married for 8 years, we don't get 9s anymore."
"You know what, I give up." She got off the bed and headed to the bathroom. She paused midway, eyeing his nude form. "We should get cleaned up and put some clothes on. Jess is dropping off the kids in about 20 minutes. And I'm not really all that keen to get into the birds and the bees after this particular conversation."
Four days later...
"Oh... Aa...ron..." Emily moaned softly as Hotch stiffened above her. He made a sound low in his throat before covering her body with his.
She held him tight as they tried to catch their breath. After a while, he shifted off her and turned her onto her side. He spooned up against her, sliding his arm around her waist.
"So what was that?"
She didn't have to be a profiler to know what he meant. "It was a 6."
"That's more like it. Good night, sweetheart, love you." His voice was filled with contentment.
She grinned to herself in the darkness. This from the man who hadn't been satisfied until he gave her at least a 9 and a half – twice – in their early days of courting. Not that she had the time nor the energy nowadays for that. A 6 was good, she was happy with a 6. And the occasional 9. Because he still turned her on like crazy even after 8 years. "I love you, too."
Sorry for the barrage of fics from me at the moment, my mind's working overtime with ideas. Thanks for reading!