Lily Potter a young woman with fiery red hair, intelligent emerald green eyes and a slightly muscular figure and a very obvious bump stood staring out the window, but her mind was elsewhere, she was thinking of the war that was currently raging and how she wished there was a way for her to help, Instead she was in hiding with her husband and young son, she sighed softly turning away from the window to face her husband, James had messy black hair and warm hazel eyes and an athletic build due to years of playing Quidditch and recently completing his training to be an Auror.

"James, do you think we made the right choice?"

"About what love?"

"About going in to hiding." Lily said softly

"Lils we did what we had to do to protect Harry and our unborn daughter" James explained gently.

Lily nodded walking over to the couch picking up her son as she went. Settling on the couch Harry move off of his mother and stood to the side and reached to gently pat her belly.

"Baby," Harry mumbled

"That's right sweetie, Mummy has a baby in her belly,"

(Dumbledore's Office)

Albus Dumbledore was many things, Supreme Mugwump of the international confederation of Wizard, Chief of Warlock of the Wizengamot, Leader of the Order of the Phoenix and Headmaster of Hogwarts.

Albus considered himself as a powerful leader of the light and also as the figurehead for the greater good, ever since his very public defeat of Grindelwald the Ministry has looked to him in times of need, with Voldemort and his followers on the rise it was once again his time to shine, or at least it would be if that damned prophecy hadn't been made.

~~~~~~~~Start Memory~~~~~~~~~

Albus was sitting in the Hog's Head a pub nursing a butterbeer waiting for the applicant for the newly opened Divination position at Hogwarts; he heard the bell above the door and saw a young woman with wild frizzy hair milk bottle glasses with many layers of clothing covering her thin frame.

"Ah you must be Sybil Trelawney?"

"Yes, I am, I knew you would be here." Replied Sybil hiccupping

"Well we did arrange to meet here for your interview."

"Yes, but I knew before arriving that you would be here before me with a drink already ordered."

Albus sighed rolling his eyes not that the young lady noticed. It took all of 10 minutes for the Headmaster to conduct his interview, quickly realising that while being the great-great-great-granddaughter of Cassandra Trelawney Sybil did not inherit her gift as she claimed.

"I'm Sorry my dear but I am afraid you are not right for the position," Albus said rising intending to get back to the school hopefully before the end of lunch.

"What please give me a chance!" the young woman exclaimed

Ignoring the Sybil Albus turned getting ready to leave when Sybil spoke again but her voice was different it now sounded deeper and like there was more than simply her speaking, He turned back to her but she wasn't looking at him, her eyes had taken on a slightly fogged appearance.

"Those to vanquish the Dark Lord approach... Power of the Moon and Protector... born to those who have thrice defied him... Born as the seventh month dies,"

Albus heard someone leave and rush to the door but paid them no mind, to focus on what was being said.

"The Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, He shall posses powers the dark lord knows not... power to protect, She not yet born to be protected...Those to vanquish the Dark Lord approach" (Thank you to Sailor Light Angel for the Prophecy )

Sybil seemed to come back to herself suddenly her eyes clearing and moving to the headmaster,

"Ah I'm sorry Headmaster did you say something?"

"Yes I have decided to reconsider you for the position of Divination Professor, if you could please be ready start at the beginning of the new school year and I will arrange for rooms to be prepared for you."

After agreeing on a date for Sybil to come to Hogwarts Albus left the Hog's Head and started on the walk back to the School the Prophecy in his head.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Memory~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Once again the headmaster was going over the prophecy in his head,

He knew of two couples who had defied Tom 3 times, Frank and Alice Longbottom and James and Lily potter, Frank and Alice have a son born on the 1st of August, but the prophecy mentions a second child, James and Lily also have a son Born on the 31st of July and Lily was currently pregnant with the couple's second child. He had informed both families of the prophecy and both were now in hiding, the only thing currently that he couldn't understand was the power of the Moon, did this mean that the second child would be born under a full moon or did it have a more obscure meaning, he decided to do a bit more research on Moon lore before coming to a final conclusion.

"Albus I need your help." Minerva McGonagall his the deputy head cried storming in to his office

"Minerva what seems to be the problem" Albus smiled

"It's peeves he is dropping water balloons filled with oil in the grand staircase and a student has been injured!"

"I will speak with the Bloody Baron and see if he can keep Peeves from pulling his prinks in the halls, Which student has been injured?" Albus said rising from behind his desk to go the dungeons to speak with the Baron.

"Anne Montgomery a she is a second year Ravenclaw who has broken 3 ribs because of that damned poltergeist," exclaimed Minerva following him out.

~~~~~~~~~Time Skip Halloween 1981~~~~~~~~~~~

It was Halloween and Lily was restless she had forgotten how uncomfortable the last weeks of pregnancy were. James was sitting on the carpet playing with Harry to tire him out as much as possible before putting him to bed when they both felt the wards around the house collapse.

"Lily take Harry and run!" said James handing the child to his mother and moving the two towards the stairs, when the front door was blasted off its hinges.

Lily had just disappeared over the top of the stairs when the silhouette of Lord Voldemort appeared in the door, sending a quick stupefy to James Potter he walked past the now unconscious Aruror and up the stairs to what he guessed was the nursery, Inside he found Lily Potter standing protectively in front of her son her wand pointed at the Dark Lord,

"Stand aside girl and I won't harm you,"


Lord Voldemort regarded the woman in front of him for a moment, the defiance in her was impressive and there was no fear to be found in the glare she was levelling at him.

"Such a waste of talent, foolish girl I will not ask a third time, Stand aside!"

"No, I won't let you kill my son!"

"Very well, I will kill you all then," sighed the dark lord, levelling his wand at the mother and son "AVADA KADAVRA!"

the same moment Voldemort's the deadly curse hit the duo Harry opened his eyes and a shield erupted and surrounded him and his Mother the light that radiated from the shield made it impossible for Lily to see the sickly green curse rebound back towards its caster, the dark lord was dead before he hit the ground,

Harry started to cry and Lily picked up her son to comfort him seeing the bleeding lightning bolt shaped cut that now graced his forehead.

With Harry on her hip Lily cautiously exited the nursery and descended the stairs her heart beating rapidly terrified of what she would find at the bottom of the stairs, quickly scanning the room Lily saw her husband lying on the floor at the same time she heard the distinctive crack of multiple people apperating in to the area surrounding the cottage.

"LILY! JAMES!" the desperate cries of were unmistakable,

"IN HERE!" was all Lily could choke out the events of the night threating to overwhelm her.

Sirius Black and Remus Lupin the long-time best friends of James rushed in to the barely recognisable front hall of the Potters home.

"Lily, thank Merlin are you and Harry ok?" Sirius asked sounding both relived and worried, "Where's Prongs?"

Lily points over to where James is lying, Sirius rushed over to his brother in all but blood while Remus took Harry from Lily,

"He's breathing!" Sirius exclaimed casting a spell to bring James round,

"LILY!" James gasped

"James it's alright Lily and Harry are both fine,"

"Th.. they are?" James coughed

"Yes, look they're next to the stairs," Sirius replied gently easing him up

James gingerly and with help from Sirius walked over to his wife wrapping his arms around her and then taking Harry from Remus,

"Lils what happened?"

"I'm not exactly sure, I was sure we were about to die and then I couldn't see anything but I could feel the power radiating off of Harry, then the light faded he was dead and Harry was crying," turning to Sirius and Remus Lily asked "I thought I heard more people arriving?"

"You did, Professor Dumbledore is here as well, He is securing the area outside to prevent any muggles wandering over." Remus explained.

The group left the house to join the other members of the order, and where bombarded with questions.

"Lily, James are you all ok?"

"What happened?"

"You should both go to St Mungo's"

"I think before anyone leaves that we should find out what happened here," Albus announced,

"We were betrayed!" began James "Wormtail was the traitor, and he showed thee You-Know-Who where to find us,"

From there Lily explained the events leading up to the death of the Dark Lord to those gathered around her, once she was finished Dumbledore took charge,

"Well it seems that the prophecy was about young Harry, I think that the best course of action is to keep the boy in hiding until he is ready to come to Hogwarts, with this I think placing him in the custody of his non magical relatives the most agreeable course of action and for the baby to join him once she arrives."

"You're kidding right?" Lily Exclaimed,"

"I'm afraid not, it will be the only way for them to have normal lives,"

"My sister and her husband both despise magic, you can't really think James or I will actually let you take our children from us because if you do then you belong in the Janus Thickney ward at St Mungo's," raged Lily

"Lily please don't argue, I have made up my mind, this is in the best interest of your children."

"I'm sorry but that's not happening," Exclaimed James moving to stand in front of Lily and Harry.

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice, I will give you a few minutes to say goodbye to Harry and then I will arrange for him to be taken to Petunia's tonight," Albus said, things will go his way, once the boy arrives at Petunia's he will erect wards to prevent anybody finding the children.

"Albus I think your forgetting that I am the head of the Ancient and Noble house of Potter if you try to take Harry or the baby once its born I will declare a blood feud and bring to light every single secret to light," James Snarled, "Come on Lily let's take Harry to St Mungo's to be checked over,"

James and Lily walked over to the road with Sirius and Remus behind them; James took out his wand and called for the night bus which once its passengers all on took off in to the night.