Something Better II

Author: Malachite

Disclaimer: Another nighttime fic. Also not exactly super edited or anything…but wanted to post it. BTR is not mine. This story is. Please review.

James quietly padded towards the kitchen counter, sifting through the multiple piles of envelopes and magazines scattered about. He quickly moved through each pile, frustrated at how many little ones there were. He huffed when he noticed there were little piles in the dining room as well. "Because it's so hard to gather everything together," he mumbled under his breath.

"Stop snooping around," a droll female voice chided. James flicked his gaze up briefly from the envelopes he was shuffling through, and then went back to the task at hand.

"I'm just getting my mail, Mom." He coughed sharply as he shoved the only two envelopes he'd found with his name into his pocket, wincing as his chest tightened uncomfortably. "It's all spread out."

She sighed and waved a hand dismissively. "Just stop snooping and go home."

He coughed again, pounding his chest as he swiftly walked down a hallway. "After I use the bathroom!" He sprinted to the hallway bathroom, trying to ignore his mother's protests. He peeked in, and then loudly shut the door, still standing in the hallway. Trying t keep the strange coughing-wheezing under control, he quietly, in his best ninja manner, made his way to his old bedroom.

He stepped into the dark room, flicking on the lights, then immediately felt his heart wrench. It'd been months since his father had insisted that that the room needed to be emptied out (even the closets), but the only difference was the carpet looked freshly vacuumed. Even all his bedroom set furniture was there. He coughed painfully, leaning against the wall as his stomach flipped and chest ached. He felt ill, and like he couldn't breathe properly. A whimper slipped out his lips, sounding off the empty room's bare walls.

Why? Why was his room, his life shoved into open crappy cardboard boxes in a dingy garage then? He took one last look around, and then stomped out, unable to be there anymore. He didn't know how to feel. Betrayed? Angry? Sad? Unloved? Unloved definitely. He noisily opened the bathroom door as he passed it, and then strode past his mother watching television and ignoring him. He bitterly noticed his father's office moved into the living room (previously more of a sitting room for entertaining guests really). Wonderful.

The garage was open when he stepped out of the front door into the driveway, revealing the living room end tables and sofa. "Of course," he muttered in annoyance.

His father was puttering around noisily in the garage as James walked by. "Hello, son" he greeted curtly.

"Hello." James responded just as curtly, hopping into the rental car and zooming out. He needed to calm down somehow.

James threw open the hotel's lobby doors, growling. He stomped into the open elevator, jabbing his floor number and pouting fiercely. "Stupid Kendall and his stupid family reunion dinner!" To his credit, the blonde boy was very sweet and supportive over the phone, but that just made James tear up and need the blonde's presence that much more. He marched down the hallway and jammed his cardkey into his door, yanking it open, and was immediately hit with the scent of chocolate and…baking?

"James!" Carlos head popped up from the suite's couch. The Latino boy grinned, holding up a huge plastic wrapped plate of cookies. "Look what I got for you!"

James couldn't help the soft smile that tugged at his lips. "Carlos…"

Carlos leapt off the couch, dashing up to the taller boy and smiling up, whipping the plastic off and shoving the plate in James' face. "Look!"

James took a step back, inhaling the delicious scent. "These…are oatmeal chocolate chip…my favorite…" He delicately took one, biting into the chewy treat. It was still moist, warm, and gooey. James moaned in pleasure, talking with his mouth full. "These are amazing! Don't tell me you…?"

Carlos bounced on his heels, ducking his head as he blushed. "Yeah, I did." He put down the plate on the kitchenette counter and stared as James polished off cookie number one, licked his fingers, and started on his second. He blushed even more at the sight of James sucking melted chocolate off of his fingertips.

"Yeah, Mama is gonna freak when she sees what I did to her kitchen…" He looked up and smirked mischievously at James. "But it was an emergency! I had no time to clean up!"

James finished his second cookie, and then grabbed a water bottle out of the mini fridge. He thoughtfully twisted off the cap and took a sip. "It's destroyed, isn't it?" He smirked as he took a long drink.

Carlos nodded, rubbing the back of his head, which James noticed was surprisingly helmet free. "Yeah, it's bad…that's why I had to hurry once I got them out of the oven! I couldn't even get my helmet!"

James put down the water bottle on the counter, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Carlos was fidgeting and jittering, looking more embarrassed than ever. It was extremely cute. James stepped forward, wrapping the shorter boy in his arms. Carlos squeezed back tight. "Thank you. Thank you…so much."

Carlos tucked his head under James' chin, smiling warmly. "Welcome…Kendal said it was an emergency so…I just…I wanted to try make you happy."

James pulled back a little, resting his hands on Carlos' shoulders as he stared into the boy's big, deep brown eyes that glowed with friendship and light. "You have. I'm…happy."

Carlos bit his lip, tilting his head and looking up at his friend curiously. "Are you mad at Kendall for telling me about the whole bedroom thing? Oh, and Logan too…"

"What? No, I told him he could anyways. You guys are everything to me. I know you'll always be there for me."

Carlos fiddled with the string on his hoodie. "Kendall was really pissed when his mom wouldn't let him come. Logan convinced him not to steal his mom's car keys and drive here. Logan's with his grandparents so…I'm sorry, you get third best…"

James flicked Carlos in the head, causing an "ow" and pout. "You're not third best. You're really cool, and awesome, and a great friend, and…sweet." James grinned as Carlos ducked his head again.

Feeling impulsive, Carlos grabbed James in a tight bear hug, voice raspy and barely above a hoarse whisper. "I know you think your family doesn't love you." James' breath hitched. "But I love you. You're my best friend!" He swallowed hard. "I need you…"

James rubbed Carlos' back, a nice warm feeling replacing the painful tightness that had him coughing and gasping all day. "I need you too…"